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The New Normal Public/Private Partnerships

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Presentation on theme: "The New Normal Public/Private Partnerships"— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Normal Public/Private Partnerships
Robert McWeeney | Monday, October 2nd 2017 Scott White

2 Introduction of Presenters
Robert McWeeney Area Executive Vice President, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Broker/administrator of pools and captives in Vermont, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Illinois $15 billion in TIV portfolio 25+ years of experience

3 Introduction of Presenters
Scott White Director of Risk Management – Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) 25 years of insurance experience Develops alternative risk transfer programs Board member of Chicagoland RIMS •  Risk experience in public and private sectors •  Formerly known as ‘the ketchup guy’

4 What are We Going to Talk About?

5 What are We Going to Talk About?
What are “P3s”? CHA – A Case Study PMIP History What is PMIP? Can Pools Use This Tool? Open Discussion/Exchange of Ideas

6 What are “P3s”? WHY ARE THEY YOUR FUTURE? A Public-Private Partnership (P3) is a contractual agreement between a public agency and a private sector entity. Through this agreement the skills and assets of each sector (public & private) are shared in delivering a service or facility for the use of the general public

7 CHA – A Case Study PMIP development (1999-2008) PMIP (2008–current)
PROPERTY MANAGERS INSURANCE PROGRAM PMIP development ( ) PMIP (2008–current) Cost savings/results Pitfalls Benefits Future prospects

8 PMIP History During the mid 1980s, the CHA started the Plan for Transformation - PFT Densely populated high rises were difficult to maintain and unsafe

9 PMIP History Mayor Jane Byrne moved into Cabrini Green in 1981

10 PMIP History CHA had its own police force
Today, CHA has over 22,000 housing units which are managed by private property managers CHA was and is a difficult risk to insure!

11 What is PMIP? Designed to provide affordable insurance coverage for the private property managers (PPM) partnering with CHA CHA contracts with PPMs for the net of any insurance costs associated with only CHA properties PPM insurance costs would be prohibitive or unavailable if required to include CHA

12 What is PMIP? Contract transfers risk of PPM back to CHA
Similar to an OCIP CHA retains SIR and transfers catastrophic loss to reinsurers CHA hires TPA to manage claims within SIR Contract between CHA and PPM is critical Clearly transfers exposure to CHA Does not allow for gross negligence

13 What is PMIP? Poor loss ratio Expensive premiums $750,000 SIR
Conditions of portfolio Crime Serious injury 15 property managers Expensive premiums $750,000 SIR

14 What is PMIP? PPM firms reduced from 15 to 5
PMIP 2008-CURRENT PPM firms reduced from 15 to 5 Improved physical portfolio Improved claims experience Lower claim count Workers comp and auto liability transferred back to PPM firms

15 What is PMIP? PMIP 2008-CURRENT Increased competition in PMIP marketplace for reinsurance Lower premiums Retention $750,000 down to $250,000


17 Losses Property Managers Insurance Program


19 What is PMIP? Daily management Annual board approval In-between claims
PITFALLS Daily management Annual board approval In-between claims Workers comp Gross negligence Contractor negligence Runoff Long tail claims Continued TPA costs Turf wars

20 Can Pools Use This Tool? BENEFITS Costs charged back to CHA from PPMs would be significantly higher without PMIP CHA’s premiums have reduced over time Loss ratio has improved Safe and better protected portfolio Control Dedicated limits Known/expanded coverage No gaps in coverage provided by vendors Better carriers Control of claims within SIR

21 Can Pools Use This Tool? Security firms Custodial workers ??????
PMIP FUTURE Security firms Custodial workers ?????? So, how could this apply to risk pools?

22 Can Pools Use This Tool? For Most Pool Members
CURRENT BEST PRACTICES FOR POOL MEMBERS TO TRANSFER RISK For Most Pool Members Obtain certificates of insurance from 3rd party vendors Have legal/consultant review contract for risk transfer Review A.M. Best ratings of carriers Obtain copy of policies/ endorsements Pray!

23 Can Pools Use This Tool? For Most Pool Members
POTENTIAL ISSUES WITH TRADITIONAL RISK TRANSFER MODEL For Most Pool Members No good system for tracking large numbers of certificates No guarantee coverage has not been cancelled No control over specifics of coverage afforded No control over claims even if they are transferred successfully to 3rd party vendor insurance program Unknown insurance costs being paid via 3rd party vendor contract

24 Can Pools Use This Tool? ANY IDEAS?

25 Can Pools Use This Tool? SOLUTIONS FOR POOLS Why couldn’t a pool form a separate program to insure the liabilities of vendors?

26 Can Pools Use This Tool? What do pool bylaws say? Tax issues
POTENTIAL ISSUES What do pool bylaws say? Tax issues Tort immunity issues Regulatory Cost structure funded by reduction in vendor premiums Other than that we are good to go!!!

27 Can Pools Use This Tool? POTENTIAL BENEFITS

28 Can Pools Use This Tool? Benefits to Pool Member Control!
POTENTIAL BENEFITS Benefits to Pool Member Control! Over vendor insurance Structure and cost Claim handling Reduced cost in vendor contracts Reduced administrative work in checking certificates and contracts

29 Can Pools Use This Tool? Benefits to Risk Pool – YOU!!
POTENTIAL BENEFITS Benefits to Risk Pool – YOU!! Competitive advantage over other pools/programs Increased ability to retain members Increased ability to gain/market to new members Ability to keep underwriting profits when program performs well Innovative approach Membership engagement

30 Thank You Robert McWeeney Area Executive Vice President
Scott White Director of Risk Management

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