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AssetPlus QA Checklist

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1 AssetPlus QA Checklist
Have young persons details been completed, including diversity? Have parent/carers details been completed, including diversity? Have info sources been ticked (contact with services)? Has info from all sections pulled through to Core record? Have episodes and patterns of offending/anti-social behaviour been sufficiently considered and analyse using the matrices? Have all sections been completed and information i.e. accommodation pulled through from CV? Have appropriate information sources i.e. FSSW, previous assessments, screening tools being used Does the assessment identify behaviour of further concern? Have questionnaires been carried out and have their views been taken into account and reflected in the assessment? Does the Foundations for Change section contain sufficient information about diversity and barriers to engagement for the factors for and against desistance to be considered?

2 Explanations and Conclusions
Understanding Offending Behaviour/Behaviour Have relevant significant life events been identified and recorded? Is there sufficient analysis that is defensible to explain the young person’s behaviour/offending? Based on the evidence within the assessment have all factors which may promote and hinder desistance been clearly identified and rated appropriately? Future Behaviours Does the analysis of future behaviours take account of all aspects of actual and potentially harmful behaviour (including previous convictions, intelligence and other behaviours that have not led to convictions)? Does the analysis of future behaviours clearly specify the nature and level of risk to actual and potential victims? Is the RoSH judgement appropriate and taken sufficient account of the impact, likelihood and imminence of the future behaviours? Is the actual Likelihood of Reoffending (LoR) judgement consistent with information in the rest of the assessment? If amended, i.e. judgement differs to YOGRS score, is there a clear outline of the professional judgement as to why? Safety and Well-being Does the assessment take sufficient account of all potential safety and well-being issues i.e. Parenting capacity, SMU? Are adverse outcomes and their causes correctly identified? and, is the nature and level of risk to the child or young person clearly identified within the assessment? Does the assessment clearly identify safety and well-being concerns that apply in the community and/or custody? Has the overall safety and well-being concerns judgement taken sufficient account of the imminence of the risks and taken account of specialist assessments. Does it meet the criteria for CP/CIN, is a referral needed? Does the assessment provide a coherent picture of the young person’s circumstances and reach logical conclusions? Is there are a logical thread between the three subsections. Pathways and Planning Does the plan reflect requirements specified by the Court/Referral Order Panel/CPS? And have other plans been taken into account (i.e. CP, CIN) Does the plan identify the main priorities for intervention and is it clear about what will be delivered? Does the plan reflect the need to prioritise the protection of victims and the safety and well-being of the young person? Have RJ interventions been considered? Does the plan support desistance and is it smart, young person friendly and worded in the first person? For custody cases, are you considering release from the start of beginning of the plan? Does the plan take into account the individual circumstances of the young person and identify how these will be addressed? Does the plan identify barriers to engagement and how these will be overcome? Does the plan reflect the views of the young person/carer and has it been signed by them? Is the plan clear about the roles and responsibilities of those involved in its delivery? Have roles, responsibilities and responses to change been clearly outlined? Where any additional external controls or actions are required to manage future behaviours or young person safety and well-being concerns have these been identified and clearly recorded?

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