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Presentation for ‘Scratchy and Scratchy’ By P/J inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation for ‘Scratchy and Scratchy’ By P/J inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation for ‘Scratchy and Scratchy’ By P/J inc.

2 Task You have been asked to make a T.V advert for a new doll, Baby Love. Unfortunately, the manufacturers are still undecided about the overall appearance of the doll. You hired us P/J inc. and asked us the following questions. 1.Show the children five dolls. Which one do they prefer? 2. Who is most likely to play with this doll? 3. When would the best time to advertise this be? 4. Can you think of alternative names for the doll? Which is the most popular?

3 Which Doll Would They Prefer?


5 Who Is Most Likely To Play With Dolls?


7 Which Kids TV Show is The Best To Advertise Dolls?


9 Which Alternative Name is The Best?


11 Our advice to you is to name the doll Annabelle because, as you could see from the graph it is the most popular name. It would also be wise to advertise after Telletubbies and only show doll 1,doll 3 and doll 4. You should also aim this at parents and girls aged from 3-5. We hope you use our company again. Thanks for listening.

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