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Monthly Special Education Coordinator Meeting

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1 Monthly Special Education Coordinator Meeting
October 13, 2014

2 Topics Enrich IEP Amendments Compensatory Services Meetings
Progress Reports Logging Services (service providers) Direct vs Indirect (LRE section) Other Add placement date Alt assessment IEP Amendments Compensatory Services Meetings Tracking Removals for Discipline FBAs Reevaluations

3 Progress Reports Enrich

4 5 options for reporting progress
N/A for Comparable Services 4.5 weeks with school interim reports Quarterly with school quarterly reports Every 4.5 Weeks Every 9 Weeks There is a difference Between numbers 2 and 3 with 4 and 5.

5 Progress Reports 4.5 weeks with school interim reports
Quarterly with school quarterly reports The District sets the approximate date for dashboard reminders

6 Progress Reports Every 4.5 Weeks Every 9 Weeks
There is not “set date” for this option for this, so there is not a dashboard reminder

7 Progress Reports Sample of “every 9” – to edit, click “goal progress”

8 To edit (add a progress report data) – click edit progress report
Annual Goal Probe Scores Progress towards Goal

9 IGNORE THE DATES Report #2 Report #1 Report #3 Goal 1
Report #1 Comments Report #2 Comments Report #3 Comments

10 Enter the Data – manually add a date

11 How it looks – now click print

12 The printed version (PDF) – notice, the dates assigned by the district does not appear – that’s why you’ll need to manually add a date in description.

13 Service Logs (assigning Service Providers)

14 Service Logs Enrich has a feature that allows a service provider to log services. This can also be used to log the provision of accommodations. The use of the service log isn’t required at the District level.

15 Service Logs By assigning providers, this helps tremendously with reports and dashboard reminders. There are a few steps that need to be done to allow for service log provision: Set the permissions of the provider to be able to provide that particular service (see next slide)

16 Service Log School Coordinators: Click administration
Click view all users roles Edit the role of that user Only edit: Team Responsibility Service Provider Title “provide” under Services Click save

17 Service Logs: The Roles Page

18 Service Logs 2a) Assign them as a provider under the student’s dashboard 4 2 1 5 3

19 Service Logs 2b) Assign them as a provider under the student’s dashboard – but it’s gray-ed out this will only happen for converted data at first Annual review, it won’t be an issue

20 Click View Details Issue

21 Administrative Edit

22 Switch from what came from Excent to one of the Enrich options from English Lang Arts to ELA

23 Click Save

24 Problem Solved . . . Go back to Step 2a =)

25 Every 4.5 or 9 weeks Reminder that this will reset with every Special Review or amendment to the IEP since it isn’t tied to the report card date, but is tied to the implementation/start date of the IEP

26 Direct vs Indirect Enrich

27 Direct vs Indirect: Total Minutes
Let’s say you want to add 15 minutes of indirect services Where does this get calculated?

28 LRE Section DO NOT use “additional time outside general ed” to show your indirect minutes time. Not here . . .

29 Services Section Indirect time is auto calculated here:
This is where you look for EFA funding Here

30 Running Draft Reports Enrich

31 Other - Enrich

32 Reports One of the CPR requirements is to run a draft report from Enrich. The next few slides show you how:

33 From the dashboard – click “create/manage reports”

34 Click the + by New Blank Report Find Draft Plans

35 Add “fields” to the report (i.e. student name/case manager)

36 Add the fields . . . Click add
Student Name Case Manager 1 2 3

37 Click Run

38 List of everything in draft
Print or Export List of everything in draft

39 Others Enrich

40 Enrich: Other Adding new users in Enrich Use this link to either: Add

41 Other – Add Placement Date

42 Other Add Placement Date explanation – sort of a “misnomer” and isn’t what it sounds like Semester 1 will have 250 minutes/week of resource math support/instruction because of Algebra 2 class Semester 2 will have 15 minutes/week consult because no math class Add Placement Date for the beginning of Semester 2 to reflect different services OR IEP is written for 2/2014 through 2/2015 so needs to reflect schedule for Semester 2 of and also Semester 1 of

