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Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
PART II Mechanics of Deformable Bodies
6. Simple stresses and strains 7. Statically indeterminate problems and thermal stresses 8. Stresses on inclined planes 9. Stresses due to fluid pressure in thin cylinders
6. Simple stresses and strains
The subject strength of materials deals with the relations between externally applied loads and their internal effects on bodies. The bodies are no longer assumed to be rigid and the deformations, however small, are of major interest The subject, strength of materials or mechanics of materials involves analytical methods for determining the strength , stiffness (deformation characteristics), and stability of various load carrying members. Alternatively the subject may be called the mechanics of solids.
GENERAL CONCEPTS STRESS No engineering material is perfectly rigid and hence, when a material is subjected to external load, it undergoes deformation. While undergoing deformation, the particles of the material offer a resisting force (internal force). When this resisting force equals applied load the equilibrium condition exists and hence the deformation stops. These internal forces maintain the externally applied forces in equilibrium.
STRESS The internal force resisting the deformation per unit area is called as stress or intensity of stress. Stress = internal resisting force / resisting cross sectional area
STRESS SI unit for stress N/m2 also designated as a pascal (Pa) Pa = N/m2 kilopascal, 1kPa = 1000 N/m2 megapascal, 1 MPa = 1×106 N/m2 = 1×106 N/(106mm2) = 1N/mm2 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 gigapascal, 1GPa = 1×109 N/m2 = 1×103 MPa = 1×103 N/mm2
P R B A Consider a uniform bar of cross sectional area A, subjected to a tensile force P. Consider a section AB normal to the direction of force P Let R is the total resisting force acting on the cross section AB. Then for equilibrium condition, R = P Then from the definition of stress, normal stress = σ = R/A = P/A σ = Normal Stress Symbol:
STRESS AXIAL LOADING – NORMAL STRESS Direct or Normal Stress: Intensity of resisting force perpendicular to or normal to the section is called the normal stress. Normal stress may be tensile or compressive Tensile stress: stresses that cause pulling on the surface of the section, (particles of the materials tend to pull apart causing extension in the direction of force) Compressive stress: stresses that cause pushing on the surface of the section, (particles of the materials tend to push together causing shortening in the direction of force)
STRESS The resultant of the internal forces for an axially loaded member is normal to a section cut perpendicular to the member axis. The force intensity on that section is defined as the normal stress.
Illustrative Problems Q 6.1
A composite bar consists of an aluminum section rigidly fastened between a bronze section and a steel section as shown in figure. Axial loads are applied at the positions indicated. Determine the stress in each section. Bronze A= 120 mm2 4kN Steel A= 160 mm2 Aluminum A= 180 mm2 7kN 2kN 13kN 300mm 500mm 400mm
To calculate the stresses, first determine the forces in each section.
To find the Force in bronze section, consider a section bb1 as shown in the figure b 4kN 7kN 2kN 13kN Bronze b1 For equilibrium condition algebraic sum of forces on LHS of the section must be equal to that of RHS
Force acting on Bronze section is 4kN, tensile
(= ) 13kN 2kN 7kN Bronze Force acting on Bronze section is 4kN, tensile Stress in Bronze section = Force in Bronze section Resisting cross sectional area of the Bronze section = 33.33MPa = (Tensile stress)
Force in Aluminum section
4kN 13kN 2kN 7kN Aluminum 4kN 13kN 9kN (= ) 2kN 7kN Aluminum Force acting on Aluminum section is 9kN, (Compressive)
Force acting on Steel section is 7kN, ( Compressive)
Force in steel section 4kN 13kN 2kN 7kN steel 7kN 4kN 13kN 2kN steel 7kN Force acting on Steel section is 7kN, ( Compressive)
Stress in Aluminum section =
Force in Al section Resisting cross sectional area of the Al section = 50MPa = Compressive stress Stress in Steel section = Force in Steel section Resisting cross sectional area of the Steel section = 43.75MPa = (Compressive stress)
STRAIN STRAIN : when a load acts on the material it will undergo deformation. Strain is a measure of deformation produced by the application of external forces. If a bar is subjected to a direct load, and hence a stress, the bar will changes in length. If the bar has an original length L and change in length by an amount δL, the linear strain produced is defined as, Change in length Linear strain, = Original length Strain is a dimensionless quantity.
