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Presentation on theme: "ROUTING PROTOCOLS OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK"— Presentation transcript:



3 Introduction What is NETWORK?[8]
Group of people, computer and organization connected to share information for a purpose Classification of networks: Wired network Wireless network

4 Wired Network[8] Connected with the help of wires and cables.
Physical media is required to transfer the information More efficient and less expensive. Less prone to interferences.

5 Wireless Networks[8] No physical media is required to transfer the information. It allows the host to move in the wireless network. Provide real time access of information even when user is not at the source.

6 Wireless Networks Wireless network has many sub-fields like:
Wireless mesh network Adhoc network Wireless sensor network…and many more. Main focus of presentation is wireless sensor network and its protocols.

7 Wireless Sensor Network
It defines as group of spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of the environment and organizing the collected data at a central location. Also called Sensornet or embedded Sensor network. Sensor network consists of sensor nodes

8 Applications Of WSN[10] Areas monitoring Environmental monitoring
Industrial monitoring Agriculture monitoring Smart home monitoring

9 Research Challenges In WSN[3]
Real world protocol Real time Power management Programming abstraction Security and privacy

10 Architecture of WSN[2] Sensor network has five layers as well as three cross-layers. Layers are: Application layer Transport layer Network layer Data link layer Physical layer Power management plane Mobility management plane Task management plane

11 Routing Protocols Two classes of routing protocols:
Routing based on routing path Routing according to type of node

12 Routing Based On Routing Path[1]

13 Routing Protocol Based On Type Of Node[1]
Clustered protocols Different nodes are grouped to form clusters and data from nodes belonging to a single cluster are combined. Non-cluster protocols There is no need to form a cluster of nodes. Each and every node is free to send data to the Base station on its own.

14 LEACH(low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)[1][5][7]
Randomized rotation of cluster head to reduce energy load among the sensor node. Leach has two phases Setup Steady phase In setup phase, cluster is organized and CH is chosen.

15 LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)[1][5][7]
In steady state, actual transfer of data to the base station takes place. During setup phase Predetermined fraction of node, p, elect themselves as CH Choose a random no between 0 and 1 If (random number < threshold value ,T(n)) Then node become CH for that round p: fraction of node r: current round n: total no of node

16 LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)
Each CH broadcast advertisement messages to the node in its cluster. After receiving their acknowledgement, CH creates a TDMA schedule i.e. time period to transmit and broadcast to all. During steady state, sensor node begin sensing and start transmission and CH club that data and give it to BS

17 ALEACH(Advance LEACH)[1]
LEACH protocol suffers with problem that CH spends more energy in comparison to other node. ALEACH propose new CH selection algorithm. This algorithm evenly distribute the energy load among all the nodes. General probability + current state probability K= expected no of CH in round N=total no of nodes Ecurrent=current energy En-max=initial energy

18 MR-LEACH(Multihop Routing LEACH)[1]
It partition the network into multiple layers of cluster. CH of each layer collaborates and transmits the data to BS. Ordinary nodes joins CH node based on RSSI(received signal strength indicator)

19 MR-LEACH(cont.)[1][13] TDMA is used to schedule the nodes.
Follows multi-hop routing from cluster head to base station to conserve energy. It provides energy efficient routing to WSN.

20 Re-cluster LEACH[1] It is based on node density.
Based on mechanism like cluster-based data fusion and select CH Uses multi-hop algorithm to optimize the protocol. Stable data transmission uses TDMA and CDMA

21 LEACH-F[1] It is known as Fixed number of cluster LEACH.
Number of cluster in the network are fixed throughout the network lifetime and cluster head rotates within the cluster. Doesn’t provide flexibility to sensor node mobility. Steady state phase of LEACH-F is same as LEACH

22 Balanced-LEACH[1] Decentralized algorithm of cluster formation
Node doesn’t have information of all other node in the same cluster. Following phases: CH selection Cluster formation Data transmission

23 Energy LEACH[1] Improved selection of CH as compared to LEACH
Residual energy after every round of transfer is the main factor which decides whether sensor node become CH or not. Longer life time and energy saving compared with LEACH.

24 PEGASIS[7][1] It is defined as power efficient gathering in sensor information system Optimized LEACH algorithm. It requires to have all sensor nodes in a chain.

25 LEACH-C[12][13] Stands for Centralized LEACH.
No knowledge about CH’s place. During the set-up phase, each node sends to the sink its remaining energy and location. The sink then runs a centralized cluster formation algorithm. This protocol requires location information for all sensors in the network. Not a robust protocol.

26 TL-LEACH[12][13] TL stands for two level.
Gives the advantage of small transmit distance for more nodes. The CH collects data from the cluster members and relays the data to the base station through a CH that lies between the CH and the base station .

27 V-LEACH[12][13] V stands for vice CH.
There is a vice-CH that takes the role of the CH when the CH dies. When a CH dies, the cluster become useless, because the information collected by the node members will not reach the sink i.e. BS.

28 Comparison of protocols based on some parameters

29 Simulator Introduction (OMNeT++)[6]
OMNeT++ provides component architecture for models. Components are programmed in C++ Has extensive GUI support. Platform it supports Windows Linux UNIX

30 Conclusion & Future Scope
Routing protocol in WSN is one of the most important research areas and there have been large number of research achievements. Many issues still exist and there are still many challenges that need to be solved in the sensor networks Following issues and challenges Effectiveness with respect to energy and bandwidth Scalability Security

31 References [1] Kumar P., Singh M.P. “A Review of Protocols In Wireless Sensor Network”. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 1(4):1-13, 2012 [2] Alkhatib A.A.A.,Baicher G.S.,” Wireless Sensor Network Architecture”. International Conference on Computer Networks and Communication Systems, 35:11-14, 2012 [3] Stankovic J.A. “Research Challenges for Wireless Sensor Network”. University of Virginia [4] Akkaya K.,Younis M. A. “Survey on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks”. Ad Hoc Networks, 3, 2003

32 References [5] Al-Karaki J.A., Kamal A.E. “Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey*”.ICUBE initiative of Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, 2002 [6] accessed on 2/6/2013. [7] Zheng J., Jamalipour A.,”Wireless sensor Network: a networking perspective”. WILEY publication, ch.4, sec 4.3.1, pp [8]Andrew T.S and David W.J, ”Introduction in Computer Networks”, 5thed. Netherlands,WA:Pearson, 2011,ch. 1,sec.1, pp. 2

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34 References [12] Yassein M.B.,Al-Zou’bi A.,Mardini W., “Improvement of LEACH protocol of Wireless Sensor Network (VLEACH)”, International Journal Of Digital Content Technology and its Application,3(2),2009. [13] Norouzi A.,Zaim A.H.,”An Intergrative Comparison of Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network”,Scientific sciences,4:65-75,2012.



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