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Published byBetty Cooper Modified over 6 years ago
Course Sequencing Mathematics ALLEN ISD Single click HERE
Back to flow chart On the next slide you will see a flow chart for math course sequencing at AHS. Locate the class you are currently in. Follow the flow chart arrows and SINGLE click on a course you might be interested in. After you read the information, SINGLE click on “Back to flow chart” so you may then explore other courses as well. Back to flow chart
Mathematics Course Sequencing
Algebra I PAP/IB (Gr. 8) Math 8 Pre Algebra (Gr. 8) Click here when finished Algebra I or Algebra I PAP/IB (Gr. 9) Geometry (Gr. 9) or Geometry PAP/IB (Gr. 9) Concurrent enrollment Geometry or Geometry PAP/IB Algebra II or Algebra II PAP/IB (Gr. 10) (Gr. 10) Math Models (Gr. 10 or 11) Pre Calculus or Pre Calculus PAP/IB Algebra II or Algebra II PAP/IB Algebra II (Gr. 12) Pre - IB Math SL (Gr. 11) (Gr. 11) Calculus or AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC and/or AP Prob & Stats College Algebra/Trig IB Math Studies (Gr. 12) Algebra III or Pre Calculus Pre Calculus PAP/IB Quantitative Reasoning (statistics) College Algebra/Trig IB Math Studies (Gr. 12) IB Math SL II (Gr. 12)
Offered as a credit recovery course only
Algebra l Grade: 9-12 MA1A1A / MA1A1B Credit: 1 The focus of Algebra l is to develop in the ability to work with linear functions and quadratic functions. The student will use these functions to develop relationships among the different types of functions and to understand the attributes of the function. The student will analyze functions graphically, verbally, numerically, and symbolically. Included in the Algebra course is a study of the attributes and properties of polynomials, exponents, irrational numbers, inequalities, and square roots and their connection to functions. The use of the graphing calculator is a major component in the teaching of this course. Back to flow chart Required course for all diploma plans, distinguished, recommended and minimum Offered as a credit recovery course only
Algebra l Pre-AP /IB Grade: 8-9
Credit: 1 Back to flow chart This course is not offered at AHS. Allen High School students have taken this course in 8th or 9th grade.
Required course for distinguished and recommended diploma plans
Geometry Grade: 9-12 MA1GEA / MA1GEB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra l Geometry is designed to develop an understanding of the basic structure of plane and spatial geometry. Students will develop the ability to analyze geometric relationships, make and verify conjectures, apply logical reasoning to justify and prove mathematical statements, and use a variety of representations to describe geometric relationships and solve problems. This course allows students to apply algebraic skills in a logical and concrete manner. Back to flow chart Required course for distinguished and recommended diploma plans See Geometry Pre-AP/IB slide before deciding which course is right for you.
