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DOTS Expansion Working Group 2009 Introduction to Group Work on case detection 14 October 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "DOTS Expansion Working Group 2009 Introduction to Group Work on case detection 14 October 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOTS Expansion Working Group 2009 Introduction to Group Work on case detection
14 October 2009

2 Increasing case detection

3 Six Groups Engaging all care providers 2. Contact investigation
3. Screening for high risk groups 4. Urban slums 5. Large hospitals 6. High quality diagnosis of TB in children

4 Discussion points Current situation 2. Main issues to be addressed
3. Five action-oriented steps for NTPs 4. Five action-oriented steps for Partners 5. Power-point presentation – five slides

5 Rooms 1. Engaging all care providers Salle 7/8
2. Contact investigation Salle 15 3. Screening for high risk groups Salle 16 4. Urban slums Salle 17 5. Large hospitals Salle 18 6. High quality diagnosis of TB in children Salle 20

6 Facilitators Engaging all care providers: I D Russen / A Brands / M.Y.
Contact investigation: P Gondrie / S Ottmani 3. Screening for high risk groups: E McCray / K Lonnroth 4. Urban slums: B Squire / I Onozaki 5. Large hospitals: D. Chin / J Creswell 6. TB in children: M van Cleef / M Grzemska

7 Schedule Group Work: 08.45 – 11.30 Coffee break: 10:15 – 10:45
Plenary: 11:30 – 13:00

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