Linear Strain
In order to compare the strength of various materials it is necessary to carry out some standard form of test to establish their relative properties. One such test is the standard tensile test in which a circular bar of uniform cross section is subjected to a gradually increasing tensile load until failure occurs. Measurement of change in length over a selected gauge length of the bar are recorded throughout the loading operation by means of extensometers. A graph of load verses extension or stress against strain is drawn as shown in figure.
Proportionality limit Typical tensile test curve for mild steel
Typical tensile test curve for mild steel showing upper yield point and lower yield point and also the elastic range and plastic range
Stress-strain Diagram
Limit of Proportionality : From the origin O to a point called proportionality limit the stress strain diagram is a straight line. That is stress is proportional to strain. Hence proportional limit is the maximum stress up to which the stress – strain relationship is a straight line and material behaves elastically. From this we deduce the well known relation, first postulated by Robert Hooke, that stress is proportional to strain. Beyond this point, the stress is no longer proportional to strain = Load at proportionality limit Original cross sectional area
Stress-strain Diagram
Elastic limit: It is the stress beyond which the material will not return to its original shape when unloaded but will retain a permanent deformation called permanent set. For most practical purposes it can often be assumed that points corresponding proportional limit and elastic limit coincide. Beyond the elastic limit plastic deformation occurs and strains are not totally recoverable. There will be thus some permanent deformation when load is removed. = Load at proportional limit Original cross sectional area
Stress-strain Diagram
Yield point: It is the point at which there is an appreciable elongation or yielding of the material without any corresponding increase of load. = Load at yield point Original cross sectional area Ultimate strength: It is the stress corresponding to maximum load recorded during the test. It is stress corresponding to maximum ordinate in the stress-strain graph. = Maximum load taken by the material Original cross sectional area
Stress-strain Diagram
Rupture strength (Nominal Breaking stress): It is the stress at failure. For most ductile material including structural steel breaking stress is somewhat lower than ultimate strength because the rupture strength is computed by dividing the rupture load (Breaking load) by the original cross sectional area. = load at breaking (failure) Original cross sectional area True breaking stress = load at breaking (failure) Actual cross sectional area
Stress-strain Diagram
After yield point the graph becomes much more shallow and covers a much greater portion of the strain axis than the elastic range. The capacity of a material to allow these large plastic deformations is a measure of ductility of the material Ductile Materials: The capacity of a material to allow large extension i.e. the ability to be drawn out plastically is termed as its ductility. Material with high ductility are termed ductile material. Example: Low carbon steel, mild steel, gold, silver, aluminum
Stress-strain Diagram
A measure of ductility is obtained by measurements of the percentage elongation or percentage reduction in area, defined as, increase in gauge length (up to fracture) original gauge length = ×100 Percentage elongation Reduction in cross sectional area of necked portion (at fracture) Percentage reduction in area ×100 = original area Cup and cone fracture for a Ductile Material
Stress-strain Diagram
Brittle Materials : A brittle material is one which exhibits relatively small extensions before fracture so that plastic region of the tensile test graph is much reduced. Example: steel with higher carbon content, cast iron, concrete, brick Stress-strain diagram for a typical brittle material
HOOKE’S LAW Hooke’s Law For all practical purposes, up to certain limit the relationship between normal stress and linear strain may be said to be linear for all materials stress (σ) α strain (ε) stress (σ) strain (ε) constant = Thomas Young introduced a constant of proportionality that came to be known as Young’s modulus. Young’s Modulus stress (σ) strain (ε) E = = or Modulus of Elasticity
