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Feast of the Epiphany Assembly

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1 Feast of the Epiphany Assembly
Leader: We gather as a community to continue our celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world, God’s gift of love to all. The name Jesus means ‘Saviour’. Assembly

2 The light of Christ has come into the world!
Notes on photo: Lighted candle. EITHER Reader 1 OR a group of young people announcing: The light has come to shine on all people throughout the world, to guide them to the new life offered by Jesus. All: sing the chorus (x2)… “The light of Christ has come into the world, The light of Christ has come into the world.”

3 Notes on photo: Woman taking camels out to pasture
Notes on photo: Woman taking camels out to pasture. Kurkum, in Kenya, is home to 30 households & many camels & goats. A few women had been taken to gender related workshops before but the first workshop on small business run by the programme was taking place in Kurkum when it was visited. Reader 2: In the gospel of Matthew, we hear the story of how some wise men from another part of the world were led by a star and travelled the long journey to Bethlehem, looking for Jesus. They found him in a stable. Reader 3: After Jesus had been born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east... And suddenly the star they had seen rising went forward and halted over the place where the child was. The sight of the star filled them with delight, and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:1, 9-12)

4 This is a day of real celebration…
Notes on photo: Archal, 11, far left, playing a game with her schoolfriends. Gada - the girls stand in a circle. The whole group sings 'who do you think you are?' and then one girl says her name and she gets thrown into the air by four or five of her friends. Nigeria. Reader 4: This day is an important one for people of every race and nationality, because the wise men represent God’s people throughout the world. The Son of God came into the world as a Jew, to give life to every member of the human race. No matter what our race, nationality, colour or religion, each of us is made in the image and likeness of God. For all of us, this is a day of real celebration – we, too, are chosen. All: sing ‘One bread, one body…’ (Laudate 832)

5 The Happy Happy Club Notes on photo: Eath buntaeng a buddhist Monk working in the organisation Salvation Centre Cambodia (SCC), one of CAFOD’s partners. He is talking to the children about their rights and that they all have a right to education. “ To be a good student you must study hard and respect your teachers. Getting an education will make your family proud.” Reader 5: CAFOD works alongside people of all faiths and none, recognising all people as our sisters and brothers, equal members of our global community. CAFOD works with Buddhist monks in Cambodia who run a club for children called The Happy Happy Club.

6 “ Most of the children live in slums
“ Most of the children live in slums...this club lets them be happy and helps them to make friends and play games” Notes on photo: Eath Buntaeng with the children as they are assembling: music is being played as they come together and the children are clapping along. Reader 6: Most of these children... Reader 6: One of the monks explains, ‘Most of these children live in slums; some don’t go to school because they have to work to support their family. This club lets them be happy and helps them to make friends and play games.’ Reader 7: Now we are going to meet some of the children.

7 “I like the Happy Happy Club because it makes me laugh!”
Notes on photo: Reader 7: Meet Munny. He is dancing in his pink shoes with a friend. “I like the Happy Happy Club because it makes me laugh! My Mum died two years ago and I have felt very sad for a long time. But here, with my friends we can have fun and be happy.” Munny

8 The monks make me feel I should aim for good things
Champey The monks make me feel I should aim for good things “The monks make me feel I should aim for good things” Notes on photo: Champey is 11 years old and has been to 5 Happy Happy days: she says it gives her something to look forward to. Reader 8: Meet Champey. “When I get older I’d like to work with computers. The monks encourage us children to achieve our dreams. They make me feel I should aim for good things”

9 Phirun “I would like to thank CAFOD for supporting this club. It is a chance to learn about what is right and wrong.” Notes on photo: Phirun is 12. Reader 9: Meet Phirun. “I would like to thank CAFOD for supporting this club. It is a chance for us to learn about what is right and wrong. My life has been difficult but when I’m here, I just concentrate on being happy – like the name of the club!

10 Notes on photo: Reader 10: Munny, Champey and Phirun are just three of the children CAFOD and its partners work with in many countries of the world. Following the teaching of Jesus, CAFOD believes everyone is chosen and special. Let us now pray....

11 Notes on photos: Reader 11: Light of the world, let us see with your eyes, so that we may recognise your presence in every person of every race, nationality and colour. All: May we show our thanks to you, by serving our sisters & brothers throughout the world. Reader 12: Jesus, Guide on our journey, help us to understand that when we act justly and love tenderly, we are walking humbly with you. Reader 13: Light in our darkness, help us to realise that we have gifts to offer to you through your people every day, and these gifts are precious to you. Reader 14: Bringer of comfort, may we be a light for those whose lives we share; may our kindness and care bring courage and hope to those who are sad. May we show our thanks to you, by serving our sisters and brothers throughout the world.

12 Lord, the sight of the guiding star brought hope, courage and joy to those who journeyed to find you. Notes on photo: Epaminondas, 16, with star decoration for Festa Juninha. Brazil. Leader: Lord, the sight of the guiding star brought hope, courage and joy to those who journeyed to find you. When our journey seems long, when hope seems far away, when our courage is failing, fill us with faith and trust; shine your light on our fears, lift our hearts with your joy. Help us to recognise you in our brothers and sisters throughout the world; show us how we can work together, so that we may all come to share in the life promised to us by Jesus, the Saviour of us all. Amen.

13 Feast of the Epiphany Picture Credits:
CAFOD/Adrian White, Georgina Cranston, Simon Rawles, Claudia Torres, Tory Jones, Marcella Haddad/Annie Bungeroth

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