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International Cooperation on Radon: AARST, CRCPD and IAEA

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1 International Cooperation on Radon: AARST, CRCPD and IAEA
Tony Colgan Head, Radiation Protection Unit

2 Practical Arrangement
Draft agreement between IAEA and CRCPD Development and sharing of information relating to Impact of NORM activities on workers, the public and the environment Radiation protection of patients, focusing on new technologies Reducing exposure due to radon To be signed during the IAEA General Conference in September 2016 CRCPD SEP 2016

3 CRCPD Priorities IAEA to join working groups
- CRCPD E-25 Committee on Radon - Task Force for Suggested State Regulations on Radon Outreach to medical professionals CRCPD SEP 2016

4 IAEA Radon Programme Development of documents and other guidance material Meetings and training courses Support through Technical Cooperation Program - regional projects - national projects - [interregional projects] CRCPD SEP 2016

5 IAEA Technical Cooperation Program
“The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world” (IAEA Statute, Article 2). All IAEA Member States can participate in the TC program, but in practice, technical cooperation activities tend to focus on the needs and priorities of less developed countries. 136 (of 168) Member States - Africa (44) - Asia/Pacific (35) - Europe (32) - Latin America/Caribbean (25) Annual Budget ~ US$80 million CRCPD SEP 2016

6 Regional Project for Europe
Establishing Enhanced Approaches to the Control of Public Exposure to Radon Albania Georgia Poland Armenia Greece Romania Azerbaijan Hungary Russian Fed. Belarus Kazakhstan Slovakia Bosnia Kyrgystan Slovenia Bulgaria Latvia Serbia Croatia Lithuania Tajikistan Cyprus Macedonia, FYR of Turkey Czech Rep. Malta Ukraine Estonia Montenegro Uzbekistan Moldova 14 EU MSs and 4 EU Candidate Countries CRCPD SEP 2016

7 Regional Project– topics covered*
2014 Review of current situation in all participant countries Developing and implementing national radon programmes 2015 Communication strategies Preventive measures and corrective actions Inter-comparison of active radon monitors 2016 Controlling radon in schools and above-ground workplaces Quality assurance in radon measurements (December) Communication with medical professionals (December - proposed) * to be continued in 2017 (and possibly beyond) CRCPD SEP 2016

8 National Projects Peru (PER 9024) 2016-2017
Montenegro (MNE 9004) Finalize national radon survey Establish national action plan (all components) Montenegro (MNE 9005) National survey of radon in schools Extend national curriculum to include radon Serbia (SRB 9003) Undertake national radon survey Peru (PER 9024) Commence national radon survey in four regions Establish infrastructure for radon measurement program CRCPD SEP 2016

9 BSS Requirements on Radon
Requirement 50: Public exposure due to radon indoors The government shall provide information on radon indoors and the associated health risks and, if appropriate, shall establish and implement an action plan for controlling public exposure due to radon indoors. Protection of the Public against Exposure Indoors due to Radon and Other Natural Sources of Radiation (SSG 32) National and Regional Surveys of Radon Concentration in Dwellings: Review of Methodology and Measurement Techniques (IAEA/AQ/33) CRCPD SEP 2016

10 Other Projects Developing guidance on undertaking national surveys
- how do you decide if you need a national radon survey? - include several examples of national surveys Developing training materials - several general training modules - more detailed training for preventive measures and corrective actions - transpose into e-learning Radon Action Plan (RAP) flowchart has been published CRCPD SEP 2016

11 Key Challenges Radon is only one of many public health risks
- challenges for IAEA and for the country - work closely with WHO Many countries have started work in schools - easy access (public buildings) - unoccupied for several months - pressure to act if ‘high’ levels found - limited ability to respond Developing building codes for new construction and for corrective measures CRCPD SEP 2016

12 Thank you! Thank you!

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