HOOKE’S LAW Young’s Modulus is defined as the ratio of normal stress to linear strain within the proportionality limit. stress (σ) strain (ε) = E = The value of the Young’s modulus is a definite property of a material From the experiments, it is known that strain is always a very small quantity, hence E must be large. For Mild steel, E = 200GPa = 2×105MPa = 2×105N/mm2
Deformations Under Axial Loading
From Hooke’s Law: From the definition of strain: Equating and solving for the deformation, With variations in loading, cross-section or material properties,
Q.6.2 A specimen of steel 20mm diameter with a gauge length of 200mm was tested to failure. It undergoes an extension of 0.20mm under a load of 60kN. Load at elastic limit is 120kN. The maximum load is 180kN. The breaking load is 160kN. Total extension is 50mm and the diameter at fracture is 16mm. Find: Stress at elastic limit Young’s modulus % elongation % reduction in area Ultimate strength Nominal breaking stress True breaking stress
Solution: a) Stress at elastic limit, Load at elastic limit σE = Original c/s area (consider a load which is within the elastic limit) b) Young’s Modulus,
c) % elongation, Final length at fracture – original length % elongation = Original length Original c/s area -Final c/s area at fracture d) % reduction in area = Original c/s area
e) Ultimate strength, Maximum load Ultimate strength = Original c/s area f) Nominal breaking Strength = Breaking load Original c/s area g) True breaking Strength = Breaking load c/s area at fracture
Ebr = 100GPa, Eal = 70GPa, Est = 200GPa
Q.6.3 A composite bar consists of an aluminum section rigidly fastened between a bronze section and a steel section as shown in figure. Axial loads are applied at the positions indicated. Determine the change in each section and the change in total length. Given Ebr = 100GPa, Eal = 70GPa, Est = 200GPa Bronze A= 120 mm2 4kN Steel A= 160 mm2 Aluminum A= 180 mm2 7kN 2kN 13kN 300mm 500mm 400mm
From the Example 1, we know that,
Pbr = +4kN (Tension) Pal = -9kN (Compression) Pst = -7kN (Compression) Deformation due to compressive force is shortening in length, and is considered as -ve E stress (σ) strain (ε) = = Change in length = Change in length of bronze = = 0.1mm
Change in length of aluminum section =
-0.286mm Change in length of steel section = = -0.109mm Change in total length = +0.1 – = mm
Q.6.4 An aluminum rod is fastened to a steel rod as shown. Axial loads are applied at the positions shown. The area of cross section of aluminum and steel rods are 600mm2 and 300mm2 respectively. Find maximum value of P that will satisfy the following conditions. σst ≤ 140 MPa σal ≤ 80 MPa Total elongation ≤ 1mm, Take Eal = 70GPa, Est = 200GPa 2P Steel Aluminum 4P 2.8m 0.8m
To find P, based on the condition, σst ≤ 140 MPa
Stress in steel must be less than or equal to 140MPa. Hence, σst = = 140MPa 2P Steel Aluminum 4P Tensile
To find P, based on the condition, σal ≤ 80 MPa
Stress in aluminum must be less than or equal to 80MPa. Hence, σal = = 80MPa Aluminum 2P 4P 2P Steel 4P 2P 2P Compressive 2P 2P
Ans: P = 18.1kN (minimum of the three values)
To find P, based on the condition, total elongation ≤ 1mm Total elongation = elongation in aluminum + elongation in steel. 1mm 1mm 1mm P = 18.1kN Ans: P = 18.1kN (minimum of the three values)
Q.6.5 Derive an expression for the total extension of the tapered bar of circular cross section shown in the figure, when subjected to an axial tensile load , W W W B A Diameter d1 L Diameter d2
Consider an element of length, δx at a distance x from A
B W A x d1 d2 dx Diameter at x, c/s area at x, Change in length over a length dx is Change in length over a length L is
Consider an element of length, δx at a distance x from A
Change in length over a length L is Put d1+kx = t, Then k dx = dt
Q.6.6 A two meter long steel bar is having uniform diameter of 40mm for a length of 1m, in the next 0.5m its diameter gradually reduces to 20mm and for remaining 0.5m length diameter remains 20mm uniform as shown in the figure. If a load of 150kN is applied at the ends, find the stresses in each section of the bar and total extension of the bar. Take E = 200GPa. 500mm Ф = 40mm Ф = 20mm 150kN 1000mm
500mm Ф = 40mm Ф = 20mm 150kN 1000mm 2 3 1 If we take a section any where along the length of the bar, it is subjected to a load of 150kN.
500mm Ф = 40mm Ф = 20mm 150kN 1000mm 2 3 1 If we take a section any where along the length of the bar, it is subjected to a load of 150kN.
