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What does your child do in Foundation Stage Two?

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Presentation on theme: "What does your child do in Foundation Stage Two?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does your child do in Foundation Stage Two?
Gayton Primary School What does your child do in Foundation Stage Two?

2 How children learn and develop.
All children are unique and individual learners, learning at different rates and in different ways. Kinaesthetic Visual Auditory Learning and Development

3 Characteristics of Effective
Children Learn through play, their interaction with others and their environment. The learning and development is viewed through the way in which the child plays and explores, how active they are in their learning, and how they are creative and thinking critically. Learning , which move through all The Characteristics of Effective Learning move through all areas of learning areas of learning

4 Development Matters in the Early Years

5 Your child’s day Self registration Star of the Day Activity skills
Focused activities- adult led Play and Learn- continuous activities

6 The children work on a variety of activities around the classroom.
The children learn daily routines and how to use the equipment, developing their independent skills. The children work on a variety of activities around the classroom. Role Play Outdoor Physical Area

7 Small World Computer Painting Malleable area

8 Construction Maths area Natural materials Sand Area

9 Water Area Outdoor Construction Reading area Writing Area

10 Areas of Learning Activity board Adult led activities
Number of children Named pegs Skill based Focus Adult led activities Focused groups The work is set, relating to the EYFS Development Matters ages and Stages bands. Activity books/ Learning Journals WOW

11 Awards and Sanctions Rocket- class rules Good to be green House points
Stickers Merit awards

12 Language of Choice Language is positive thinking
Identify the behaviour you want to stop Give a clear choice- positive Each choice has a consequence Positive behaviour- good choice- encourage Negative behaviour – poor choice- discourage

13 Will this work? Stop misbehaving! I’ll buy you an ice cream if you’re good. Behave yourself or you can’t watch television for a month!

14 Positive thinking If a child was throwing sand, you’d give them a choice If you want to stay here and play in the sand with your friends, you need to keep the sand in the sand tray. Or if you can’t keep the sand in the tray you’ll have to come in and do an activity that I will give you to complete. Your Choice Better to be a non materialistic reward eg walk/ playing in the park, seeing friends

15 Playtimes and Lunchtimes
Quiet area in the playground Buddies help the children Lining up and walking in F2 start their dinnertime before the rest of the school. To help with choices To show them what to do and where to go.

16 Over the year your child will cover many topics and themes, encompassing the Areas of Learning.
There is an Open Afternoon shortly for you to look at how your child is already accessing the areas. Over the year, there will be various other opportunities for you to learn about your child’s development, through - Parent meetings, Workshops and Open Afternoons. Please feel free to ask and come to see us if you have any concerns or you wish to share things with us, even the amusing anecdotes.

17 Children going home with other parents Medicines
Clothes being labelled, including all items of PE kit and clothes that will be taken off during PE time. Accidents- procedure Signing book Data sheets completed Children going home with other parents Medicines Parental help during the week or term.

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