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Intermediate & Beginning Art with Ms. Gay Fall 2015

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1 Intermediate & Beginning Art with Ms. Gay Fall 2015
Unit 1: Line Intermediate & Beginning Art with Ms. Gay Fall 2015

2 How this semester will go…
This semester in art will be structured to teach the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. Each week we will closely examine an element or principle. Hopefully you have already encountered these in your previous art classes. At the end of each unit (usually each unit is 1-2 weeks long), you will turn in a final unit project that represents what you learned about that particular element or principle. The Elements of Art The Principles of Design Line Pattern Shape Contrast Color Emphasis Form Variety Value Balance Texture Rhythm Space Proportion Harmony

3 Definitions We will spend time examining different types of line. In your sketchbook, copy down the following definitions: Mapping/Gesturing: the act of drawing that creates the placement of where the final parts of an artwork will be; this is a quick sketch to check for proportion and placement, before final marks are made. Composition: the arrangement of art elements in an artwork Line: “the use of various marks, outlines and implied lines in an artwork” (from Wikipedia) Contour line: the line used to show the edge of an object Continuous contour: a line drawing in which the pencil/pen is never taken off the page Blind contour: a line drawing in which the artist does not look at the paper while drawing; the pencil/pen never leaves the page Hatching: the use of parallel lines to show shadows on an object Cross-hatching: the use of overlapping lines to depict shadows on an object

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