Q.6.7 Derive an expression for the total extension of the tapered bar AB of rectangular cross section and uniform thickness, as shown in the figure, when subjected to an axial tensile load ,W. W W d2 d1 B A b L b
W A B x d1 d2 b dx W Consider an element of length, δx at a distance x from A depth at x, c/s area at x, Change in length over a length dx is
Change in length over a length L is
Q.6.8 Derive an expression for the total extension produced by self weight of a uniform bar, when the bar is suspended vertically. L Diameter d
P1 = weight of the bar below the section, = volume × specific weight
= (π d2/4)× x × = A× x × element dx dx P1 x Diameter d Extension of the element due to weight of the bar below that,
Hence the total extension entire bar
The above expression can also be written as Where, P = (AL)× = total weight of the bar
SHEAR STRESS Consider a block or portion of a material shown in Fig.(a) subjected to a set of equal and opposite forces P. then there is a tendency for one layer of the material to slide over another to produce the form failure as shown in Fig.(b) P P R R P P Fig. a Fig. b Fig. c The resisting force developed by any plane ( or section) of the block will be parallel to the surface as shown in Fig.(c). The resisting forces acting parallel to the surface per unit area is called as shear stress.
Shear strain Shear stress (τ) = Shear resistance Area resisting shear
This shear stress will always be tangential to the area on which it acts Shear strain If block ABCD subjected to shearing stress as shown in Fig.(d), then it undergoes deformation. The shape will not remain rectangular, it changes into the form shown in Fig.(e), as AB'C'D. τ τ B' C' C B C B A D A D τ τ Fig. d Fig. e
The angle of deformation is then termed as shear strain
τ Shear strain is defined as the change in angle between two line element which are originally right angles to one another. B' C' B C A D τ Fig. e The angle of deformation is then termed as shear strain The angle of deformation is measured in radians and hence is non-dimensional.
SHEAR MODULUS For materials within the proportionality limit the shear strain is proportional to the shear stress. Hence the ratio of shear stress to shear strain is a constant within the proportionality limit. Shear Modulus or Modulus of Rigidity Shear stress (τ) Shear strain (φ) G = constant = = The value of the modulus of rigidity is a definite property of a material For Mild steel, G= 80GPa = 80,000MPa = 80,000N/mm2
example: Shearing Stress
Forces P and P‘ are applied transversely to the member AB. Corresponding internal forces act in the plane of section C and are called shearing forces. The resultant of the internal shear force distribution is defined as the shear of the section and is equal to the load P. The corresponding average shear stress is, The shear stress distribution cannot be assumed to be uniform.
State of simple shear Consider an element ABCD in a strained material subjected to shear stress, τ as shown in the figure τ B A D C τ Force on the face AB = P = τ × AB × t Where, t is the thickness of the element. Force on the face DC is also equal to P
Now consider the equilibrium of the element.
State of simple shear Now consider the equilibrium of the element. (i.e., ΣFx = 0, ΣFy = 0, ΣM = 0.) P B A For the force diagram shown, ΣFx = 0, & ΣFy = 0, But ΣM = 0 D C P The element is subjected to a clockwise moment force P × AD = (τ × AB × t) × AD But, as the element is actually in equilibrium, there must be another pair of forces say P' acting on faces AD and BC, such that they produce a anticlockwise moment equal to ( P × AD )
Equn.(1) can be written as
State of simple shear P A B P ' × AB = P × AD = (τ × AB × t)× AD (1) P ' P ' D C P If τ1 is the intensity of the shear stress on the faces AD and BC, then P ' can be written as, P ' = τ ' × AD × t τ A B τ ' τ ' D C τ Equn.(1) can be written as (τ ' × AD× t ) × AB = (τ × AB × t) × AD (1) τ ' = τ
State of simple shear Thus in a strained material a shear stress is always accompanied by a balancing shear of same intensity at right angles to itself. This balancing shear is called “complementary shear”. τ A B The shear and the complementary shear together constitute a state of simple shear τ'= τ τ'= τ D C τ
Direct stress due to pure shear
Consider a square element of side ‘a’ subjected to shear stress as shown in the Fig.(a). Let the thickness of the square be unity. A B C D τ a τ A B a τ a a τ D C τ Fig.(a). Fig.(b). Fig.(b) shows the deformed shape of the element. The length of diagonal DB increases, indicating that it is subjected to tensile stress. Similarly the length of diagonal AC decreases indicating that compressive stress.
Direct stress due to pure shear
Now consider the section, ADC of the element, Fig.(c). X a A C D A σn a τ a a D C τ Fig.(c). Resolving the forces in σn direction, i.e., in the X-direction shown For equilibrium
Direct stress due to pure shear
Therefore the intensity of normal tensile stress developed on plane BD is numerically equal to the intensity of shear stress. Similarly it can be proved that the intensity of compressive stress developed on plane AC is numerically equal to the intensity of shear stress.
