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Welcome to art class GRADES 6-8.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to art class GRADES 6-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to art class GRADES 6-8

2 Pics from Art Show 2017

3 ABOUT ME: Amelia Cullen
This is the beginning of my 19th year of teaching. My husband is also a teacher and coach at Marshall County High School. I have two children: Amelia, who is in 7th grade , and Cullen, who is in 2nd grade. I love the beach, Marvel comics, scary movies, and cats!

4 SUPPLIES It will be easier if you have your own markers, but that is not required. However, You must bring colored pencils, a notebook with paper and a pencil every time you come to art class. *THE ONLY SUPPLIES THAT I AM REQUIRING ARE A PACK OF BLACK SHARPIES (PERMANENT MARKERS) *$5.00 ART SUPPLY FEE is requested. This fee will pay for clay, paint, printmaking tools, watercolor pencils, etc. I try to supply markers and colored pencils for you, but the markers dry out really fast and the colored pencils are used up quickly.

5 Responsibilities You will be responsible for completing all classwork (which includes bell work, taking guided notes, working in groups, and continuous work on an ongoing art project). Grades will be earned for classwork, other (participation), projects and quizzes. Quizzes will be very short over artists, concepts or cultures we have learned about. You will see me at least once a week. We will have related arts rotations on Fridays.

6 School Rules and classroom rules
C ome Ready M ake Responsible Choices S tay Respectful A lways do your own work R aise your hand T ouch only your paper I magine and use your own ideas S afely use materials T alk quietly when allowed S tay in your seat

7 Procedures Come into the room and go straight to your assigned seat
Begin working on your project or bellwork immediately at beginning of class. Always write your name, grade and class code on the back of your art. Pass your work over to the blue green dot on the table Place artwork on the shelf with your class code. Stay in seats when bell rings, as I am the one who dismisses you. Other procedures will be discussed as needed

8 Consequences Rewards 1st offense- warning
2nd offense- alternative assignment or alternative seating 3rd offense- phone call to parent/ guardian 4th offense- referral to office Awesome/ extraordinary behavior is rewarded with a Viking Voucher Class can do cool projects when everyone listens ???

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