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Good Practice in Community Gardens

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1 Good Practice in Community Gardens
Hello Like to thank the MAV for the opportunity to talk to you today. My name is Richard Rowe and today I am going to be talking about Community Gardens and what are some of the secrets to make them sustaining A little about myself. A long backstory in corporate life in commercial and accounting roles Now I have multiple strings to my bow. I teach environmental sustainability (food, energy, water, waste, biodiversity) to school kids (prep to year 9) at Edendale in Eltham I am a founding committee member of Local Food Connect – Not for Profit community orgs focusing on connecting people and local food in NE Melbourne I consult to Local Councils on environmental sustainability (food) and run community engagement workshops I am the Learning and Training Co-ordinator for SGA where I organise training for public and council and I also deliver some of SGA’s training packages Richard Rowe Learning and Training Coordinator

2 Sustainable Gardening Australia
Vision A healthy biodiverse planet and vibrant sustainable community Mission To inspire, empower and connect individuals, communities and organisations to garden sustainably, seeking to: Protect and enhance the natural environment Encourage local healthy food production Inspire community connectedness Sustainable Gardening Australia SGA is a not–for–profit organisation the promotes sustainability through gardening SGA’s audience: 15,000+ contacts interested in gardening sustainably Home gardeners Community and neighbourhood gardening groups Councils and gardening professionals Started about 15 years ago A couple of us from SGA will be outside during the breaks if you would like to talk to us.

3 What does SGA do? Sustainable Gardening workshops direct to gardeners
Sustainable Gardening workshops for local councils / residents “CUTTINGS” - a monthly sustainable gardening newsletter Website - Facebook page - SustainableGardeningAustralia Green Gardening Professionals (GGP) Industry program SGA Garden Product Guide – Safe for You ‘n’ Nature

4 Community Lets look at what a community garden is.
At it simplest form and its most complex form - it is community Get this part right – You have more chance of having a successful / resilient / sustaining Community Garden Get this part wrong – Struggle street

5 Garden And it needs a space to develop a garden

6 Purpose

7 Community + Garden + Purpose =
We bring these two things together and something magical occurs. Eggs - use this as a metaphor Lets look at this egg as if it is a community garden. The shell is the visual representation of the egg (garden for Community Garden) It expresses the brand or the achievements of the chicken It is a contradiction, It can be strong and resilient (arch – strong) but it can be a fragile thing (a force from the wrong direction, a crack) Beneath the shell is the real beauty, magic and and purpose of the egg. Life. The garden, while a very important element (and is the obvious / visual indicator of a community garden and how successful it is), it is actually just a vehicle in a community garden. To be a successful, resilient, sustainable the Community needs to be the driver. In reality the success of a Community Garden hinges on the strength of the Community. From a planning / project perspective, it would be nice if all community gardens were the same. That there is one recipe for success. A simple how-to manual. But that is not possible. Community Gardens come in all shapes, sizes, colors. Refer to eggs again There is no one model for a community garden They are all unique

8 Good Practice People Elements Community People
Shared culture & purpose Garden Elements Operating model Location Design & infrastructure Admin Elements Funding Governance Day to day operations Engagement / communication Good Practice While there is no one recipe for a successful community garden, we are able to identify elements and processes that will help in the development of a successful community garden. First things first. Its all about the community.

9 Where does local government fit?
Supporters / Partners Members / Gardeners Champions / Committee Where does local government fit? If a community garden has to be for and from the community, what is the role of local government? Champions / Committee Spearhead the development Core group – 6 to 20 people Committee Members / Gardeners Contribute and use the garden Share the physical work and harvest Supporters / partners Local council Landlord Admin Grants Resources Project management Community Groups Local Businesses – Hardware shops / Nurseries / Community Bank

10 Good Practice Local Government
Be a proactive / supportive partner Alignment with council strategies and deliver on objectives Access to land and resources Funding - community grants Involved in consultation process Clear communication point / liaison officer Clear roles & responsibilities Promotion Build committee capacity Provide admin. support Don’t over burden Good Practice Local Government Delivering on Council Objectives Sustainability Community resilience / cohesian Food Security Active Aging Use of council assets Neighbourhood Security

11 Thank You

12 Backup

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