POISSON’S RATIO Poisson’s Ratio: Consider the rectangular bar shown in Fig.(a) subjected to a tensile load. Under the action of this load the bar will increase in length by an amount δL giving a longitudinal strain in the bar of Fig.(a)
POISSON’S RATIO The bar will also exhibit, reduction in dimension laterally, i.e. its breadth and depth will both reduce. These change in lateral dimension is measured as strains in the lateral direction as given below. The associated lateral strains will be equal and are of opposite sense to the longitudinal strain. Provided the load on the material is retained within the elastic range the ratio of the lateral and longitudinal strains will always be constant. This ratio is termed Poisson’s ratio (µ) Lateral strain POISSON’S RATIO = OR Longitudinal strain
Poisson’s Ratio = µ For most engineering metals the value of µ lies between 0.25 and In general y Lz Ly P P x Lx z Lateral strain Poisson’s Ratio = OR Strain in the direction of load applied
Poisson’s Ratio = µ y In general Px x z Strain in Y-direction = εy
Ly Lz Px Px x Lx z Strain in Y-direction = εy Strain in X-direction = εx Strain in Z-direction = εz
Load applied in Y-direction
z y x Py Lx Ly Lz Lateral strain Poisson’s Ratio = OR Strain in the direction of load applied Strain in X-direction = εx
Load applied in Z-direction
y z x Pz Lx Ly Lz Lateral strain Poisson’s Ratio = OR Strain in the direction of load applied Strain in X-direction = εx
Load applied in X & Y direction
Py Strain in X-direction = εx Ly Lz Px Px x Lx z Py Strain in Y-direction = εy Strain in Z-direction = εz
σy σz σx General case: y Strain in X-direction = εx x z
Py General case: Pz y Strain in X-direction = εx Px Px x z Py Pz Strain in Y-direction = εy σx σz σy Strain in Z-direction = εz
Bulk Modulus Bulk Modulus A body subjected to three mutually perpendicular equal direct stresses undergoes volumetric change without distortion of shape. If V is the original volume and dV is the change in volume, then dV/V is called volumetric strain. A body subjected to three mutually perpendicular equal direct stresses then the ratio of stress to volumetric strain is called Bulk Modulus. Bulk modulus, K
Relationship between volumetric strain and linear strain
Consider a cube of side 1unit, subjected to three mutually perpendicular direct stresses as shown in the figure. Relative to the unstressed state, the change in volume per unit volume is
Relationship between volumetric strain and linear strain
For element subjected to uniform hydrostatic pressure,
Strain in the diagonal AC = τ /E – μ (- τ /E) [ σn= τ ]
Relationship between young’s modulus of elasticity (E) and modulus of rigidity (G) :- A B1 B A1 a 45˚ H a φ τ φ D C τ Consider a square element ABCD of side ‘a’ subjected to pure shear ‘τ’. DA'B'C is the deformed shape due to shear τ. Drop a perpendicular AH to diagonal A'C. Strain in the diagonal AC = τ /E – μ (- τ /E) [ σn= τ ] = τ /E [ 1 + μ ] (1) Strain along the diagonal AC=(A'C–AC)/AC=(A'C–CH)/AC=A'H/AC
In Δle AA'H Cos 45˚ = A'H/AA' A'H= AA' × 1/√2 AC = √2 × AD ( AC = √ AD2 +AD2) Strain along the diagonal AC = AA'/ (√2 × √2 × AD)=φ/2 ----(2) Modulus of rigidity = G = τ /φ φ = τ /G Substituting in (2) Strain along the diagonal AC = τ /2G (3) Equating (1) & (3) τ /2G = τ /E[1+μ] E=2G(1+ μ)
Relationship between E, G, and K:-
We have E = 2G( 1+ μ) (1) E = 3K( 1-2μ) (2) Equating (1) & (2) 2G( 1+ μ) =3K( 1- 2μ) 2G + 2Gμ=3K- 6Kμ μ= (3K- 2G) /(2G +6K) Substituting in (1) E = 2G[ 1+(3K – 2G)/ (2G+6K)] E = 18GK/( 2G+6K) E = 9GK/(G+3K)
K= E/(1-2μ) = (1.2 × 105)/ (3 × (1- 2 × 0.26)) = 8.3 × 104N/mm2
(1) A bar of certain material 50 mm square is subjected to an axial pull of 150KN. The extension over a length of 100mm is 0.05mm and decrease in each side is mm. Calculate (i) E (ii) μ (iii) G (iv) K Solution: E = Stress/ Strain = (P/A)/ (dL/L) = (150×103 × 100)/(50 × 50 × 0.05) E = 1.2 x 105N/mm2 (ii) µ = Lateral strain/ Longitudinal strain = (0.0065/50)/(0.05/100) = 0.26 (iii) E = 2G(1+ μ) G= E/(2 × (1+ μ)) = (1.2 × 105)/ (2 × ( )) = 0.47 ×105N/mm2 (iv) E = 3K(1-2μ) K= E/(1-2μ) = (1.2 × 105)/ (3 × (1- 2 × 0.26)) = 8.3 × 104N/mm2