43 Other – Alternate Assessment
Mark either Yes or NA No should never be marked and will be removed by Enrich as an option in the future Don’t go back to “fix” now; just be aware for the future

44 IEP Amendments/Special Reviews
Changes made to IEP No changes made to IEP

45 IEP Amendments/Special Reviews
For all special reviews, even if no changes are made to the IEP, complete an IEP Amendment (cover page) to document the IEP meeting Then go to Program tab Edit details Amend Save Finalize – this creates a breadcrumb trail of special reviews

46 IEP Amendments/Special Reviews
IEP Amendment (cover page) Yes, meeting/No, meeting Sections changed (put “None” if no changes were made) Make handwritten changes on “real” IEP and upload Program tab Edit Details of converted data Amend Make changes and save, validate, finalize or if no changes were made, just save, validate, and finalize Once you’re done, you an click Edit details again and see the breadcrumb trail of Special Reviews

47 Possible Denial of FAPE/Compensatory Services meetings

48 Reasons for denial of FAPE meetings
Comparable services were not begun within 5 days of enrollment Related services have not been provided Significant changes were made to services without supporting data when student transferred into school Evaluation was not completed within 60-day timeline Reevaluation or Annual Review was late Portion of the IEP was not implemented as written Progress report not issued as required by IEP Failure to provide accommodations as required by IEP School fails to write a minimally compliant IEP

49 Discussion of Possible Denial of FAPE/Compensatory Services Meetings
All decisions regarding the possible denial of FAPE and need for compensatory services are made by the IEP team Decisions are made based on data Compensatory services plan is developed Follow-up IEP meeting is held once compensatory services are provided to discuss progress/outcomes

50 Process for discussion
Purpose-to determine whether there was a denial of FAPE and if so, what compensatory services are owed Review of data Determination of denial of FAPE If yes, development of compensatory services plan

51 Review of data Review of what the current issue is (i.e. discuss what should have happened and what didn’t happen like “didn’t provide progress reports in a manner consistent with the frequency stated in the IEP). discussion of the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) discussion of the current progress towards the annual goals Discussion of negative impact, if any, due to (insert the compliance issue) What would the current present levels look like if the student had gotten what he was supposed to have gotten? Based on: parent input teacher/staff input

52 Compensatory Services Plan
amount of services needed to make up the deficit location of services person providing services measurement of progress documentation of provision of services (see cheat sheet for use of Services Log)

53 Follow-up IEP meeting Team must meet after compensatory services have been delivered to review progress and determine if the obligation has been met Is the student “caught back up”? Do any changes need to be made to IEP as a result of the completion of the compensatory services (such as updating the PLPs/Findings)?

54 Samples for denial of FAPE discussions
BookShelf under Resources Agenda to guide discussion Sample PWN

55 Functional Behavior Assessment

56 Functional Behavior Assessment
A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a process that identifies specific target behavior, the purpose of the behavior, and what factors maintain the behavior that is interfering with the student's educational progress. Note the word “Assessment”

57 FBAs A FBA means you are gathering additional information to figure out exactly what the student is doing, why he is doing it, and what you can do to change the behavior (BIP) Any time you gather additional information outside of typical progress monitoring, this must be done through a reevaluation and parent consent to reevaluate

58 FBAs Very rarely would you go into a reeval/FBA and already have enough info to do the BIP without needing to gather additional information

59 Evaluations and Reevaluations

60 Evaluations and Reevaluations
Remember we are now using a combination of the Enrich process and out “old” eval/reeval forms The Enrich directions on the BookShelf under Process, Procedures,… will walk you through how to do this

61 Evaluations and Reevaluations
You will begin each process in Enrich Setting up the meeting and documenting the process Move to the paper forms Then end the process in Enrich Eligibility IEP Amendment (cover page)/SR or AR

62 Later this Month

63 Later this month Be on the lookout for instructions regarding your Table 1 & 3 (child count). For most, this is your first official report you’ll run for the State Department of Education

64 Next Meeting Monday, November 10, 2014

65 Thank you!

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