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Retinoschisis AP. 박영훈 / R3 이용은.

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1 Retinoschisis AP. 박영훈 / R3 이용은

2 Case 1 46/F C.C.) Blurred vision(OS) for 6months
Past history) 1993 Excimer laser(OS) at local clinic

3 Ocular exam VA OD (0.8 x -5.50Ds : -2.00Dc Ax 180)
OS (0.8 x -3.25Ds : -1.50Dc Ax 170) IOP OD/OS 13/12 mmHg Lid OU no swelling Conj. OU not injected Cornea OU clear AC OU deep & cell (-) Pupil OU round & nl sized, LR(+/+) Lens OU mild cortical opacity

4 Fundus photography OD Tigroid appearance, flat post pole
Slit lamp exam The elevation of the retina within the posterior staphyloma without a macular hole May have a microcystic appearance in the area OD Tigroid appearance, flat post pole OS Suspicious elevation of the fovea, tigroid appearance, PVD(+) Axial length OD/OS / 29.54

5 Foveal detachment (OS)
Retina split into a thick inner layer and a thin outer layer

6 Diagnosis & plan Diagnosis) Plan) R/O myopic retinoschisis(OS)
R/O RD(OS) – thick R/O X-linked juvenile retinoschisis(OS) – female, age R/O optic disc pit syndrome(OS) – optic disc aplasia or hypoplasia (-) R/O macular edema(OS) – FAG leak Plan) FAG, VEP, ERG

7 FAG : no leak

8 VEP, ERG : Decreased rod response

9 Case 2 21/M C.C.) 우안 초점이 가려 보여요 onset) 1 year ago
Past history) Amblyopia(OS) since childhood Muscle op. several years ago

10 Ocular exam VA OD 0.25(0.63 x +2.25Ds : -2.75Dc Ax 180)
OS 0.06(0.1 x +6.00Ds : -1.25Dc Ax 160) IOP OD/OS 13/19 mmHg Lid OU no swelling Conj. OU not injected Cornea OU clear AC OU deep & cell (-) Pupil OU round & nl sized, LR(+/+) Lens OU clear

11 Fundus photography Bilateral infero-temporal retinoschisis Chorioretinal atrophy of macula Veil-like membrane and fold protruded into vitreous Intraretinal pigmentation

12 Cyst-like maculopathy

13 Diagnosis & plan Diagnosis) R/O juvenile retinoschisis R/O RD Plan)
R/O retinitis pigmentosa Plan) Observation


15 Retinoschisis - Review

16 Retinoschisis Myopic retinoschisis X-linked Juvenile retinoschisis
Senile(acquired) retinoschisis

17 Myopic retinoschisis High myopia - pathological changes of the fundus
First reported in 1958, by Phillips RD without retinal breaks in highly myopic eyes Localized posterior RD over posterior staphyloma without a macular hole

18 Myopic retinoschisis : ocular features
Slit lamp Elevation of the retina within the posterior staphyloma Without a macular hole Microcystic appearance in the area OCT Foveal detachment Split into a thick inner layer and a thin outer layer Posterior hyaloid exerts traction Macular hole subsequently evolved in some cases B-scan Very thin, smooth, dome-shaped membrane High spike 100%

19 Myopic retinoschisis Incidence : common in high myopia (9~34 %)
BCVA : ranged from 20/400 to 20/25 in most eyes Pathogenesis Anterior traction on the fovea caused by tangential contraction of the vitreous cortex ERM from an eye with macular hole retinal detachment associated with high myopia

20 Myopic retinoschisis : differential diagnosis
RD RD Careful exam using OCT Visual outcome can differ markedly Optic disc pit syndrome Excavations of the optic nerve head Megalopapilla, optic disc aplasia, and hypoplasia, retinal colobomas Macular edema FAG : leak (+) X-linked juvenile retinoschisis Optic disc pit ME

