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Analysis Questions: Night and the Holocaust

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1 Analysis Questions: Night and the Holocaust

2 chapters 1-3 What steps did the German’s take to limit the Jew’s freedoms and to deport them to concentration camps? List events that led up to the Jewish nightmare, new German decrees, ghettos, etc. Characterization: Discuss the character of Moshe the Beadle. What does he see and more importantly…why does no one believe his story? At the end of chapter one, explain who the Jews see and explain why these people are smiling. Analysis of the transports: Eighty Jews are packed into each train. There is no room to sit or lie down. They must all remain standing and touching the person next to them because space is so limited. Head counts are taken regularly. What happens if a Jew is missing? What would you have done if placed in this situation? Characterization: Madame Schachter What does she claim to see/smell? Does she really see it or is she crazy? Is she a prophet? Evaluate the irony of Madame Schachter’s vision when the train arrives at Auschwitz.

3 chapters 1-3 In chapter 3, evaluate what the Jewish people leave on the train both physically and metaphorically. What were the eight words that changed Elie’s life forever? Explain why. Why must Elie lie to the SS officer about his age? Where do children under the age of 15 go? What is the rationale for this treatment? In one of the more harrowing scenes in the text, the group is marched to the fire pit. While facing the pit of fire, Elie’s father gives thanks and praise to God. Consider the significant of Elie’s reaction. Explain what the German’s accomplish in this scene? What is happening to Elie’s faith, his God, and his desire to live while in Auschwitz? Characterization: Who was Bela Katz and what was he forced to do? Akiha Drumer speaks of the Biblical character Job. What comparison is he trying to make? Note the number of references to “night” in the first three chapters. Give some reasons why the book is titled Night. Consider symbolism, imagery, metaphor in your reaction.

4 chapters 4-5 (characterization)
Identify the following characters and tell some significant facts about them. a. Juliek e. Idek b. Franek f. Akiba Drumer c. French Girl g. Young Pipel

5 chapters 4-5 Discuss the irony of Elie’s reaction to Franek’s beating of Elie’s father. Explain why the prisoners did not attempt to get soup from the unprotected cauldrons and why they hated the man who did. Why did the hanging of Young Pipel affect Elie so deeply? Discuss the instances of human compassion and dignity which occur in these chapters. What is happening to Elie’s belief in God during Rosh Hashanah? Yom Kippor? Why does Elie regard the weak, starving prisoners stronger than God? What advice is given to the prisoners before selection? Evaluate Akiba Drumer’s loss of his will to live. Consider why the Jews were ordered to clean the barracks an hour before the camp liberation.

6 chapters 6-9 Consider what keeps Elie from allowing himself to die during the forced march. Why is this significant to his character development? What had Rabbi Ellahou’s son done that Elie prayed he would never do? Explain why Weisel includes Juliek’s playing of his violin as he lays dying on the mass of bodies. What is the deeper significance or understanding taking place here (author’s purpose)? Describe the conditions of the Jews as they arrive at Buchenwald. Characterization: How do Elie’s attitude and feelings for his father begin to resemble that of Rabbi Eliahou’s son? What does he feel when his father dies and why? What has this experience done to him as a person?

7 end of the novel Describe Elie’s condition on April of 1945.
Explain the significance of what he sees when he looks in the mirror on the final page of the novel. In what ways is this reflected image symbolic of his internal self as well as a description of his physical appearance? Explain why he never forgot the look he saw in the eyes of his reflection.

8 end of the novel Critique Wiesel’s text from an aesthetic / artistic perspective. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the text as a whole. Include Literary Criticism in you reasoning.

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