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On behalf of COMPASS Collaboration

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1 On behalf of COMPASS Collaboration
CERN Status, prospect Alain Magnon CEA/Saclay On behalf of COMPASS Collaboration A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

2 Content COMPASS, physics programme Spectrometer highlights
Preliminary physics results (2002) Prospects beyond 2005 A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

3 COMPASS Collaboration
Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn (ISKP, PI), Burdwan and Calcutta, CERN, Dubna, Erlangen, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Helsinki, Lisbon, Mainz, Moscow (INR, LPI, MSU), Munich (LMU, TU), Nagoya, Prague, Protvino, Saclay, Tel Aviv, Torino (Univ., INFN), Trieste (Univ.,INFN), Warsaw (SINS, TU) More than 250 physicists from 28 Institutes A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

4 Hadron structure and spectroscopy
Physics programme Hadron structure and spectroscopy Muon beam programme Quarks and gluon polarisation in polarised (longitudinal) nucleons Transverse spin distribution Diffractive VM-production DVCS -> GPDs (not approved yet) Hadron beam programme Polarisibility of pions and kaons (Primakoff reaction) Exotics q-states, glue balls Semi-leptonic decays of charmed hadrons Double charmed hadrons A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

5 Imperative to measure ΔG
Quark & gluon spin Nucleon spin: ½ = ½ ΔΣ + ΔG +<Lz > In polarised DIS, one measures flavor singlet axial matrix element a0= ΔΣ – (as/2p)nf ΔG All experiments (SLAC,EMC,SMC, SLAC, HERMES) confirm: a0~ 0.1, 0.2 Imperative to measure ΔG A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

6 LHC COMPASS SPS A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

7 Spectrometer 2002 -> 2004 trigger-hodoscopes SPS 160 GeV
DW45 straws SM2 dipole Muon-filter2,MW2 RICH_1 HCAL1 Gem_11 SM1 dipole ECAL2,HCAL2 Polarised Target MWPC Gems Scifi SPS 160 GeV 2.108m/spill Muon-filter1,MW1 Veto straws,MWPC,Gems,SciFi Gems,SciFi,DCs,straws Silicon SciFi Micromegas,DC,SciFi BMS A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

8 Polarized target system
3He – 4He dilution refrigerator (T~50mK) +dipole magnet (0.5T) μ Reconstructed interaction vertices A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

9 6LiD polarisation in 2003 + 50% -> - 50% -> A.Magnon
+ 50% -> - 50% -> A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

10 Micromegas 6 stations, 12 coordinates size 40x40 cm2
pitch 360 – 420 μm time res. < 10 ns space res. 70 μm efficiency > 97% Ne/C2H6/CF4 80/10/10 % A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

11 GEMs 20 triple Gems detectors in 10 stations 40 coordinates
size 30x30 cm2 12 ns time resolution 50 μm space resolution efficiency ~ 97 % Ar/CO2 70/30 % -4100 V 0V A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

12 Large Drift Chambers 3 drift chambers 24 coordinates size 120x120 cm2
7 mm drift cell 170 μm space resolution efficiency > 95 % Ar/C2H6/CF4 45/45/10 % A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

13 Straws 15 double layers of 6 and 10 mm straws size 325x242cm2
Hole 160 x 230 mm 2 15 double layers of 6 and 10 mm straws size 325x242cm2 resolution 270 μm efficiency 85 – 98 % Ar/CF4/CO2 74/20/6 % A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

14 PID with RICH Single event 3 m 116 VUV mirrors, surface area: 21 m2
photon detectors: CsI MWPC mirror wall vessel radiator: C4F10 Photon detection 5.3 m2 MWPCs 16 CsI Photocathodes 84,000 analog readout channels single photon: s =1.2 mrad ring: s =0.4 mrad photons/ring n ~14 3s p /K sep. up to 40 GeV/c detection of VUV photons ( nm) A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

15 COMPASS acceptance Excellent for non-perturbative & perturbative physics - small xBj & very small Q2  Q2 > 100 (GeV/c)2 A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

16 Accumulated data Files -> 2003 <- 225 Tb 2002 & 2003:
500 TByte Data 1010 Events longitudinal polarization 3.109 Events transverse polarization 0.1% with Q²>1 (GeV/c)² (after all cuts) 2003 <- 225 Tb A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

