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African Mud Cloth.

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Presentation on theme: "African Mud Cloth."— Presentation transcript:

1 African Mud Cloth

2 OBJECTIVES: Students will learn about the life, career, and artwork of African artists in various mediums using the same art form. (setting objectives; cues, questions, and advance organizers) Students will create a reproduction of an African Mudcloth. (providing recognition, providing feedback) Students will learn about printmaking techniques

3 How to reach all learning styles?
Visual: Working with images and information to create a reproduction of a mud cloth with learned information. Auditory: Will read out loud criteria of assignment and guidelines. Will be present in lab and in classroom to give assistance and reminders of the task at hand. Kinsetic: Creating something with the information found and creating a reproduction of an artwork from the learned information. Very hands on.

4 Student Work:




8 I loved this project! I loved the website and thought it was really fun for the kids to create a virtual mud cloth first before they did it themselves. I think it really helped them understand the entire process much better, even though we did a much easier version. As for the summary of the artists, we didn’t read the whole thing, I just summarized it for them, except for the traditional artist I had them read the whole thing. The hands on project was really fun and every student did a fantastic job at their project. These were displayed at our International Fair. Parents and teachers alike were very impressed with their work. The only thing I would do differently is NOT wear white the day we dye fabric. Big mistake.

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