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Presentation on theme: "MODERN ART."— Presentation transcript:


2 Modern (French moderne - new, modern) traditions in European and American art of concentration early. 20 centuries. Modernist thought was right to abandon realism. Modernizm denies cultural heritage and a real reproduction of reality, using deformation patterns and the subjective perception of the artist, creating a world that is in the picture frame. Modernism has always caused the most contradictory responses, and at the same time, it remains one of the most extensive lines of fine art.

3 Summary Different and unique
About 70 different Art movements and artist groups Reflecting eras they lived in, modern artists drive the art’s evolution Summary

4 Modernism has several areas
Symbolism Fauvism Futurism Primitive Cubism Abstract art Pop art Impressionism Surrealism

5 The main artists of the time were Henri Matisse, Andre Derain, Georges Rouault, Van Dongen, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne .

6 “…This morning I saw the country from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big.” Vincent Van Gogh.

7 “I should be understood and loved by the people: it should arouse and stimulate their creative impulses.” Romare Berden.

8 Pablo Picasso «Girl On the Ball» 1905 «Bathers » 1918

9 Andre Derain «London» «Two Women and Still Life» 1936


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