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Selection and Python Syntax

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1 Selection and Python Syntax
If, Elif, Else Selection and Python Syntax

2 Learning intentions and Outcomes
Learning Intention and Context Graded Learning Outcomes To develop an understanding of how to perform selection in a python program Context: Programming in Python Grade 4 - 5 Use an IF statement to perform selection on a range of Python programs Grade 6 Use nested IF statements to perform binary tree selection in a range of Python programs Grade 7 Research iteration using count controlled loops to iterate a program a set number of times Grade 8 Produce a detailed analysis of how a problem is solved alongside detailed algorithms to demonstrate the solution. Programming the solution to a problem using iteration and selection statements.

3 Decision in python: if, elif, else
Sometimes we only want a program to execute code under certain circumstances. We call this selection. The most commonly used way of doing this is using if. Here we say if a condition is true or false (Boolean Logic) execute some code. First we need to make sure we are happy what a condition is. A Boolean condition is one that can have only two values true or false.

4 Boolean values Operator Meaning == Equals != Does not Equal >
Greater Than < Less Than >= Greater Than or Equal to <= Less Than or Equal to

5 if, elif, else If is used to start a decision block in Python
ThrowDice = number between 1 and 6 Counter starts at space 0 if Counter on SnakeHead: Slide Down Snake elif Counter on BottomLadder: Move up Ladder else: End Turn If is used to start a decision block in Python Elif is used to continue each subsequent decision Else is used at the end of a decision block

6 Example: Guess a number
print("Let's play a game! Please enter a number between 50 and 60") UserNumber = int(input("Enter your number now! ")) if UserNumber <= 50: print("Sorry that is too low, it should be between 50 and 60") elif UserNumber >= 60: print("Sorry that is too high, it should be between 50 and 60") else: print("You guessed right")

7 Entry Ticket: IF, ELIF, ELSE 2
Write a program that asks the user to enter a number between 50 and 100. If the user enters a valid number it should print Valid If the user enters a number that is too high it should print Invalid – Too High If the user enters a number that is too low it should print Invalid – Too Low Put your code into Python and run it Python Programming Challenges – start with Challenge 9

8 Exit Ticket: Control Flow
What are the following terms used for? Identify where in the following program the variable Score changes: If Draw a circle around every process box that the variable changes in Elif What is the maximum possible score? Else How many iterations can the program run for? _________________________ _________________________ ______________ _________________________ ______________ Name

9 Entry Ticket: Printing with Variables 2
Write a program that asks the user what town they live in. The program should then print “I love visiting” TOWN Put your code into Python and make sure it runs Challenge 5 of the programming challenges

10 Exit Ticket: Printing and Data Types
What is a Variable? What is wrong with the following code? Circle the problems and rewrite the code to make it work. What can be in a string data type? What Data type is 3.14? What Data type is 21? myName = “Mr Petford” Print(myName) myAge = MyAge = str(21) print(myage) mySchool = int(“Haybridge”) print(myHome) Name

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