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To promote European cooperation among teachers, learners, and researchers on an effective use of ICT in the teaching of Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "To promote European cooperation among teachers, learners, and researchers on an effective use of ICT in the teaching of Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards an effective use of ICT for Open Learning in the Teaching of Physics in Europe

2 To promote European cooperation among teachers, learners, and researchers on an effective use of ICT in the teaching of Physics

3 ePhys will combine successful implementations of ICT in teaching Physics computer based experiments data-acquisition and processing simulations modelling video measurements remote labs with the flexibility of web-based modules (open java-like simulations) into a unified learning environment for open and collaborative learning in Physics.

4 designing, developing and testing new educational resources identifying and establishing supportive conditions for enhancing the local (in-school) infrastructure the successful adaptation and transfer of innovative pedagogical approaches (e.g. open and collaborative learning using ICT)

5 developing new learning activities based on ICT, that foster higher cognitive skills and aim at the well-known difficulties of conceptual understanding evaluating and documenting efficiency gains and added value for teaching and learning in secondary education disseminating the improved methods and educational resources at regional, national and European level.

6 Target groups for the "ePhys" project: Teachers at Secondary Schools Pre- and In-service Teacher Training Institutions National Physical Societies and also students, who in classes or at home will use more tools to investigate, communicate, and understand Physics and its applications in modern society.

7 Implementation of the project A detailed study to identify key factors in the participating countries for a successful implementation of the project (school curricula, teaching needs, teacher experience, particular local infrastructure) Development of training modules and in-service support modules on implementing ICT.

8 Evaluation and Reports Survey of ICT based tools for classroom use and individualised learning Report on the key factors in the participating countries for a successful implementation of the project and ICT in general Report on the efficiency of synchronous/asynchronous ODL-based in-service support modules in teacher training Report on “adaptability / adoptability” of educational resources and methods, and codes of “good practice” in terms of actual school conditions, teaching needs, teacher experience

9 Documentation of efficiency gains and added value for teaching, learning and training in secondary education and related educational sectors, as well as possible obstacles. A manual of good practice of ICT applications in Physics Education will summarise the achievements for teachers in school and will be distributed through the Internet and European Schoolnet. A memorandum concerning steps to bring Physics Education in secondary schools into 21st century, taking advantages of the utilities of ICT

10 Parallel activities Parallel activities aim to introduce the local community into the practices and methods of ICT-based education These activities are co-organized with local societies, and educational administration offices A series of seminars for introducing ICT-based education and ePhys-based outputs in local region.

11 “Physics week-end” that will give teachers and students from other areas the opportunity to directly interact with the main partners of the ePhys project and experience ICT in teaching/learning.

12 “Physics week” held at the same time in all participating countries that will give to students, teachers as well as to the general public the opportunity to experience the combined ICT/ODL teaching and learning. ICT based modules running simultaneously in different partner institutions will be communicated on line to all “Physics week” halls, taking advantage of the advanced network capabilities over an ODL based platform

13 The Project Partners Coordinating Institution: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece Partners: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki ( Greece) PLATON Educ. Institution ( Grieece) University of Vienna (Austria) Limerick Education Center (Ireland) University of Amsterdam ,AMSTEL Institute, (Netherlands) Sint-Gabriël College (Belgium) Administration Office of Technical/Vocational Education B’ of Thessaloniki (Gr)

14 Collaborating Institutions:
University of Versailles(France) Herbert Vissers College (Nederlands) University of Ghent (Belgiium) Colegiul Militar Liceal (Romania) University of Cyprus Municipal Gymnasium No 3, Novosibirsk, (Russia

15 Coordinator Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Department of Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Department of Education     

16 Amsterdam Mathematics Science Technology Education Laboratory, University of Amsterdam (AMSTEL)  AMSTEL Institute is the research and development institute of the University of Amsterdam, which aims at the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve Science, Technology and Mathematics Education.

17 Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna (UNIVIE) The Institute for Theoretical Physics is part of the University of Vienna has in addition to its 3 main fields of research (particle physics, cosmology, mathematical physics) a vigorous group for physics education research. q      

18 Limerick Education Centre (LEC) In-career development opportunities of both a professional and personal nature        Support for Special Interest Groups        Local support for National In-service Initiatives        Support for individuals within our educational community        Information        Access to educational resources        Opportunities for members of our educational community to enhance their expertise in key curricular areas     Links with other education providers – both nationally and internationally

19 Teacher training and support The project has the viewpoint that teachers are very important in the implementation process. During the course of this project, the participants will start using developed materials and outcomes in their local in-service training. These materials will be the basic ingredients for development of distance learning courses available to participants from all over Europe.

20 A specially developed website and a CD-ROM will be used to make project lessons available. This website will also collect and provide feedback from the trials made available during the project. In this way these materials will ‘showcase’ and support the use of ICT in teaching and learning.

21 Development of new learning activities applying ICT tools for two or three different physics’ topics. These topics and the ICT applications will be carefully chosen to optimise their ability to convince teachers of the usefulness of ICT in their teaching.

22 They will demonstrate: examples of successful use during the learning process of well-known difficulties of conceptual understanding development of higher cognitive skills, like those needed for successful further study enabling the introduction of modern physics topics in the curriculum of secondary schools across Europe

23 Some of the planned activities include: A WWW site to disseminate information A network of National Representatives to carry forward the work of the Project Links to colleagues dealing with Physics Education Publications in National - International Physics teacher Journals, presentations in Conferences

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