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From Lenin to Stalin Russian Revoution.

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1 From Lenin to Stalin Russian Revoution

2 Death of Lenin January 1924 – thousands lined up to view the corpse of Lenin. No simple burial Communist party (Stalin) wanted him on permanent display By preserving Lenin – Stalin showed he would carry on the revolution.

3 Building the Communist Soviet Union
After revolution was won – Lenin turned to securing his personal power and rebuilding Russia. Government: Constitution seemed both democratic and socialist Elected legislature called Supreme Soviet All citizens over 18 had right to vote

4 Building the Communist Soviet Union
Russian Empire became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – U.S.S.R. Multinational state made up of European and Asian peoples In THEORY, all people shared certain equal rights. Reality: Communist party ruled supreme – not the people Used military and secret police to impose its will

5 Lenin’s NEP ‘war communism’ had brought the economy to near collapse.
Factory and mine production had fallen Peasants stopped producing grain knowing government would take it 1921 – New Economic Policy or NEP adopted

6 Lenin’s NEP Allowed some capitalist ventures
State control of banks, foreign trade, and large industries Small business allowed to operate for profit Peasants allowed to farm small plots and sell excess for profit Compromise with capitalism helped USSR recover economically. Only temporary

7 Stalin Gains Power Lenin’s death caused a power struggle: Leon Trotsky
Joseph Stalin Marxist thinker Skilled speaker Architect of Bolshevik Revolution Leon Trotsky

8 Joseph Stalin Stalin: Born Joseph Djugashvili
Not a scholar or orator Shrewd politician and behind the scenes organizer. Born Joseph Djugashvili Took the name Stalin which means “man of steel”

9 Stalin Gains Power General secretary of the Communist Party
Built a loyal group of officials that owed their jobs to him Lenin did not want Stalin to succeed him: Thought he would abuse his power Stalin and his supporters isolated Trotsky within the party Trotsky was stripped of his membership and he fled the country in 1929 – assassinated in Mexico by Stalinist agent

10 Stalin’s Five Year Plan
Set out to make USSR a modern industrial power Plan: Build heavy industry Improve transportation Increase farm output All economic activity brought under Government control.

11 Command Economy Government officials make all basic economic decisions
Government owned all businesses Government allocated all financial and other resources Capitalist economy is controlled by the free market; business is privately owned and operated for a profit

12 Mixed Industrial Results
Five year plan set high production goals Government gave bonuses to those who achieved goals –punished those that didn’t! USSR modernized and increased industrial output

13 Mixed Industrial Results
Soviet workers had little to show for their efforts: Standard of living remained low Wages were low Consumer goods scarce Central planning was inefficient Shortages of some goods, surplus of others Managers only concerned with quotas – quality not a concern!

14 Revolution in Agriculture
Agriculture brought under state control Private farms were seen as inefficient and a threat to state power. Peasants forced off private plots to: State owned farms Collectives Collectives are large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group.

15 Collectives Peasants kept homes and personal possessions
Farm animals and machinery turned over to the collective. State set all prices and controlled access to supplies Theory – govt. supplied equipment, seeds, and training in modern farming methods Goal – to feed the urban factory workers and sell surplus abroad to earn money.

16 Ruthless Policy Peasants resisted:
Killing farm animals Destroyed tools Burned crops Government responded with brutal force Set out to destroy kulaks – wealthy peasants Confiscated land and sent to work camps Thousands killed or died from overwork

17 Ruthless Policy Peasants only grew enough food for themselves
Govt. seized all grain leaving peasants to starve 5-8 million died just in the Ukraine Collectivization increased Stalin’s control but didn’t improve farm output Feeding the nation remained a problem in the Soviet Union until its demise in 1990s

18 The Great Purge Stalin obsessed with fears of plots against him.
Stalin’s secret police cracked down on Party Activist, army heroes, industrial managers, writers, ordinary citizens Charges were counterrevolutionaries or just failure to meet production goals some 4 Million people “purged”

19 The Great Purge Increased Stalin’s power
Young party members owed him absolute loyalty Soviet citizens well aware of consequences of disloyalty Result – Purge included experienced military officers Hurt USSR when Germany invaded in 1941

20 Soviet Foreign Policy Wanted to bring worldwide Revolution as Marx had predicted Wanted to guarantee security of USSR by winning support of other nations Communist International (Comintern) to support revolutionary groups Sought to join League of Nations to improve relations with western governments.

21 Three Revolutions Compared
American Revolution Least radical; no mass executions or seize property French Revolution Executed thousands; seized land of the Church and aristocracy Russian Revolution Seized all property Policies put millions of people to death.

22 Three Revolutions Compared
Russia and most of its allies have abandoned the goals of Lenin and Stalin Democratic nations continue to build on the principles preached during the American and French Revolutions Democracy and Freedom –WIN!!!!!!!

23 Questions to Ponder How did Lenin make a compromise between the ideas of capitalism and communism? What were the goals and results of Stalin's five year plan? What were the causes and effects of the Great Purge? How did Soviet foreign policy lead to difficult relations with the west?

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