21 Myopic retinoschisis : treatment
Pars plana vitrectomy Posterior vitreous separation Removal of ILM Gas tamponade, in eyes with macular hole RD After vitrectomy, retinoschisis gradually decreases and completely disappears in several months Visual outcomes Without a macular hole >> with macular hole Better than 20/50 : ≥ 50% Spontaneous resolution after spontaneous PVD

22 53/M -15. 0 diopters and an axial length of 29
53/M diopters and an axial length of 29.4 mm Shallow RD and retinoschisis without a macular hole 6 months after ppV+ILM peeling+gas tamponade : reattached

23 2. X-linked juvenile retinoschisis
“Congenital hereditary retinoschisis” , “Congenital vascular veil” Rare, prevalence 1:120,000 Develops early in life and is probably present at birth Presenting symptoms Poor vision, strabismus, and nystagmus Onset in the first decade of life in most patients Transmitted as an X-linked recessive trait (occurring almost in males) Rare females Turner syndrome (45, X genotype) Possibly a related autosomal disease Retinoschisis gene (RS1) : Xp22, retinoschisin

24 X-linked juvenile retinoschisis – ocular features
Presentation Bilateral infero-temporal retinoschisis Cyst-like stellate maculopathy Typical finding as age In young : stellate striation of macula In older : atrophic changes of underlying RPE In periphery Veil-like membrane and fold protruded into vitreous Others Blood vessel change : sheathing, dendritic and falciform degeneration End-stage : atrophic macula, diffuse chorioretinal degeneration, intraretinal pigmentation Mimic cystoid macular edema FAG is different : no leakage that is characteristic of CME

25 X-linked juvenile retinoschisis
Stellate maculopathy Vitreous veils

26 Retinoschisis in the temporal inferior quadrant

27 X-linked juvenile retinoschisis – ocular features
Progression Usually only very slowly progressive Rapid during first 5 yrs, and then slows Become stationary till 20 yrs of age Increased height of schisis cavity Vitreous traction Play a role in progression

28 X-linked juvenile retinoschisis – Diagnosis
Indirect ophthalmoscope Domelike elevation of very thin layer of retinal tissue containing blood vessel Biomicroscopy : Aids DDx for retinoschisis and retinal detachment No vitreous detachment Very thin detachment Transparent layer Absence of fluid shift M-OCT Valuable Wide hyporeflective space that split the neurosensory retina into thin outer layer and thick inner retinal layer ERG Selective b-wave reduction Slit DDx Retinoschisis는 보통 vitreous가 떨어져있지 않다. Retinoschisis는 바깥에 떨어져 보이는 부분이 매우 얇아서 망막박리와는 다르게 보이며 박리된 망막과 달리 물결치는 듯한 양상을 보이지 않는다. Retinoschisis는 머리를 움직임에 따라 shift되지 않는다. *OCT finding : Wide hyporeflective space with vertical palisades that split the neurosensory retina into thin outer layer and thick inner retinal layer

29 X-linked juvenile retinoschisis – DDx
RD Acquired (senile) retinoschisis Retinitis pigmentosa Sickle cell retinopathy ROP Enhanced S cone syndrome

30 X-linked juvenile retinoschisis - treatment
Indication of surgery Retina is detached Vitreous hemorrhage is present Macula is obscured by schisis How to treat? Pars plana vitrectomy Creation of posterior vitreous separation Removal of internal limiting membrane Internal tamponade Topical dorzolamide : to reduce macular cystic cavity

31 3. Senile retinoschisis Uncommon
Splitting of the neurosensory retina, at the outer plexiform later Men = Women Myopia (-), adult, FAG leak(-) Asymptimatic, rarely progressive, benign Indication for prophylactic therapy Significant progression of subretinal fluid toward the post pole

32 Reference RETINA, 4th edition
X-linked retinoschisis maculopathy treated with topical dorzolamide, and relationship to genotype. (EYE 2011 Jul;25(7)) Acquired senile retinoschisis of the peripheral retina imaged by spectral domain optical coherence tomography: a case report. (Eur J Ophthalmol 2010;20(6))

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