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How Much Land Does a Man Need?

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Presentation on theme: "How Much Land Does a Man Need?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Much Land Does a Man Need?
Leo Tolstoy

2 Goals Content Goal- we will work on summary, theme, and author’s purpose Language Goal- to write our answers in complete sentences while restating the question in the answer

3 Pre-teaching Vocabulary
Sort these words into the two categories and guess their definitions. piqued disparaged aggrieved arable fallow Word Sort Farming Words Anger Words

4 Pre-reading Journal What is your weakness? Is there something you just can’t get enough of, never have enough of, or cannot resist buying another of? Maybe it’s shoes, DVDs, or iTunes? Write about this thing and how you justify getting more of it.

5 During Reading First day’s reading assignment p (up to part 6) What proverb does Pahom’s wife mention at the beginning of the story? What might this foreshadow? Who does Pahom encourage to be his enemy through the story? To what effect? As the story continues, write down each time Pahom trades what he has for an upgrade.

6 During Reading Second day’s reading assignment p. 138-143
As the story continues, write down each time Pahom trades what he has for an upgrade. Predict the outcome of each upgrade based on information in the story.

7 Assessment – CAT Questions
(LC02) Write a summary of Pahom measuring the land for his last farm including three details from the story in your answer. (LC01) How does this story show the theme of greed? Include two details from the story in your answer. (LA07) Why is Pahom discontented with the first farm he owns? Include two details from the story in your answer. (LT08) What is the author’s purpose for writing this short story? Include two details from the story to support your answer.

8 Post-reading What do you think causes greed? Think of what might inspire the greed you see in others or look inside yourself for ideas. Is it need? Is it want?

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