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Cultural development strategy

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1 Cultural development strategy
[appendix 5] ANGERS’ S COACHING NEEDS Aldev, economic development agency (Greater Angers) DCPC, cultural department (City of Angers ) CCI strategy Cultural development strategy Global objective : « to make art be shared in the public space and make culture in all its forms irigate the whole range of activities that are developed in the city, with a transversal digital concern » 4 priority sectors : music, contemporary art, theater, cinema 3 priority sectors : Music ; Film ; Creativity, plants & living environment Bridges 1 transversal concern : help the transition towards digital economy of public/private CCI sector DCPC NEEDS Within an increasingly tight budget environment, how to face the structural weakening of cultural facilities and focus some sectors without questioning the support of the rest (other domains of activities, structures) ? How to face Angers’s lack of visibility and image in the field of culture, on the national and European scale ? ALDEV NEEDS To improve our CCI strategy and prepare a « governing scheme for CCI economic development » (level 1) Crossing the skills SHARED NEEDS What on & how (level 2) Domains of shared ambition What & how : Content & methodology : 1. Identify one or various fields of common concern and action  2. Understand why they are chosen  3. Identify our input and assets from both cultural and economic sides in these fields 4. How to combine and cross them ? - To develop the opportunities offered through our twin city Austin - To develop a distinctive strategic positioning (in Music?) - To enhance our assets and their attractiveness SHARED NEEDS

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