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1 Welcome

2 Reading (Ⅰ) A brave young man Jieji Middle School Yang Juan
Unit 5 Abilities Reading (Ⅰ) A brave young man Jieji Middle School Yang Juan

3 Let’s look at the pictures together

4 fire 火,火灾 a lot of smoke 许多烟雾 pour water over … 把水倒在… rush into … 冲进……里 save sb 救了某人 put out the fire 扑灭大火 a brave young man 一位勇敢的年轻人 dangerous 危险的 be careful with fire 小心对待火 hurt 使受伤,伤害 burn 烧伤 ,arm 胳膊,leg 腿

5 Read this story quickly then answer the following questions .
1.Who is the brave young man? Zhang Hua . 2.What did the young man do ? He helped his neighbour out of a fire.

6 Read then judge wehther the following statements true (T) or false (F).
1.Zhang Hua helped his grandma out of a fire . 2.Mrs Sun couldn’t get out because she hurt her leg. 3.Mrs Sun was in her hedroom when the fire took place . neighbour (F) (T) the kitchen (F)

7 4.The fire only hurt Zhang Hua’s arms .
5. Many people visited Zhang Hua and gave him much money. 6.Zhang Hua was in hospital for two months. burnt Zhang Hua’s neck,arms and face. (F) brought him flowers and presents. (F) (T)

8 Answer the following questions.
1.When did the fire happen ? It happened on 10th May. 2.How old was Mrs Sun ? She was 79 years old. 3.Why couldn’t Mrs run out by herself ? Because she hurt her leg. 4.Did the fire burn Zhang Hua ? Yes ,it did. 5.How long was Zhang Hua in hospital? For two months.

9 Put them into the right order.
2 A. hear someone shouting ‘Fire! Fire!’ B. run back to his flat C help her out of the fire D. rush into the kitchen E. see a lot of smoke from next door F. be in hospital for two months G. be at home alone H. pour water over the jacket I. put out the fire with a blanket 4 8 6 3 9 1 5 7

10 Pair work If you are a radio host ,please interview Zhang Hua .You can use the following question: Host: How old are you ? Zhang Hua:…. Host: When was the fire ? Zhang Hua … Host: How did you save your neighbour ?... Host: Were you afraid ? …. Host: How long did you stay in hospital ? …. Host: Who came to see you and what did they bring to you? …

11 Think and discuss: 1. What do you think of Zhang Hua ?
He was helpful and brave,he was clever and kind .We should learn from him .

12 What should we do when we see this ?

13 Proverb To help others is to help ourselves. 帮助别人就是帮助自己。

14 Fire is useful and important.
Think and discuss. 2. What do we use fire to do? What do you think of fire? Fire is useful and important. make water hot ; cook food; give light; make us warm

15 What will happen if we are not careful with fire ?
destroy (破坏) forests and tall buildings

16 group work . If there is a fire,what will you do ?

17 Call 119,the firemen will come to save you quickly.

18 Rush out of the fire quickly.

19 Pour water over the quilt(棉被) or clothes.

20 Put a wet towel (湿毛巾)over your mouth and your nose .

21 Do not jump out of a window!But you can do like this.

22 Read and judge . 1.Play football in the street.
2.Cross the street at the zebra crossing. 3.Don’t run on the stairs. 4.Go swimming alone in the river. 5.Don’t speak to strangers. 6.Smoke in the bed. 7.Ride a bike very fast on the road . 8.Do not drive a car after drinking.

23 Please remember : Safety is above all! 安全高于一切。

24 Homework: To find and know more about safety in our daily life .
(eg: food safety,quality safety…) Remember the new words and phrases. Retell this story to the others.


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