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2017 Together We Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Together We Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Together We Lead

2 Learning Goals: Preparing for and Facilitating
Difficult Meetings; Ensuring appropriate documentation has been captured Connection to District Priorities: Ensuring our Goal for Collaborative Culture Holly Rockhill, Asst. Director Office for Student Support Programs and Services

3 define the behaviors we believe will lead to success in schools
Theory of Action If we create a unifying vision of instructional excellence for our schools,  define the behaviors we believe will lead to success in schools  and provide the necessary supports from our teams,  then, staff efficacy and student achievement will increase. 


5 Why do meetings/conferences go astray?
There are MANY reasons: Parent is upset Lack of understanding Team is unprepared Purpose of meeting is a difficult topic Inappropriate comments of one or more meeting participants

6 What can you/your staff do to minimize conflict?
Identify concerns prior to meeting Invite appropriate staff Gather relevant data Be prepared with options Prepare an agenda Set time limits ahead of time Review policies and procedures Ensure participants are prepared Ensure the meeting site is prepared Take GOOD conference notes

7 Identify concerns prior to meeting
Knowing the concerns ahead of time allow for preparation of agenda Review cumulative file Look at previous communication Get input from team members If you understand parent concerns, then you can develop ideas and options ahead of time Invite appropriate staff members

8 Who do I invite? Teacher(s) School counselor Itinerant staff ESE
Nurse Social Worker Psychologist ESE Resolution Program Supervisor 504 coordinator Outside agency

9 Gather relevant data IEP/504 Discipline referrals Email communication
Grades Attendance data Progress reports Assessment data Intervention data

10 Be prepared with options
Gathering data prior to meeting allows for preparing options and/or ideas Parents respond better to choices than ultimatums Ensure that appropriate staff members are present to discuss ideas/options and are able to answer questions Identify available resources

11 Prepare an agenda Agenda should match concerns
Meeting participants should review in advance Agenda drives preparation for participants Serves as a checklist for progress of meeting If other concerns arise, provide a way to capture them for future reference

12 Set time limits ahead of time
Share time limits with ALL participants ahead of time, including parent Allow for follow up meeting, if necessary Allow reasonable amount of time based on agenda Consider past meetings for planning

13 Review policies and procedures
Parents have access to LOTS of information Items you may want to review: Teacher syllabi Code of Conduct Student Progression Plan School Board Policy Instructional Master Contract FDOE website Statute Language Federal Regulations IEP/504

14 Ensure participants are prepared
Make sure agenda is shared prior to meeting Participants should make bulleted list of input and recommendations aligning to agenda topics Participants should expect to provide input at meeting All participants should be prepared to answer questions

15 Ensure the meeting site is prepared
Designate meeting space ahead of time Ensure appropriate number of table and chairs available Designate staff member to greet parent and walk to meeting site Failing to prepare meeting site conveys school was not prepared and may set a negative tone before meeting begins

16 Once the meeting begins, the facilitator:
Guides the meeting process, and helps the meeting participants stay on track Assign roles: Note taker, time keeper Documentation saves time (notes should ALWAYS be taken) Evidence of proposed outcomes Helps facilitator stay on track Encourages participation from everyone Makes sure everyone is following the agenda Keeps the meeting tone civil and constructive Keeps the meeting focused on the needs of the student Follow up to carousel activity. Do the participants feel that anything needs to be added.

17 At the conclusion of meeting:
Review the agenda to ensure all topics addressed Assign next steps: What Who When-Start/Completion Date Review notes for accuracy and provide copy to parents Schedule additional meeting, if necessary

18 What do Good Conference Notes Include and Why Should We?

19 Why? Creating a written record that will survive and explain to future readers: who was in attendance, what was considered, what was offered, what was refused, what was agreed upon and why, legal mandates were followed, curb parent-led claims

20 Who should take notes? Someone who:
understands the issues to accurately capture the essence of the meeting is comfortable with asking clarifying questions is assigned before the meeting is a school district employee

21 What are Conference notes?
Defined as: record or summary item of supplementary information summary for future reference and will become part of the student’s permanent record may be used during legal proceedings tell a story

22 What to include in conference notes:
Clearly identify who was in attendance meeting dates and time agenda items as topics complete sentences or occasional bulleted lists Parent concerns/proposals/requests Data/information reviewed or considered Student progress Agreed upon outcomes Next steps

23 Parent concerns/proposals:
List each concern Document discussion of concerns Include rationale for refusal or acceptance of parent proposal (include data) Example: Parents requested that their child be assigned a one-to-one aide. After further discussion and review of data, the district determined the child, based on his needs, does not require a one-to-one aide at this time."

24 Data/information reviewed or considered:
Document ALL data reviewed or considered, and by whom, including, but not limited to: Grades Discipline Attendance Evaluation data Teacher/parent/student input Medical information This ensures that decisions were data- driven and not determined beforehand.

25 Outcomes: List the agreed upon outcomes
If parent is not in agreement, be specific Be specific about what district is agreeing to do List action steps identifying WHO, WHAT and WHEN Identify follow-up meetings with date and time, if applicable

26 What should conference notes NOT include:
Open ended phrases or incomplete sentences which can be left open to interpretation Inflammatory or personal observations

27 Finalizing meeting notes:
Read the notes to meeting participants If parent objects to item(s) in notes, discuss with team for consensus If team is in consensus to objection by parent, amend the notes If team believes notes are accurate, parent should be offered to add, in writing, their objections which will be attached to notes Participants should sign notes If parent, or other participant, refuses to sign that should be documented in notes

28 Where do conference notes go?
Make a copy and give to parent Give copy to participants who were assigned a next step File original in appropriate file: ESOL PMP IEP 504 Cumulative record

29 Conference Notes Form Use the Conference Notes Form for ALL conferences. If the student has an IEP, 504 or suspected of having a disability, then the parent/guardian/adult student should check the N or Y box stating whether or not anyone prohibited or discouraged them from bringing a person of choice to the meeting. This will replace the MIS 455.

30 Questions?

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