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2 Progressive Era Cause/Effect
Causes Growth of Industry Growth of Cities Political -Direct primaries, initiative, recall Split in Republican Party Woman suffrage Social Laws protecting workers Beginning of civil rights movement Prohibition Economic Conservation of land and water Regulation of business (anti-trust) Federal Income Tax THE PROGRESSIVE ERA Effects

3 What is the Progressive Era?
A period with the appearance of many reform movements resulting from rapid industrialization and urban growth

4 The Need for Reform Unemployment, unsafe working conditions, political corruption grew as cities + population increased Progressives argued that government needed to become more involved in solving such problems Muckrakers – journalists who alerted public to wrongdoing in politics + business

5 Attacking the Bosses Political machines took heavy criticism during progressive era

6 State Reforms Direct primaries – election in which voters cast ballots to select nominees for upcoming elections 17th Amendment – direct election of Senators Referendum – citizens could demand via petition that a law be passed Recall – ability to remove public officials from office

7 The Innovative Model T Henry Ford transformed auto industry with mass production Small profit on each unit, gross of huge profit on high volume of sales 1908: Model T introduced

8 Business Consolidations (mergers), 1895–1905

9 The Niagara Movement and the NAACP
Most African Americans were poor sharecroppers, segregated by Jim Crow Laws Black workers gained least from prosperity of early 20th century 1905: W.E.B. DuBois rejected accommodation to racist society (Booker T. Washington) "Niagara Movement" demanded immediate respect for equal rights of all people NAACP + Urban League advocated African American rights

10 Immigration to the United States, 1900–1920 (by area of origin)

11 Mexican Immigration to the United States, 1900–1920

12 Organizing Labor A.F.L., led by Samuel Gompers was the largest union
1903: Women excluded from A.F.L. form Women's Trade Union League 1905: Others excluded from A.F.L. form Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

13 Labor Union Membership, 1897–1920

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