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ICCB 2017 Beneficiaries.

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1 ICCB 2017 Beneficiaries

2 Visaginas Children Support centre, Visaginas
The Visaginas Children’s Support Centre provides services for children with disabilities and for children who cannot be cared for by their parents. Request: Lift

3 Ciauskutis Special Nursery and Kindergarten, Vilnius
The kindergarten attends children with special needs: children with autism spectrum disorder, emotional and behavioral disorder, slowdown and Down's syndrome. Request: “Path of Music” disabled outdoor playground

4 Suvalkijos Socialines Globos Namai, Mariampole
Suvalkijos nursing home aims to nurture, restore and help its residents to maintain an independent way of living, when possible. Request: Multi sensory room

5 Children and youth day center “Musu Nameliai”, Vilnius
The daycare center is based in the public library and provides activities and socialization programmes for children and teens from at risk families in Naojoji Vilnia district since Request: Premises maintenance

6 Lithuanian autism association “Rain Children”, Vilnius
The parental organization was founded by the initiative of 31 families with children who have autism spectrum disorder, a majority of the children have high or medium level of disability. Request: Educational tools & sensory integration equipment

7 Crisis Pregnancy Center, Vilnius
The Crisis Pregnancy Centre is a non-governmental organisation established to help isolated women facing unplanned pregnancy, loss of a baby due to miscarriage, premature birth or abortion. Request: Storage boxes

8 Kupiškio r. Alizavos pagrindinė mokykla, Alizava
The Kupiskes school library is situated within the school building. The preschool group that attends lessons in the library, is a big help to the village families. Request: Refurbishment and equipment for joint preschool room

9 Siauliai Center for Palliative care and Nursing, Siauliai The Palliative Care and Nursing Center provides services for terminally ill cancer patients and their relatives. Palliative care is the unity of aids for the improvement of a life quality for those who are terminally ill, have progressing cancer diseases, and their relatives. Request: Specially equipped vehicle for transportation of terminally ill cancer patients

10 “Aidas” Center, Vilnius
The “Aidas” Center is an education center, specialised in education of young children with disabilities. Request: Disabled outdoor play- and sport ground

11 Klaipeda City Care Home, Klaipeda
The Klaipeda City Care Home is a non-profit organization working with disabled people in need of both material and financial support and assistance. Request: Nursing beds, mattresses, wheelchairs

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