Geometry Pre-AP/IB Grade: 9-12
MA2GEA / MA2GEB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra l This course takes all of the goals of the regular Geometry course and further explores the content with an emphasis on problem solving in a multi-step format. Strategies and testing using the AP and IB formats are alternated with the intent of preparing students to enter our AP upper mathematics program or our IB program of mathematics. The student must abide by AHS registration and drop policies. Back to flow chart Geometry (on-level or Pre-AP/IB) is a required course for distinguished and recommended diploma plans. Pre-AP/IB places a greater emphasis on problem solving and proofs than on-level Students choosing Geometry Pre-AP/IB should have a strong work ethic, be motivated, able to transfer previously learned material and willing to ask for help. Strong Algebra skills are highly recommended. Based on a 4.5 weighted GPA
Meant to strengthen concepts learned in Algebra I and geometry
Back to flow chart Mathematical Models with Applications Grade: 10-11 MA1MOA / MA1MOB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry (May be taken concurrently with Geometry) Click the link above to find out more about concurrent enrollment MMA continues the study of concepts examined in Algebra l and Geometry. Students will expand their understanding of graphical and geometric reasoning through real world applications. Math Models strengthens skills/concepts from Algebra l/Geometry to prepare students for Algebra ll. In order for this course to count as one of the four math credits required by the State, both semesters must be successfully completed and the credit earned before Algebra II may be taken. Meant to strengthen concepts learned in Algebra I and geometry MUST be taken prior to Algebra II Students wishing to graduate on the recommended plan should not take this course their junior year. Please see counselor for more information and/or to enroll in this class
Required course for distinguished and recommended diploma plans
Algebra ll Grade: 10-12 MA1A2A / MA1A2B Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra l and Geometry This course allows students to continue their study of algebraic concepts that began in Algebra I and applied in Geometry in order to better understand the connections between them with the purpose of understanding the structure of Algebra and its connections to Geometry. The study of functions, equations and their relationships is central to all of mathematics and further pursued in this course. Students continually use problem-solving, language and communication, and reasoning to make these connections within and outside of mathematics. Back to flow chart Required course for distinguished and recommended diploma plans See Algebra II Pre-AP/IB slide before deciding which course is right for you
Problems I should be able to Solve with little or no review
Algebra ll Pre-AP/IB Grade: MA2A2A / MA2A2B Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra l and Geometry Algebra ll PAP/IB covers the same topics as Algebra ll with an increased emphasis on complex problems, applications, and higher level thinking skills. The content goes deeper into understanding each of the topics and being able to apply and justify in a multi-step format. The student must abide by AHS registration and drop policies. Back to flow chart Algebra II (on-level or Pre-AP/IB) is a required course for distinguished and recommended diploma plans. Students who did very well in Algebra 1 tend to be successful in this course. Your grade in Geometry does not have a direct correlation to predict success. Students choosing Algebra II Pre-AP/IB should have a strong work ethic, be motivated, able to transfer previously learned material and willing to ask for help. Based on a 4.5 weighted GPA Click here to see Problems I should be able to Solve with little or no review
Continuation of topics learned in Algebra II
Algebra lll Grade: 12 MA1A3A / MA1A3B Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra I , Geometry, and Algebra ll Major topics of study: operations with real and complex numbers, exponents and radicals; solutions of equations: rational, quadratic, polynomial with practical applications; solutions of systems of equations and inequalities; functions; sequences and series. Algebra lll is designed for students who need more experience with algebra before taking Pre-Calculus or College Algebra. Back to flow chart Continuation of topics learned in Algebra II Designed to strengthen algebra skills and prepare students for college algebra
Back to flow chart Pre-Calculus Grade: 10-12 MA1PCA / MA1PCB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Geometry and Algebra ll Pre-Calculus allows students to use symbolic reasoning and analytical methods to represent mathematical situations, to express generalizations and to study mathematical concepts and the relationships among them. Students use functions, equations, and limits as useful tools for expressing generalizations and as a means for analyzing and understanding mathematical relationships. Students will further their studies of Algebra, discover and apply trigonometric properties, and prepare for concepts taught in calculus Students looking for a challenge, and that intend on taking further math (in high school or college) should consider this course Strong algebraic skills and mastery of Algebra II concepts is essential See Pre-Calculus Pre-AP slide before deciding which course is right for you
A strong algebraic background is required Based on a 4.5 weighted GPA
