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Lab 3.03B.

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1 Lab 3.03B

2 Brainstem 1. Medulla 2. Ventral median fissure 3. Pyramid 4. Pyramidal decussation 5. Olive 6. Pontocerebellar angle 7. Inferior cerebellar peduncle 8. Pons 9. Basilar pons 10. Basilar sulcus 11. Middle cerebellar peduncle 12. Midbrain 13. Crus cerebri 14. Interpeduncular fossa 15. Diencephalon 16. Mamillary body 17. Infundibulum 18. Optic nerve 19. Optic chiasm

3 Medulla Ventral Ventral Median Fissure Pyramid Olive
Pyramidal Decussation

4 Medulla Olive Pyramid Ventral Median Fissure Pyramidal Decussation

5 Medulla Lateral

6 Medulla Post-olivary Sulcus Pre-olivary Sulcus Olive Pyramid Lateral

7 Pons Ventral Pons will have the Basilar Sulcus and the huge Bulb known as the Basilar Pons. There is an Artery that runs in the Sulcus. The BASILAR ARTERY.

8 Pons Basilar Pons Basilar Sulcus Ventral
Pons will have the Basilar Sulcus and the huge Bulb known as the Basilar Pons. There is an Artery that runs in the Sulcus. The BASILAR ARTERY.

9 Pons CN V Lateral

10 Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
Pons Middle Cerebellar Peduncle CN V Lateral

11 Midbrain CN III Ventral The depression is the interpeduncular fossa.
That is where Cranical Nerve 3 comes out. The Occulomotor Nerve.

12 Midbrain Interpeduncular Fossa CN III Crus Cerebri Ventral
The depression is the interpeduncular fossa. That is where Cranical Nerve 3 comes out. The Occulomotor Nerve.

13 Diencephalon Mid-sagittal

14 Diencephalon Mamillary Body Infundibulum Optic Chiasm Tuber Cinereum

15 Diencephalon Ventral

16 Diencephalon Optic Nerve Optic Chiasm Optic Tract Mamillary Body
Ventral Mamillary Body

17 Cerebral Hemisphere 20. Interhemispheric fissure 21. Central sulcus 22. Lateral (Sylvian) fissure 23. Preoccipital notch 24. Frontal lobe 25. Precentral gyrus 26. Precentral sulcus 27. Superior frontal gyrus 28. Middle frontal gyrus 29. Inferior frontal gyrus 30. Pars orbitalis 31. Pars opercularis 32. Pars triangularis 33. Orbital gyri

18 34. Olfactory bulb 35. Olfactory tract 36. Lateral olfactory stria 37. Medial olfactory stria 38. Gyrus rectus 39. Parietal lobe 40. Postcentral gyrus 41. Postcentral sulcus 42. Intraparietal sulcus 43. Superior parietal lobule 44. Inferior parietal lobule 45. Angular gyrus 46. Supramarginal gyrus 47. Occipital lobe 48. Lingual gyrus 49. Temporal lobe 50. Superior temporal gyrus 51. Transverse temporal gyri 52. Middle temporal gyrus 53. Inferior temporal gyrus 54. Occipitotemporal gyrus 55. Parahippocampal gyrus 56. Uncus 57. Insular cortex (Island of Reil)

19 Functional Designation
Select Cortical Areas Functional Designation Brodmann’s Anatomical Name Primary Motor Cortex Area 4 Precentral Gyrus Premotor Cortex Area 6 (lateral) Sup/Mid Frontal Gyri Frontal Eye Fields Area 8 Middle Frontal Gyrus Supplementary Motor Area Area 6 (medial) Sup. Frontal Gyrus Broca’s Area Areas 44 & 45 Inf. Frontal Gyrus Primary Somatosensory Cx Area 3,1,2 Postcentral Gyrus Unimodal SS Assoc. Cx Areas 5 & 7 Sup. Parietal Lobule Multimodal SS Assoc. Cx Primary Visual Cortex Area 17 Banks Calcarine Sul. Primary Auditory Cortex Areas 41 & 42 Transverse Temp. G. Wernicke’s Area Area 22 Surrounds 41 & 42 Know This. Cards. Brocas and Wernickes are Not Bilateral.