(2) A tension test is subjected on a mild steel tube of external diameter 18mm and internal diameter 12mm acted upon by an axial load of 2KN produces an extension of 3.36 x 10-3mm on a length of 50mm and a lateral contraction of 3.62 x 10-4mm of outer diameter. Determine E, μ,G and K. E = Stress/Strain = (2 ×103 × 50)/ (π/4(182 – 122)× 3.36× 10-3) = 2.11× 105N/mm2 ii) μ=lateral strain/longitudinal strain = [(3.62 ×10-4)/18]/[(3.36 × 10-3)/50] = 0.3 iii) E = 2G (1 + μ) G = E / 2(1+ μ) = (2.11 × 105)/(2 × 1.3) = × 103N/mm2 iv) E = 3K(1 -2 μ) K = E/ [3×(1-2 μ)] = (2.11×105)/{3×[1-(2 × 0.3)]} = ×103N/mm2
Working stress: It is obvious that one cannot take risk of loading a member to its ultimate strength, in practice. The maximum stress to which the material of a member is subjected to in practice is called working stress. This value should be well within the elastic limit in elastic design method. Factor of safety: Because of uncertainty of loading conditions, design procedure, production methods, etc., designers generally introduce a factor of safety into their design, defined as follows Maximum stress Yield stress (or proof stress) Factor of safety = or Allowable working stress Allowable working stress
Malleability: A property closely related to ductility, which defines a material’s ability to be hammered out in to thin sheets Homogeneous: A material which has a uniform structure throughout without any flaws or discontinuities. Isotropic: If a material exhibits uniform properties throughout in all directions ,it is said to be isotropic. Anisotropic: If a material does not exhibit uniform properties throughout in all directions ,it is said to be anisotropic or nonisotropic.
Q.6.9 A metallic bar 250mm×100mm×50mm is loaded as shown in the figure. Find the change in each dimension and total volume. Take E = 200GPa, Poisson's ratio, µ = 0.25 250 400kN 50 100 2000kN 4000kN
Stresses in different directions
100 250 400kN 50 2000kN 4000kN Stresses in different directions 100 250 50
Stresses in different direction
To find change in volume
Q.6.10 A metallic bar 250mm×100mm×50mm is loaded as shown in the Fig. shown below. Find the change in value that should be made in 4000kN load, in order that there should be no change in the volume of the bar. Take E = 200GPa, Poisson's ratio, µ = 0.25 250 400kN 50 100 2000kN 4000kN
We know that In order that change in volume to be zero The change in value should be an addition of 2000kN compressive force in Y-direction
Exercise Problems Q1. An aluminum tube is rigidly fastened between a brass rod and steel rod. Axial loads are applied as indicated in the figure. Determine the stresses in each material and total deformation. Take Ea=70GPa, Eb=100GPa, Es=200GPa 500mm 700mm 600mm steel aluminum brass 20kN 15kN 10kN Ab=700mm2 Aa=1000mm2 As=800mm2 Ans: σb=28.57MPa, σa=5MPa, σs=12.5MPa, δl = mm
Q A 2.4m long steel bar has uniform diameter of 40mm for a length of 1.2m and in the next 0.6m of its length its diameter gradually reduces to ‘D’ mm and for remaining 0.6m of its length diameter remains the same as shown in the figure. When a load of 200kN is applied to this bar extension observed is equal to 2.59mm. Determine the diameter ‘D’ of the bar. Take E =200GPa Ф = 40mm Ф = D mm 200kN 500mm 1000mm
Q3. The diameter of a specimen is found to reduce by 0
Q3. The diameter of a specimen is found to reduce by 0.004mm when it is subjected to a tensile force of 19kN. The initial diameter of the specimen was 20mm. Taking modulus of rigidity as 40GPa determine the value of E and µ Ans: E=110GPa, µ=0.36 Q A circular bar of brass is to be loaded by a shear load of 30kN. Determine the necessary diameter of the bars (a) in single shear (b) in double shear, if the shear stress in material must not exceed 50MPa. Ans: 27.6, 19.5mm