17 Physics results 2002 data Vector meson production ρ, φ and J/ψ. Exclusive r0 production Λ & Λ hyperons, production and polarization Collins asymmetry (Transverse spin) (Longitudinal spin) : Flavour decomposition of polarized PDF A1d Open-charm (DG/G) Spin asymmetry from high pT hadrons pairs (DG/G) A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

18 Exclusive r0 production
m cuts : n > 30 GeV, Em’ > 20 GeV Log10 Q2 > -2 0.5<Mpp <1 GeV -2.5<Emiss<2.5 GeV 0.15<pt2<0.5 GeV2 W A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

19 Exclusive r0 production
High precision measurement of spin density matrix element s-channel helicity conservation t-channel natural Parity Exchange A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

20 Exclusive r0 production
If SCHC -> A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

21 Exclusive r0 production
r041-1= 0 if SCHC holds small violation of SCHC ? r31-1 requires polarized lepton A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

22 Transverse spin Collins asymmetry
ΦC = Φh + ΦS – π A = A0 ± A1 sin(ΦC) AColl = A1 / (DNN.f.P) AColl h1q(x,Q2) h+ h- xBJ zhad A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

23 “Longitudinal spin virtual photon asymmetry”
A1d from inclusive scattering “Longitudinal spin virtual photon asymmetry” 2002 data only DIS evts Q2 > 1 GeV/c2 0.1 < y < 0.9 COMPASS/SMC beam time ~ 1/7 A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

24 ΔG/G determination from open charm
Photon-Gluon-Fusion: 1.2 D0 per PGF cc event D K-p BR = 4% c D* D0ps+ ~ 30%(*) K-p+ps+ c (*)cuts on ps 30% -> ~20 % A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

25 ΔG/G determination from open charm
mD*-mD0-mp = 5.9 MeV (3/ stat) 317 D0 MKpps- MKp - mp MKp-mD0 A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

26 ΔG/G from high pT hadrons pairs
Leading process Gluon radiation (Compton) Photon Gluon Fusion (PGF) - PT12 + PT22 > 2.5 GeV/c2, PT1(2) > 0.7 GeV/c, no Q2 cut preliminary (2002 data) Ag*d = ± (stat) ± (syst) <xg> ~ 0.1 A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

27 s(ΔG/G) from high pT hadrons pairs
Monte Carlo study is required to subtract contribution of background before anything can be said on ΔG/G. In progress Assuming (Phytia-LO) : R_PGF ~ ¼ Thesis Colin Bernet From preliminary analysis of 2002 data s(ΔG/G) ~ 0.17 “ΔG/G” = 0.** A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

28 Projection for s(DG/G)
If 2004 as expected, projection for data: ssyst from resolved g + LO/NLO ?? HELP from theorists !! s(DG/G) = 0.05 high pT all Q2 s(DG/G) = 0.16 high pT Q2>1 s(DG/G) = 0.24 charm A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

29 Running in 2002, 2003 and 2004 scheduled d d d eSPS preparation ~30 d d d eSpectro (.90TGT) data taking d d d (L/T) / / /13 2004 21 d .80 ~7 d .85 ~8 d 160 GeV muons hadrons A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

30 COMPASS > 2005 SPS off in 2005 SPS restart in 2006
COMPASS is in the “5 years mid- term plan” of CERN Principal SPS users (apart LHC) are neutrinos/CNGS and COMPASS A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

31 COMPASS > 2010 (Villars/SPSC)
- Upgrades of the PS/SPS complex R. Garoby - Possible upgrades of M2 and luminosity increase M. Leberig - Unpolarized parton distributions J. Pretz - Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering M. Diehl & N. D’Hose - Exclusive production of vector mesons H. Fischer - Measurements of F2 and FL E.M. Kabuss - Hadronisation & related topics in SIDIS A. Kotzinian - Shadowing effects in nuclear parton distributions G. Smirnov - Detector concepts F.H. Heinsius - Toroidal spectrometer (I. Savin) - Polarisation observables F. Bradamante - hadron programme R. Bertini (S.Paul) A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

32 Conclusions Muon programme well on the tracks, will continue
beyond 2005 Preliminary longitudinal (and transverse) spin asymmetries Green light (CERN) for pilot hadron run in 2004 Thinking beyond 2010 (VILLARS) has started ! A.Magnon HIX2004 July 26, 2004

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