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Complexity and Computability Theory I

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1 Complexity and Computability Theory I
Lecture #14 Instructor: Rina Zviel-Girshin Lea Epstein Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

2 Formally: (Q, , , , q0, qaccept, qreject)
Q is the set of states.  is the input alphabet _  .  is the tape alphabet, _ and . :Qx  Qxx{R,L} the transition function. q0, qaccept, qreject the start, accept and reject states. qaccept  qreject Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

3 Example of TM Computing a Function
f1(w)=0|w| For every , (q0, )=(q0,0,R) (q0,_)=(q1,_,R). (q1,_)=(qaccept,_,L). s 1 2 3 4 5 qaccept Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

4 Computing the Function:
f2(w)=w For every , (q0, )=(q0, ,R) (q0,_)=(q1,_,R). (q1,_)=(qaccept,_,L). Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

5 States as Memory of Symbols
For each  there exists a state q. M that returns n of the input w= 12 ...n. (q0, i)=(qi,#,R) mark left cell+ remember first cell. (qi, j)=(qj,_,R) erase and remember the current cell. (qi, _)=(q’i,_,L) end-of-tape + return the last cell. (q’i, _)=(q’i,_,L) go backward with last cell. (q’i, #)=(qaccept, i,R) detect left cell write right cell+ stop. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

6 M that Computes the Right Cyclic Transformation:
f(12 ...n)= n12 ...n-1 Remember the left cell (using a state), mark it with # and move Right. Until right-end, _, write the previous cell value, remember the current value, and move right. When reach the right end, remember the value by the state and move left until reach the first cell, #. Write the last cell value in the first cell and stop. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

7 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
B={w#w|w{0,1}*} Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

8 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Summary TM: formal definition (Q, , , , q0, qaccept, qreject) TM: input. TM: output. Some examples. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

9 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
A “Stay” Move Can use: (q0,_)=(q1,_,R) (q1,_)=(qaccept,_,L) :Qx  Qxx{R,L,S} Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

10 Computing the Function:
f2(w)=w For every , (q0, )=(q0, ,R) (q0,_)=(qaccept,_,S). Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

11 Computers and Intuitive Computation
Every computer has a set of “simple” steps that change the environment. Can every function be computed by some computer? Formally: Can every function f:{0,1}* :{0,1}* be computed? Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

12 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Class 2 TM Configurations A Decider A Language of a TM More Examples of TM’s Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

13 Formally: (Q, , , , q0, qaccept, qreject)
Q is the set of states q0, qaccept, qrejectQ .  is the input alphabet _  .  is the tape alphabet, _ and . :{Q\ qaccept, qreject }x  Qxx{R,L} the transition function. q0, qaccept, qreject the start, accept and rejects states. qaccept  qreject Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

14 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Configuration The tape. The state. The control location on the tape. uqrejectv u,v * u=bbac v=bbdac b a c q d _ u v Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

15 Intial Configuration: q0w
The tape: w (the input) on the leftmost n squares of the tape. Example: w=00101 The rest of the tape is blank. The head starts on the left most square. 1 _ ... q0 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

16 Final Configuration: uqw
q {qaccept , qreject} The tape contains uw: Example: u = 00 w=101, The rest of the tape is blank. The output is u. q 1 1 _ _ _ ... Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

17 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
C1 yields C2 if C2 can be “reached” from C1 by the  function. u v a b c qi d _ C1: u v b a c qj d _ C2: Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

18 Special Case: left-hand end
Right transition (qi,b)= (qj,c,R): qibv yields cqjv Left transition (qi,b)= (qj,c,L): qibv yields qjcv Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

19 A Configuration Sequence
For a given TM M we denote by C1* Cn the existence of a set of configurations. Where Ci yields Ci+1 for i=1,…,n Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

