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Choosing a Mobile Phone Deal.

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Presentation on theme: "Choosing a Mobile Phone Deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choosing a Mobile Phone Deal

2 How Much do you use your Mobile Phone?
There are lots of ways that you use your Mobile that costs you money.

3 How does your mobile cost you money?

4 Task Prepare a report for three different people about which mobile phone tariffs offers the best deal for their mobile needs. The three people have very different needs and you will have to look at each one individually

5 Mrs Beckett Uses her mobile to ring her children and friends.
Doesn’t use the internet. Sends lots of text messages

6 Casey Yang Uses her mobile to ring her friends.
Uses the internet for downloading podcasts. Sends loads of text messages.

7 Bruce Spray Uses his mobile to text his mates.
Uses the internet a lot for online gaming. Doesn’t talk on the phone to anyone but his girlfriend.

8 The Companies There are several mobile phone companies you must compare. Each has great deals, and not so great deals. Looking at the information from the sheets you are about to be given, decide which offers the best deal for each person.

9 Your Report must include:
The maths showing the cost of the deal. The reason why you chose that deal. The saving compared to the worst deal.

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