20 Cerebral Hemispheres Dorsal Interhemispheric

21 Interhemispheric Fissure
Cerebral Hemispheres Sulci Gyri Interhemispheric Fissure Dorsal

22 Cerebral Hemispheres Lateral – Right Hemisphere

23 Cerebral Hemispheres Parietal Lobe Frontal Occipital Lobe Temporal
Lateral – Right Hemisphere

24 Frontal Lobe Lateral Fissure

25 Interhemispheric Fissure
Frontal Lobe Central Sulcus Interhemispheric Fissure Frontal Pole Lateral Fissure

26 Frontal Lobe Lateral Fissure

27 Frontal Lobe Central Sulcus Precentral Sulcus Superior Frontal Sulcus
Inferior Frontal Sulcus Lateral Fissure

28 Frontal Lobe

29 Frontal Lobe Precentral Gyrus Superior Frontal Gyrus
Middle Frontal Gyrus Inferior Frontal Gyrus

30 Frontal Lobe

31 Inferior Frontal Gyrus
Frontal Lobe Inferior Frontal Gyrus Pars Orbitalis Pars Opercularis Pars Triangularis

32 Frontal Lobe Medial

33 Superior Frontal Gyrus
Frontal Lobe Central Sulcus Cingulate Sulcus Superior Frontal Gyrus Medial

34 Frontal Lobe Ventral

35 Frontal Lobe Olfactory Sulcus Olfactory Bulb Gyrus Rectus
Orbital Gyri Gyrus Rectus Olfactory Bulb Olfactory Tract Olfactory Sulcus Ventral

36 Parietal Lobe Lateral

37 Parietal Lobe Central Sulcus Preoccipital Notch Lateral Fissure

38 Parietal Lobe Lateral

39 Parietal Lobe Postcentral Sulcus Intraparietal Sulcus Lateral Fissure

40 Parietal Lobe Lateral

41 Parietal Lobe Postcentral Gyrus Superior Parietal Lobule
Inferior Parietal Lobule Lateral Lateral Fissure

42 Parietal Lobe Lateral

43 Superior Temporal Sulcus
Parietal Lobe Supramarginal Gyrus Lateral Angular Gyrus Superior Temporal Sulcus Lateral Fissure

44 Parietal Lobe Medial

45 Parietal Lobe Central Sulcus Cingulate Sulcus Parieto-
Occipital Sulcus Medial

46 Occipital Lobe Lateral

47 Occipital Lobe Central Sulcus Occipital Pole Preoccipital Notch
Lateral Fissure Preoccipital Notch Occipital Pole Lateral

48 Occipital Lobe - Medial

49 Occipital Lobe Central Sulcus Parieto- Occipital Sulcus Occipital Pole
Calcarine Sulcus Medial

50 Occipital Lobe Medial

51 Occipital Lobe Parieto- Occipital Sulcus Upper bank Calcarine Sulcus
Lower bank Medial

52 Temporal Lobe Lateral

53 Temporal Lobe Central Sulcus Lateral Fissure Preoccipital Notch
Temporal Pole

54 Temporal Lobe Lateral

55 Temporal Lobe Inferior Temporal Sulcus Lateral Fissure
Superior Temporal Sulcus

56 Temporal Lobe Lateral

57 Temporal Lobe Middle Temporal Gyrus Inferior Temporal Gyrus
Lateral Middle Temporal Gyrus Inferior Temporal Gyrus Lateral Fissure Superior Temporal Gyrus

58 Temporal Lobe Horizontal cut
Transverse Temporal Gyri are Primary Auditory. Horizontal cut

59 Temporal Lobe Superior Temporal Gyrus Transverse Temporal Gyri
of Heschl Horizontal cut

60 Temporal Lobe Inferior Bottom of Brain.

61 Temporal Lobe Occipitotemporal Sulcus Collateral Sulcus Inferior

62 Temporal Lobe Inferior Para Gyrus is involved in the Limbic System.

63 Temporal Lobe Inferior Temporal Gyrus Occipitotemporal Gyrus
Parahippocampal Gyrus Inferior

64 Temporal Lobe Medial

65 Temporal Lobe Parahippocampal Gyrus Occipitotemporal Gyrus
Collateral Sulcus Medial

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