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Massimo Masera INFN sezione di Torino

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1 Massimo Masera INFN sezione di Torino
ITS status report Massimo Masera INFN sezione di Torino ALICE offline week – 07/07/08

2 Summary SPD tasks SPD status (D. Elia) SDD tasks SSD tasks
Update of calibration classes ITS tasks Shuttle status and FDR tasks

3 SPD tasks Fast OR DA 20/10/08 Done. Peter is going to commit the code to STEER and ITS in one go This should be removed (ITS task)

4 Calibration Online calibration and DAs: Calibration files:
code readiness in good shape, testing ongoing DA for FastOR DAC tuning: manual tuning ongoing, trying to figure out an algorithm task still in the planning, dead-line Calibration files: lists of dead and noisy pixels to the OCDB recent updates in AliITSCalibrationSPD: driven by a global need to gain memory (TArrayI  TArrayS) backward compatibility preserved (streamer function) code usable with all past calibration files in coll. with H. Tydesjo D. Elia (INFN Bari) Offline week / CERN

5 Calibration Calibration files (cont’d): files presently on svn:
$ALICE_ROOT/ITS/Calib/SPDDead dead pixels from ladder tests as in CDB (6488) full (disconnected) half-stave 6C-0 (81920) total of dead pixels (0.9% SPD) $ALICE_ROOT/ITS/Calib/SPDNoisy empty list, no noisy pixels assumed (or hardware masked) “First Physics” productions done/to be done with this calib for the ongoing official reconstruction of runIII: 64 (unmasked) noisy pixels taken into account in coll. with H. Tydesjo D. Elia (INFN Bari) Offline week / CERN

6 Reconstruction Clusterfinder:
added functionality to mask noisy pixels masking successfully used in reconstruction Access to OCDB (bad modules/pixels) info: done independently in the tracker (A. Dainese) some functionality provided in AliITSsegmentation classes (how to retrieve chipID from a given track prediction, etc) Official reconstruction: list of SPD runs and priorities provided process ongoing, no problems in coll. with H. Tydesjo, G. Bruno D. Elia (INFN Bari) Offline week / CERN

7 Quality Assurance QA Makers: QA Checkers:
filling of the relevant QA histograms implementation completed for all the requested QA levels: Hits (simulation) Digits (simulation) Raw data and RecPoints (real and sim) QA Checkers: checks on QA histos and/or comparisons with reference data basic implementation done (check on histogram entries) still to be refined/completed, eg adding: check on number and type of data format errors in coll. with M. Nicassio D. Elia (INFN Bari) Offline week / CERN

8 Other issues Fast-OR chip info in the ESD: Code documentation:
requested for trigger correction studies Fast-OR bits not in the data yet, internally discussed present implementation to allow high multiplicity checks: define as “fired chips” those with ≥ 1 cluster store in the ESD the number of “fired chips” per layer code is ready and sent for committing Code documentation: basic description of the detector offline scheme prepared as html document for each ITS sub-detector on svn since May: $ALICE_ROOT/ITS/doc/doc_spd.html D. Elia (INFN Bari) Offline week / CERN

9 This should be removed (ITS task)
SDD Tasks Martin Poghosyan is working at this. Rotation matrices this week. In contact with Raffaele This should be removed (ITS task)

10 This should be removed (ITS task)
SSD tasks Why red? The SSD calibration classes are being revised in order to reduce the memory consumption. See Enrico’s talk today This should be removed (ITS task)

11 Calibration classes (I)
Calibration classes for ITS sub-detectors are presently being improved in order to: Reduce size of calibration objects Split parameters used only in simulation from the ones used in both simulation and reconstruction Split parameters coming from online DAs from the ones coming from other calibration procedures (e.g. SDD time offset or ADC calibrations) Expected deadline for the new code: mid July, for the next branch (v4-14-Release) Major modifications needed for SSD calibration classes (see next slide)

12 Calibration classes (II)
New organization, presently under development and test: AliITSSimuParam (new class, prototype committed to the trunk) Store calibration parameters used only in simulation 1 class and 1 object for the 3 sub-detectors (SPD, SDD, SSD) For the moment not stored in OCDB AliITSCalibrationSXD (old classes, being redesigned for SSD) Store calibration parameters used both in simulation and reconstruction Values in OCDB coming from DAs via AliITSPreprocessorSXD For SPD and SDD 1 instance for each module For SSD one single AliITSCalibrationSSD object with data of all SSD modules Contain objects of “helper” classes (e.g. AliITSDriftSpeedSDD, AliITSNoiseSSD) AliITSresponse (existing class, almost completely renewed) Store calibration parameters used only in reconstruction Values in OCDB not from online DAs 1 single instance for all the modules From first estimates, only 2-3 floats for SDD and 0-1 float for SSD

13 ITS tasks ESD QA maker: done and committed
ESD QA Checker: to be added this week Optimization of V0 finder. Marian is working on this “external” ITS services. We are using the old coarse coding. More news in Mario’s talk Depends on SDD coding of data from survey. At the end of the week as 0 version AliITSRecoParam is already in a good shape. This will be closed this week 13 remaining overlaps in SSD. They must be eliminated this week

14 Page updated by Chiara this morning
Shuttle status Page updated by Chiara this morning The yellow box should be related to the status bit of SDD high and low voltages and to the status bits of Temeperature readings (2 per module). They were missing in February and should be fine now

15 FDR tasks There are several outstanding tasks in FDR phase II (and something also in phase I). To my knowledge, they could be closed

16 Other issues and conclusions
Monthly meetings on ITS offline Alignment Vertexer3D (+ VertexerZ in case of failure) is the default now in AliRoot Good progress in ITS tracking: see Andrea Dainese presentation on Wednesday Concerns: Still some overlaps in the geometry to be removed One outstanding task on “external” ITS services

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