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Published byTaylor McDougall Modified over 10 years ago
Contact International Office: Mrs. Griet Alberts ( or Study Program in the field of Electrical Engineering at Hochschule Emden/Leer/ Faculty of Technology Modul Modul (translation) Language of instruction Semester * CP Einführung in die Informatik Introduction to Computer Science GermanFall term/1 2,5 Elektrotechnik 1 Electrical Engineering 1 GermanFall term/1 7,5 Mathematik 1 Mathematics 1 GermanFall term/1 7,5 Physik Physics GermanFall term/1 5 Programmieren 1 Programming 1 GermanFall term/1 5 Schlüsselqualifikationen Key Competences GermanFall term/1 2,5 Elektrotechnik 2 Electrical Engineering 2 GermanSpring term/2 7,5 Hardwarenahe Programmierung Hardware Programming German Spring term/2 5 Mathematik 2 Mathematics 2 GermanSpring term/2 7,5 Programmieren 2 Programming 2 German Spring term/2 5 Technik/Wirtschaft/Politik Technology/Economy/Politics GermanSpring term/2 5 Elektrische Messtechnik Electrical Measurement GermanFall term/3 7,5 Elektrotechnik 3 Fundaments of Electrical Engineering 3 GermanFall term/3 10 Mathematik 3 Mathematics 3 GermanFall term/3 7,5 Programmieren 3 Programming 3 GermanFall term/3 5 Digitaltechnik Digital Systems GermanSpring term/4 7,5 Entwurf elektronischer Geräte/CAD Design of Electronical Devices/CAD GermanFall and spring term 4+5 7,5 Industrieelektronik Industrial electronics GermanSpring term/4 7,5 Rechnerarchitekturen Computer Organization GermanSpring term/4 5 Regelungstechnik Principles of Automatic Control GermanSpring term/4 5 Automatisierungssysteme Automation Systems GermanFall and spring term 5+6 7,5 Echtzeitdatenverarbeitung Real-Time Data-Processing German Fall term/5 5 Elektrische Antriebe Electrical Drives GermanFall and spring term 5+6 7,5 Hardware-Entwurf/VHDL Hardware Design with VHDL German Fall term/5 5 Hochfrequenztechnik / EMV High Frequency Technology GermanFall and spring term 5+6 5 *The academic year is divided into the fall semester (= semester 1, 3, 5) and the spring semester (= semester 2, 4, 6).Usually one course is either offered during he spring semester or during the fall semester. For example, the semester 4 or higher means that a course is offered during the spring semester for students of the 4th semester and more. IndiviIndividuinal Projects possible on request dual Projects/Final Projects possible on request Individual projects /Final projects possible on request in English language
Contact International Office: Mrs. Griet Alberts ( or Modul Modul (translation) Language of instructionSemester*CP Kalkulation und Teamarbeit Cost Estimation and Teamwork German Fall term/5 5 Marketing German Fall term/5 5 Mikrocomputertechnik Microcomputer Technology German Fall term/5 5 Parallele Systeme Parallel Systems German Fall term/5 5 Projektmanagement Project Management German Fall term/5 2,5 Rechnernetze Computer Networks German Fall term/5 5 Regelung und Simulation Automatic Control And Simulation German Fall term/5 5 Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen Algorithms and Data Structures GermanSpring term/6 5 BWL Business Administration for Engineers and Computer Scientists GermanSpring term/6 5 HW/SW-Codesign GermanSpring term/6 5 Nachrichtentechnik Communications GermanSpring term/6 5 Projektarbeit Project GermanSpring term/6 7,5 Verhandlungstechnik Negotiation Techniques GermanSpring term/6 5 Vertriebsprozesse Sales Processes GermanSpring term/6 5 Praxisphase Practical Period GermanFall term/7 18 Bachelorarbeit mit Kolloquium Bachelor Thesis GermanFall term/7 12 * * Course is not guaranteed each semester/check with faculty Angriffsszenarien und Gegenmaßnahmen Defend Against Security Attacks German * 5 Antennen und WellenausbreitungAntennas and Wave Propagation German * 2,5 App-Entwicklung für industrielle Anwendungen App-Development for Industrial Applications German * 2,5
Contact International Office: Mrs. Griet Alberts ( or Modul Modul (translation) Language of instructionSemester*CP Automatisieren nach IEC 61499Automation by IEC 61499 German * 2,5 Autonome SystemeAutonomous Systems German * 5 BeleuchtungstechnikLighting German * 2,5 Cisco Networking Academy 1 German * 2,5 Cisco Networking Academy 2 German * 2,5 Digitale FotografieDigital Photography German * 2,5 EnglischEnglish German * 2,5 Gebäudeautomatisierung mit KNX/EIBBuilding Automation with KNX/EIB German * 2,5 KommunikationssystemeCommunication Systems German * 2,5 LeistungselektronikPower Electronics German * 2,5 Modellbasierte Software-Entwicklung mit Zustandsautomaten Modelbased SW-Develoment with Finite State Machines German * 5 Objektorientierte Methoden zur Hardware- steuerung Object-Oriented-Programming of Hardware German * 5 PSpice Seminar German * 2,5 ProzessvisualisierungHuman Machine Interfaces German * 2,5 SatellitenortungSatellite Location Technology German * 2,5 Schnittstellen und BussystemeComputer Peripherials and Bus Systems German * 5 Spezielle Themen der ElektrotechnikSpecial Topics in Electrical Engineering German * 5 Spezielle Themen der NachrichtentechnikSelected Subjects from Communications Technology German * 2,5 StatistikStatistics German * 5 SystemprogrammierungSystem Programming German * 5 iOS-ProgrammierungiOS App Development German * 5
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