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UNIT 4 Skills for Innovation.

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1 UNIT 4 Skills for Innovation

TASK 1 In Microsoft Word Summarise the scenario – Describe Vicky’s business situation Explain Vicky’s problems and what she has asked you to do Describe Vicky’s requirements for the network (cost effective, own computers, share files, and access internet, environmentally friendly) and website (explain what this will involve) REMEMBER FULL EXPLANATION USING POINT, EVIDENCE, EXPLANATION Add “your name” and “Unit 4” in the footer Save the document in your Unit 4 folder

3 TASK 2 Set up a page with a title Bibliography
Create two tables under the subheadings given below Internet Research Name of Page Date Accessed URL Book/Magazines Name of Magazine Publisher Date of Publication Page Information

4 Possible Computer Systems
Create worksheet in Excel and find information about 6 possible computer systems Option Name Item Name Other Information Cost Over/Underbudget 1 Name of computer Items included in price, or extras More detail about the system =IF(> 2 3 4 5 6

5 Possible Printer Options
Create second worksheet in your Excel work book and find information about 4 possible printer options 3 from Internet Research, 1 from another source Option Item Name Extra Info Cost Ink Cost Total Over/Underbudget 1 Name & Manufacturer of Printer Ink jet of Laser Mono or Colour Sum Formula IF Statement 2 3 4

6 Component Requirements for a Network
P2P : network cables, hub, Client server; network cables, server (MS Network Server), router,

7 Possible Network Types
Create a third worksheet in your Excel work book and find information about 5 possible network types 3 from Internet Research, 2 from another source Option Method Extra Info Cost Over/Underbudget 1 Dial up As much detail as possible about the method and how it works 2 Broad band modem 3 Wireless Router 4 Peer to peer 5 Client server

8 Possible Installation Methods
Create a fourth worksheet in your Excel work book and find information about estimated installation costs Option Method Pros & Cons Cost Over/under budget 1 Yourself 2 A computer friend 3 An Expert

9 ISP What is an ISP? What services do they provide?
Which Internet services will Vicky need? Do some research into ISP’s specifically suited to businesses (Spreadsheet – worksheet called Possible ISP ) Fill in your bibliography with your research details…

10 Possible ISP Create a fifth worksheet in your Excel work book and find information about possible ISPs Option ISP Type of Connection Speed of Connection Cost per month Further Information 1 2 3 4

11 Web Hosting Create a sixth worksheet in your Excel work book and find information about possible Web Hosts Option Name of Host Storage Space Bandwidth Cost per month Further Information 1 2 3 4

12 Your Recommendation You now need to put together a computer system which meets Vicky’s needs, you must carefully match the specifications with Vicky’s needs and her budget Create a seventh worksheet in your Excel work book and find the total cost of your recommendation, it could be set out similar to the table below Option Recommendation Price Budget Over/Under Budget Computer System =IF() Printer Network Installation ISP Web Hosting Total =SUM() Over/Underspend =Budget-Total Price

13 Finishing off the Spreadsheet
Display the results of your research as charts/graphs Design a home page which has a direct link to each worksheet and each chart, it could look something like this: Vicky’s Solution Recommendations Work Sheets Charts Computer System Installation Chart 1 Chart 4 Printer ISP Chart 2 Chart 5 Network Web Hosting Chart 3 Chart 6

14 Your Report Explain Vicky’s problem and what she has asked you to do
Display the results of your research on graphs and charts and refer to these in your report

15 The Solution For each part of your research you need to
Give details of your recommendation and why you have suggested that option – consider: Price Specifications Why it is needed What could it be used for in the future Copy the Excel spreadsheet and graph into the report and refer to these in your explanation Explain why you rejected the other options Refer to reviews written by experts or buyers – eg Which Report “Best Buy” July 2010

16 Legal Constraints Give information about the following legal constraints and explain how each one will effect Vicky’s business Data Protection Act 1998 Computer Misuse Act 1990 Copyright, Design & Patents Act 1988 Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Information can be found in the course textbook and at

17 Ethical Issues Give information about the following ethical issues and explain how each one will effect Vicky’s business Recycling packaging and used toner cartridges Disposal of old equipment – WEEE Directive Donating old equipment Minimising stress when working on a computer

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