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Mechanical Properties

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1 Mechanical Properties

2 Stress: force F  = sigma = A area

3 Stress at a single contact point
Stress at a single contact point. The closer the spacing between fringes the higher the stress. highest stress * Note * Fringes are revealed when clear plastics are viewed in polarized light.

4 Stress and Force: 50 N 50 N 1.0 mm 2.25 mm stress = F / A
= 50 / 2.25 = 50 / 1.0 = 22.2 MPa = 50 MPa 50 N 50 N

5 Types of deformation: tensile forces compressive forces shear forces

6 Stress concentration at a constriction:
F F higher density of lines indicates higher stress

7 Stresses: compressive stresses tensile stresses

8 Strain:  = Lf Li strain = Lf - L i L i by tradition strain is denoted
 = by tradition strain is denoted by a Greek epsilon

9 Stress-strain diagrams
0.01 stress (MPa) 0.03 0.05 250 200 150 100 50 A B strain

10 The ratio of stress to strain. E =  / 
Elastic Modulus: The ratio of stress to strain. E =  /  The slope of the linear portion of a stress – strain diagram Indicates stiffness, rigidity

11 Elastic modulus Modulus of Elasticity Young’s Modulus Elastic Modulus:
Alternative terminology: Elastic modulus Modulus of Elasticity Young’s Modulus

12 Elastic behavior:

13 Plastic behavior:

14 300 200 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 strain (%) plastic deformation elastic

15 Deformation that is recovered when the stress is removed.
Elastic Deformation: Deformation that is recovered when the stress is removed.

16 Deformation that is not recovered when the stress is removed.
Plastic Deformation: Deformation that is not recovered when the stress is removed.

17 300 200 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 strain (%) yield strength yield point
proportional limit 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 strain (%)

18 Elastic Limit: The largest stress that a material can sustain and still return to its original dimensions when the stress is removed.

19 Proportional Limit: The largest stress that a material can sustain while stress remains proportional to strain.

20 Yield stress: The most commonly used measurement of the stress at which plastic deformation begins. It is defined at a fixed amount of strain.

21 300 200 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 strain (%) yield strength yield point
proportional limit 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 strain (%)

22  Stress  Strain Energy in purely elastic deformation
Modulus of Resilience  Strain

23 Modulus of Resilience:
Want high proportional limit Want low elastic modulus

24 Toughness  Strain  Stress Area under curve is Energy of elastic +
Plastic deformation Toughness  Stress  Strain

25 Ductile vs. brittle fracture:

26 a. b. c. d. e. f. stress stress stress strain strain strain stress

27 An Introduction to Fracture Mechanics

28 Stress concentrations at sharp angles:

29 low load Note that stresses are higher at grooves and corners. higher load

30 Fracture mechanics: basic idea
The strength of a material depends on its resistance to stress concentrations produced by defects Cracks are the most important type of defect in materials. (Many materials contain 1000s of micro-scopic cracks). One wants to develop criteria that indicate how susceptible a material is to the presence of crack. This is what fracture mechanics is all about.

31 Fracture mechanics: Griffith’s work
In 1920 Griffith developed two equations, that help us understand the effect of cracks of stress concentration and on fracture strength.

32 stress concentration factor:
stress in the presence of the defect c K = o stress if the defect had not been present

33 Stress at an elliptical crack (1):
In 1920, Griffith calculated the stress concentration caused by a crack in a brittle material. 2b 2a

34 Stress at an elliptical crack (2):
max = b where 2a and 2b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse A.A. Griffith, 1920

35 Stress at an elliptical crack (3):
If  is the radius of curvature of the crack ρ = b2 a ρ is small when a is large and b is small. When ρ is small, the crack is sharp. max = a ρ 1/2 A.A. Griffith, 1920

36 Stress at an elliptical crack (4):
If  << a 1/2 a max = 2  A.A. Griffith, 1920

37 Stress at an elliptical crack (5):
max a K = = 2 1/2 Stress concentration Notice that the stress concen-tration increases with the length of the crack and the sharpness of the crack. A.A. Griffith, 1920

38 Fracture Mechanics: Griffith 1st equation
Unfortunately, although Griffith’s first equation is scientifically important, it is NOT practically important. We do not know: how long the longest crack is how sharp the longest crack is how the material itself acts on the crack; e.g., are some materials more sensitive to the presence of cracks than others?

