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Discernment about Men and Ministries

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Presentation on theme: "Discernment about Men and Ministries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discernment about Men and Ministries
learning to evaluate biblically but not judgementally

2 What about the ministry of _______________ ?
Sermon Audio – 12,493 speakers Other internet sources Radio, books, other media Solution: teach discernment rather than focus on individuals and their issues

3 Characteristics of false teachers
Creep in to the church unnoticed (Jude 4) The presence of such is no surprise (Jude 5-7) They promote their error while hidden within the church (8-16) Note: we are not calling the popular Bible teachers false teachers.

4 The problem of association (2 Jn 7-11)
The partnership problem (2 Jn 7-11) There is such a thing as many false teachers in the world (7-9) When believers join with so much as offering a greeting, they become partners in their evil deeds (10-11)

5 The problem of association (1 Cor 5.6-11)
The contamination problem (1 Cor ) Tolerating immorality contaminates the whole church (6-8) Paul does not mean association with lost people, but with professing saved people (9-11) Immorality includes many varied sins (11) Breaking fellowship means something as simple as a common meal (11)

6 The problem of association (2 Thess 3.10-15)
The discipline problem (2 Thess ) The command to be hard workers, not shiftless (10-13) The command not to associate with the disobedient (14-15) Even if the command of v. 14 is limited merely to the indolent, if Paul is this strict with the indolent, how much more strict with those who associate with false teachers?

7 The general evangelical problem today
A broad spectrum of error – weak on Bible teaching, weak on holiness, weak in worship Began when evangelical leaders deliberately chose to associate with false teachers in the late 50s Subsequent decay in churches because of partnership problem, contamination problem, discipline problem Most popular teachers today continue to have similar association problems

8 What to do? (Jude 17-23) Remember the predictions of the apostles (17-19) Build yourselves up in the faith (20) Keep yourselves in the love of God [not men] (21) Have mercy on the weak who can be rescued (22-23) The answer for the popular teachers of today: be discerning and learn what you can from them, but don’t partner with them or accept their broader associations.

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