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EY SENCo Network January 2016 Jess Haslam.

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Presentation on theme: "EY SENCo Network January 2016 Jess Haslam."— Presentation transcript:

1 EY SENCo Network January 2016 Jess Haslam


3 My Support Plans Plans plans plans

4 Feedback from families
For me it was really straightforward and simple. Very easy. My friend went through the previous system and I thought it was going to be awful. This is the best meeting I have ever been to. All of the points of concern were covered: Dad I was worried it would be going over the past again and I was really pleased it was focusing on the future: Mum Just wanted to say that from a family point of view we think Lily’s plan is excellent. It so clearly shows Lily as an individual, her strengths as well as her needs. Her needs are clearly expressed and actions targeted against them, and they cover the areas that are important to her/us not just educational aspects. Although we still have a way to go in toileting the additional help the school put in to help with social skills mean that she now makes friends and is so much happier.

5 Having a my support plan before the EHCP worked fantastically. It
meant all the evidence for an EHCP was in one place and ensured everyone worked together which until the MSP was non existent. The plan gives a bigger picture covering both the child and the family. Parents have a bigger say. Everybody involved has a better understanding of child's life and needs

6 Quotes from professionals
The family centred and child centred nature of the MSPs and EHCPs is fantastic, and will I'm sure change the focus of how we make provision for children, and give parents ownership, break down barriers etc I am sure there will be lots more issues  as we trial the plans but my verdict is despite the workload they are definitely worth it, a huge improvement  and a much more holistic way of working with children. Thank you to everyone for their support so far.

7 SEND area inspection Focus on:
Positive experience of the SEND system for children, young people and their families Positive outcomes for children, young people and their families Effective preparation for adulthood from the beginning

8 The inspection 3 inspectors for a week Minimal notice
Visits to settings Talk to staff, children, parents Gather evidence re 3 areas of focus

9 How will you..? demonstrate the you are improving outcomes
give evidence of how you listen to parents show your planning to meet the needs of children with SEN give examples of how you work with other professionals eg SEYST, therapists etc Share good news stories- blow your own trumpet!

10 LA Local Offer A Local Authority must publish information about the education, health and care provision for children with Special Educational Needs or a Disability. Children and young people with SEND and parents of children who have SEND should be involved in the preparation and review of this local offer; The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them.

11 Parents in York Requested that the Local offer be Straight forward
Concise Simple Useful Practical Basic Clear

12 Further information 3 underpinning documents

13 York Local Offer


15 School Offer Schools must prepare a report containing SEN information.
and must publish its report containing SEN information available on its website.

16 Local Offer School Report/EY Info
Should provide clarity about everything that is available and how to access it: Purpose Make it easier for parents to understand what you offer Increase parent satisfaction and trust Focus on better outcomes for CYP Improve communication with parents

17 Format? Booklet? Questions and Answers? Embedded or additional?
All singing all dancing? pictures/vidoes? Is it Accessible? Clear? Concise?

18 Activity

19 Writing needs section 3.1 Broad area of need:
Communication and interaction includes autism Cognition and learning Social emotional and mental health Sensory and/or physical needs

20 Needs cont Description of need: see handout
Include any specific diagnosis Should include strengths first Remember needs must not contain provision eg Amber needs one to one support Take evidence from reports eg SEYST

21 Writing outcomes

22 Writing Outcomes Thinking differently about what difference will it make for the child Long term outcomes should be: realistic and attainable linked to each of the needs Normally what should be achieved at the end of the key stage or phase

23 Short term outcomes should be:
SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound) agreed & reviewed every 6 months in EY not describe provision in outcomes section but provision should link to outcomes Outline the difference for the child Record who will monitor progress towards outcomes

24 5 hours of speech and language therapy
What would that:- Give you? Time with a speech therapist Do for you? Help me be more easily understood by my friends Make possible for you? Friendship Social activities Feel confident around other people Vicky

25 So what is the real outcome?….
I am understood by my friends and I can play with them at the after school club everyday. Vicky

26 So what possible provision might there be?
Speech and language therapy Help in nursery involving my friends Joining social activities with parents Nursery share photos with home My friends learn my signs So what possible provision might there be? Vicky

27 This section completed/updated on: Need 1: Long Term Goal (3-5 years):
5.6 Agreed outcomes This section completed/updated on: Need 1: Long Term Goal (3-5 years): Outcomes for this year: What am I going to do or learn to achieve my outcomes By when will I achieve my outcomes? What support / provision will help me achieve my outcomes? What difference will my outcomes make to me? Strategies / Key Approaches: Timetabled Sessions: Resources needed: (including staffing) Who will support me to achieve these outcomes and monitor my progress towards achieving them:

28 What do you think of these outcomes?
I will be clean and dry at the end of each nursery session and use the toilet on my own. I will have one to one physio support each week I will increase the words I use when playing with friends I will be more confident using the outdoor equipment I will have tasted one new food a week and used my hands to explore food

29 Activity

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