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Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders

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1 Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders
Clicker Questions Psychology, 7th Edition by Sandra E. Hockenbury, Susan A. Nolan, and Don H. Hockenbury Slides by Cathleen Campbell-Raufer, Ph.D. Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders

2 1. ______ refers to the scientific study of the origins, symptoms, and development of psychological disorders. a. Abnormal psychology b. Psychodiagnostic c. Psychophysiology d. Psychopathology

3 1. ______ refers to the scientific study of the origins, symptoms, and development of psychological disorders. a. Abnormal psychology b. Psychodiagnostic c. Psychophysiology d. Psychopathology

4 2. _________ is a book that is used to classify and diagnose psychological disorders. a. DSM-5 b. WAIS c. GRE d. MMPI

5 2. _________ is a book that is used to classify and diagnose psychological disorders. a. DSM-5 b. WAIS c. GRE d. MMPI

6 3. A sudden episode of extreme anxiety that may include a pounding heart, rapid breathing and a choking sensation is referred to as: a. generalized anxiety disorder b. panic attack c. paraphilic disorder d. neurodevelopmental disorder

7 3. A sudden episode of extreme anxiety that may include a pounding heart, rapid breathing and a choking sensation is referred to as: a. generalized anxiety disorder b. panic attack c. paraphilic disorder d. neurodevelopmental disorder

8 4. Excessive fear of heights would be classified as a: a
4. Excessive fear of heights would be classified as a: a. social phobia b. agoraphobia c. PTSD d. specific phobia

9 4. Excessive fear of heights would be classified as a: a
4. Excessive fear of heights would be classified as a: a. social phobia b. agoraphobia c. PTSD d. specific phobia

10 5. Which of the following is an obsession rather than a compulsion. a
5. Which of the following is an obsession rather than a compulsion? a. repeatedly washing yourself b. repetitively checking that the door is locked c. counting to 10 before opening the dishwasher d. fear that you have harmed another person

11 5. Which of the following is an obsession rather than a compulsion. a
5. Which of the following is an obsession rather than a compulsion? a. repeatedly washing yourself b. repetitively checking that the door is locked c. counting to 10 before opening the dishwasher d. fear that you have harmed another person

12 6. Smiling less often is a(n) ______ symptom of major depression.
a. behavioral b. emotional c. cognitive d. physical

13 6. Smiling less often is a(n) ______ symptom of major depression.
a. behavioral b. emotional c. cognitive d. physical

14 7. Which of the following has NOT been implicated in the development of mood disorders?
a. genetics b. religious beliefs c. brain chemistry d. stressful life events

15 7. Which of the following has NOT been implicated in the development of mood disorders?
a. genetics b. religious beliefs c. brain chemistry d. stressful life events

16 8. People with ______ are often at a normal weight or can even be overweight.
a. bulimia nervosa b. anorexia nervosa c. body dysthymia d. exercise anorexia nervosa

17 8. People with ______ are often at a normal weight or can even be overweight.
a. bulimia nervosa b. anorexia nervosa c. body dysthymia d. exercise anorexia nervosa

18 9. Which is NOT true of individuals with personality disorders. a
9. Which is NOT true of individuals with personality disorders? a. their behaviors and interpersonal functioning are stable over time b. they tend to blame others for the problems c. their thoughts and emotions are maladaptive d. they often seek professional mental help

19 9. Which is NOT true of individuals with personality disorders. a
9. Which is NOT true of individuals with personality disorders? a. their behaviors and interpersonal functioning are stable over time b. they tend to blame others for the problems c. their thoughts and emotions are maladaptive d. they often seek professional mental help

20 10. Men are MORE likely than women to have ______, which can manifest in childhood as cruelty to animals, fire setting, and destroying property. a. antisocial personality disorder b. schizophrenia c. borderline personality disorder d. paranoid personality disorder

21 10. Men are MORE likely than women to have ______, which can manifest in childhood as cruelty to animals, fire setting, and destroying property. a. antisocial personality disorder b. schizophrenia c. borderline personality disorder d. paranoid personality disorder

22 11. ______ personality disorder falls under the dramatic, emotional, erratic cluster.
a. Schizophrenia b. Avoidant c. Obsessive-compulsive d. Borderline

23 11. ______ personality disorder falls under the dramatic, emotional, erratic cluster.
a. Schizophrenia b. Avoidant c. Obsessive-compulsive d. Borderline

24 12. The disorder where the person leaves home and assumes a new identity is: a. dissociative amnesia b. dissociative fugue c. dissociative identity disorder d. multiple personality disorder

25 12. The disorder where the person leaves home and assumes a new identity is: a. dissociative amnesia b. dissociative fugue c. dissociative identity disorder d. multiple personality disorder

26 13. Some psychologists are skeptical regarding the existence of ______ because of the dramatic increase in prevalence rates since the 1970s. a. obsessive-compulsive disorder b. major depressive disorder c. dissociative identity disorder d. antisocial personality disorder

27 13. Some psychologists are skeptical regarding the existence of ______ because of the dramatic increase in prevalence rates since the 1970s. a. obsessive-compulsive disorder b. major depressive disorder c. dissociative identity disorder d. antisocial personality disorder

28 14. Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?
a. Extraversion b. Delusions c. Alogia d. Flat affect

29 14. Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?
a. Extraversion b. Delusions c. Alogia d. Flat affect

30 15. Which neurotransmitter has been implicated in schizophrenia?
a. dopamine b. serotonin c. acetylcholine d. nicotine

31 15. Which neurotransmitter has been implicated in schizophrenia?
a. dopamine b. serotonin c. acetylcholine d. nicotine

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