39 Fracture Mechanics: Griffith’s second equation
Fortunately, Griffith developed a second, more useful, equation. This equation can be used to determine a material’s susceptibility to weakening by cracks. This second equation is call the Griffith Equation. We will go through some of the steps in arriving a the Griffith equation in the following slides.

40 p s a = - Internal energy E 2 2
Griffith developed a second, more useful equation: Griffith developed a second, more useful equation: 2 2 a Internal energy E p s = - A crack with a length 2a will increase the internal energy of the system proportional to the square of the crack’s length and the square of the stress. Note that E is the elastic modulus.

41 4a Crack surface energy g = + s
But energy is required to create new surface. Here s is the surface energy. Note the crack length is 2a and two surfaces are being created, hence the 4.

42 = decrease in internal energy per increase in crack length
increase in crack surface energy per increase in crack length = The crack will not grow as long as an increase in crack length does not decrease the internal energy more than the creation of new surfaces increases the surface energy. The last moment when this is true is when change in the two energies are equal.

43 ( ) 2 4 f s a E p s g = This equation is the differential equation that is equivalent to the previous word equation. Cracks do not extend as long as the change in internal energy (left) is equal to the change in surface energy (right). Fracture occurs when the stress makes the left side larger than the right. Note we have substituted the facture stress, , for the stress, The stress at which this equation holds is the fracture stress. σf σ

44 a E p = s g 4 2 f Differentiating this equation, we obtain:
& solving for σf , we find:

45 Griffith eq. for elastic materials:
1 2 s f E a g p = Note that the fracture strength decreases as the size of the largest crack in the material increases.

46 Stress concentrations at cracks in brittle and ductile materials:
If the material is plastic, the high stress at the crack tip will be reduced by plastic flow at the tip, which will blunt the tip. If the material is plastic, the high stress at the crack tip will be reduced by plastic flow at the tip, which will blunt the tip.

47 Modifying the Griffith eq. for plastic materials:
We add a term to account for the increase in plastic energy with increase in crack length.

48 Modifying the Griffith eq. for plastic materials:
Plastic deformation energy per unit length of crack Plastic deformation energy per unit length of crack We differentiate and solve for σf : We differentiate and solve for σf :

49 Griffith eq. for plastic materials:
Once again, the fracture strength is a function of the largest crack in the material. Unfortunately, we typically do NOT know either p , the plastic energy or a , ½ the crack length.

50 Fracture mechanics: Determining crack susceptibility
The Griffith Equation could predict fracture strength if we knew a , s , and p . Unfortunately, although we have pretty good values s , in real world situations it is difficult to know a and we generally do not know p . Fortunately, we are able to determine a material’s susceptibility to the presence of cracks experimentally.

51 Fracture mechanics: Determining crack susceptibility
Engineers are able to calculate the stress intensity factor at crack tips, provided the material is relatively brittle, that the crack length is known, and that the material is formed into specimens with specific dimensions.

52 Fracture toughness – compact tensile specimen:
Fracture toughness specimens are fabricated with precise dimensions. A crack with a sharp point is placed in the specimen. The length of the crack is measured during testing, so that the length of the crack at the moment of fracture is determined experimentally.

53 Fracture toughness – compact tensile specimen:
KI - stress intensity factor is a measure of stress at the crack tip The load is applied so that the specimen opens like a hinge. This type of loading produces a type of stress intensity factor that is denoted KI. F There are other ways to open cracks. The stress intensity factor for a crack opened by shear is denoted KII. The stress intensity factor for a crack opened by twisting is denoted KIII. F

54 K I - the stress intensity factor
Y is a dimensionless constant whose value is fixed by the dimensions of a fracture toughness test specimen.

55 Stress intensity factor – KI : units
The units of stress intensity are a bit unusual. All of the above are equivalent.

56 Critical Stress Intensity
KIC, the critical stress intensity, is the stress intensity at which fracture occurs.

57 Not a property of the material A property of the material
stress ultimate strength stress intensity fracture toughness

58 The End

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