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Chapter 3 – The World of Jesus

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1 Chapter 3 – The World of Jesus
Jesus has to be seen as a devout Jew of His day Jesus must be seen in the context of the local synagogue, the Temple, the role of the Sadducees and Pharisees, and the Roman occupation of Israel The importance of learning in Judaism The Jewish sense of destiny dating back to God’s covenant with Abraham

2 How Jesus saw himself The local Synagogue as the center of Jewish life
See sample in picture on page 50 Read Jesus recitation of Isaiah on page 49 Read questions on page 50 to better understand the role of faith in Jesus life Jesus dated his lineage back to Abram – whose belief in the One God earned him a special covenant with God and the new name Abraham Prior to Abraham, the Jews were part of a group of tribes known as the Hebrews God’s covenant with Abraham occurred about BCE

3 The Covenant with Abraham
God promised Abraham and his successors a land of safety and well being These ‘Jews” were in turn to be loyal to God and to love Him Abraham and Sarah had a son, Isaac, and God tested Abraham’s faith by telling him to sacrifice Isaac – which He stopped at the last moment Isaac and Rebekah had a son Jacob God renewed His covenant with Jacob

4 A New Name & A New Race Jacob received a new name, Israel, as a sign of his special relationship with God Jacob fathered 12 sons ,each of whom went on to lead one of the twelve tribes of Israel Is other sons were jealous of his favorite son, Joseph, and sold im into slavery in Egypt Joseph eventually became Prime Minister of Egypt and saved the country from famine The same famine caused him to invite his father and brothers to leave Canaan and go to Egypt where they prospered

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