Q5. Determine the largest weight W that can be supported by the two wires shown. Stresses in wires AB and AC are not to exceed 100MPa and 150MPa respectively. The cross sectional areas of the two wires are 400mm2 for AB and 200mm2 for AC. Ans: 33.4kN C B 300 450 A W
Q6. A homogeneous rigid bar of weight 1500N carries a 2000N load as shown. The bar is supported by a pin at B and a 10mm diameter cable CD. Determine the stress in the cable Ans: 87.53MPa 3m A C B 2000 N D
Q7. A stepped bar with three different cross-sectional areas, is fixed at one end and loaded as shown in the figure. Determine the stress and deformation in each portions. Also find the net change in the length of the bar. Take E = 200GPa 250mm 270mm 320mm 300mm2 450mm2 250mm2 10kN 40kN 20kN Ans: , -120, 22.2MPa, , , 0.03mm, mm
Q The coupling shown in figure is constructed from steel of rectangular cross-section and is designed to transmit a tensile force of 50kN. If the bolt is of 15mm diameter calculate: The shear stress in the bolt; The direct stress in the plate; The direct stress in the forked end of the coupling. Ans: a)141.5MPa, b)166.7MPa, c)83.3MPa
Q9. The maximum safe compressive stress in a hardened steel punch is limited to 1000MPa, and the punch is used to pierce circular holes in mild steel plate 20mm thick. If the ultimate shearing stress is 312.5MPa, calculate the smallest diameter of hole that can be pierced. Ans: 25mm Q A rectangular bar of 250mm long is 75mm wide and 25mm thick. It is loaded with an axial tensile load of 200kN, together with a normal compressive force of 2000kN on face 75mm×250mm and a tensile force 400kN on face 25mm×250mm. Calculate the change in length, breadth, thickness and volume. Take E = 200GPa & µ=0.3 Ans: 0.15,0.024,0.0197mm, 60mm3
Q A piece of 180mm long by 30mm square is in compression under a load of 90kN as shown in the figure. If the modulus of elasticity of the material is 120GPa and Poisson’s ratio is 0.25, find the change in the length if all lateral strain is prevented by the application of uniform lateral external pressure of suitable intensity. 90kN 30 30 180 Ans: 0.125mm
Q12. Define the terms: stress, strain, elastic limit, proportionality limit, yield stress, ultimate stress, proof stress, true stress, factor of safety, Young’s modulus, modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus, Poisson's ratio, Q Draw a typical stress-strain diagram for mild steel rod under tension and mark the salient points. Q14 Diameter of a bar of length ‘L’ varies from D1 at one end to D2 at the other end. Find the extension of the bar under the axial load P Q Derive the relationship between Young’s modulus and modulus of rigidity.
Q16 Derive the relationship between Young’s modulus and Bulk modulus.
Q17 A flat plate of thickness ‘t’ tapers uniformly from a width b1at one end to b2 at the other end, in a length of L units. Determine the extension of the plate due to a pull P. Q18 Find the extension of a conical rod due to its own weight when suspended vertically with its base at the top. Q19. Prove that a material subjected to pure shear in two perpendicular planes has a diagonal tension and compression of same magnitude at 45o to the planes of shear.
Q20. For a given material E=1. 1×105N/mm2& G=0. 43×105N/mm2
Q For a given material E=1.1×105N/mm2& G=0.43×105N/mm2 .Find bulk modulus & lateral contraction of round bar of 40mm diameter & 2.5m length when stretched by 2.5mm ANS: K=83.33Gpa, Lateral contraction=0.011mm Q The modulus of rigidity of a material is 0.8×105N/mm2 , when 6mm×6mm bar of this material subjected to an axial pull of 3600N.It was found that the lateral dimension of the bar is changed to mm×5.9991mm. Find µ & E. ANS: µ=0.31, E= 210Gpa.
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