20 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
M accept w: If a sequence of configurations C1, C2,…,Cn exists where: 1. C1 is a start configuration with w. 2. Each Ci yields Ci+1 3. Cn is an accepting configuration. 1-2: C1  * Cn Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

21 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
M reject w: If a sequence of configurations C1, C2,…,Cn exists where: 1. C1 is a start configuration on input w. 2. Each Ci yields Ci+1 3. Cn is a rejecting configuration. 1-2: C1  * Cn Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

22 Three possible outcomes of a TM
Accept. Reject. Loop. not necessarily repeating the same steps. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

23 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
M decides L: If M accepts all wL and M rejects all wL. That is: For every wL M accept w. For every wL M reject w. M is a Decider TM: If M Halts on all inputs. (never loop) Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

24 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
The Language of TM M L(M) = the collections of strings that M accepts. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

25 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Example The following TM M decides the language M=“on input string w 1. From left to right: cross off every other 0. 2. If in stage 1 a single 0 left: accept. an odd number of 0’s” reject. An even number: go to 1.” Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

26 Example: B={w#w|w{0,1}*}
M1=“On input string w: Scan and check that the input contains a single #. If not reject. Zig-zag to check whether corresponding positions on either sides of # contain the same symbol. If not, reject. Cross off the checked symbols. When all symbols to the left of # are crossed, check for remaining symbols to the right of #. If any symbol, reject. Otherwise, accept. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

27 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
B={w#w|w{0,1}*} How are 0’s and 1’s decoded? Where are the reject states? Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

28 TM for Deciding the Language C={aibjck|i x j=k and i,j,k>0}
M3 on input w: 1. Scan to the right to check whether w{a* b* c*} if not, reject. 2. Return head to the left hand side. 3. Cross: one a and the same num. of b and c. 4. Restore the crossed b and return to 3. accept if all a’s and c’s are crossed. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

29 The Element Distinctness Problem
E={#x1#x2#…#xn| xi{0,1}* and xixj ij} M4 is a TM that accept E: it compares each pair of xi and xj. At each “round” it marks a pair of the symbols # in an order that covers all possible pairs. It compares the two strings that follow the marked symbols #. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

30 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Alphabet Duplication How can we mark cells on the tape without changing their values? Duplicate the alphabet of  such that for each  there is another symbol ’ . . Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

31 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
B1={w1#w2|wi{0,1}* & w1 w2} What do we have to change? B={w#w|w{0,1}*} Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

32 Turing-decidable Languages:
B={w#w|w{0,1}*} C={aibjck|i x j=k and i,j,k>0} E={#x1#x2#…#xn| xi{0,1}* and xixi ij} Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

33 Using a TM to Compute a Function.
M is a TM that computes a (partial) function fM:*  * if there exist , * and qacceptQ s.t. q0w  *  qaccept. In this case fM(w)=. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

34 A Function With a Number of Arguments
Use a special symbol on the tape to separate between the arguments. w1&w2&…wn where &. Examples of functions: add(w1,w2) mult(w1,w2) max(w1,w2) Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

35 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Can we distinguish a machine that is looping from one that is merely taking a long time? Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

36 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
M recognize L: If M accepts all wL That is: For every wL M accept w. For every wL M reject w or M does not halt. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

37 Turing-Recognizable Language
A language L is Turing recognizable if there exists a TM M that recognizes it. That is L(M) for some TM M. Also named recursively-enumerable Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

38 Turing-Recognizable Languages:
B={w#w|w{0,1}*} C={aibjck|i x j=k and i,j,k>0} E={#x1#x2#…#xn| xi{0,1}* and xixi ij} Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

39 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Turing-recognizable Turing-decidable Turing-decidable Turing-recognizable Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

40 Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses
Up to Here Definition of a TM. Configurations: initial, final, general, transitions . Coding S (stay) transition. Remember symbols by states. Mark symbols. Computing a function: input & output values. Recognizing/deciding a Language. Computation & Complexity/Y. Moses

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