Back to flow chart Pre-Calculus Pre-AP Grade: 10-12 MA2PCA / MA2PCB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra ll Pre-Calculus Pre-AP covers the same topics as Pre-Calculus; however, more emphasis is placed on theoretical demonstrations and broader applications. The student must abide by AHS registration and drop policies. Recommended for students considering math, science or engineering majors Students will further their studies of Algebra, discover and apply trigonometric properties, and prepare for concepts taught in calculus Students choosing Pre-Calculus Pre-AP should have a strong work ethic, be motivated, able to transfer previously learned material and willing to ask for help. A strong algebraic background is required Based on a 4.5 weighted GPA
Calculus Grade: 11-12 MA1CAA / MA1CAB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus This is not an AP course. Students successfully completing this course receive Pre-AP/IB weighted GPA. Calculus builds upon the study of mathematical properties, graphs of functions, as well as limits, derivatives and integrals. Back to flow chart Course is geared toward students that struggled in Pre-Calculus, but still want the calculus experience Calculus concepts are covered at a slower pace and in less depth than AP Calculus College credit is not given for this course, but it will help students be more successful in college calculus Please see descriptions of all calculus courses before making your decision
Logical course to follow Pre-Calculus Pre-AP
Back to flow chart AP Calculus AB Grade: 11-12 MA3CAA / MA3CAB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB is a college level course. It is primarily concerned with developing the students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus and providing experience with its methods and applications. The course emphasizes a multi-representational approach to calculus , with concepts, results and problems being expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. These topics are the focus of the AP exam questions. The student must abide by AHS registration and drop policies. Students are expected to take the AP exam in May. Logical course to follow Pre-Calculus Pre-AP Students should expect to spend the same amount of time to earn the same grade in Pre-Calculus Pre-AP College level course Students can earn up to 5 hours of college credit if successful on the AP exam in May Based on 5.0 weighted GPA Please see descriptions of all calculus courses before making your decision
Please see descriptions of all calculus courses before making decision
Back to flow chart AP Calculus BC Grade 11-12 MA3CBA / MA3CBB Credit: 1 Prerequisite : Pre-Calculus AP Calculus BC is an extension of AP Calculus AB. Common topics require a similar depth of understanding. Included among the extensions in Calculus BC are the study of infinite series and the study of the calculus of vector-valued functions. This course will include review of Statistics, Pre-Calculus, and AP Calculus BC in preparation for the AP Calculus BC Math exam. The student must abide by AHS registration and drop policies. Students are expected to take the AP exam in May. Course covers the first two semesters of college Calculus in the same amount of time AB Calculus covers one semester of material Recommended for students that truly enjoy math and seriously plan on majoring in math, engineering or science in college Students can earn up to 10 hours of college credit if successful on the AP exam in May Students gain no advantage to GPA or class rank by taking BC over AB Calculus Based on 5.0 weighted GPA Please see descriptions of all calculus courses before making decision
Statistics is a growing requirement for many majors in college
AP Probability and Statistics Grade: 11-12 MA3STA / MA3STB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus This course is designed to expose the students to four broad conceptual statistical themes: Exploring Data, Sampling and Experimentation of Data, Anticipating Patterns, and Statistical Inference. These topics listed are the focus of the AP exam questions. The student must abide by AHS registration and drop policies. Students are expected to take the AP exam in May. Back to flow chart Statistics is a growing requirement for many majors in college Students will learn methods for gathering and analyzing data, experimental design, probability and statistical inference During the statistical inference section of the course, students will enjoy projects some of which involve food A great alternative to the typical math course Students may earn up to 3 hours of college credit if successful on the AP exam in May Based on 5.0 weighted GPA
Pre - IB Math Standard Level Grade: 11
MA4S1A / MA4S1B (Replacing IB MATH SL 1) Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra l, Geometry, and Algebra II This course is the first year of a two year course of study for students who already possess knowledge of basic mathematical concepts, and who are equipped with the skills needed to apply algebraic and geometric techniques correctly. The course focuses on introducing important mathematical concepts through the development of mathematical techniques. Students will apply the mathematical knowledge they have acquired to solve realistic problems in a written assessment that will be part of the compiled IB exam taken at the end of the second year. The topics of study in year one are: vectors, probability, statistics, functions and differential calculus.. Back to flow chart Two year math course commitment (students MUST take IB Math Standard Level 2) Students should possess knowledge of algebraic and geometric math concepts and be able to apply them to solve realistic problems Great math class for students planning on majoring in subjects that require some math like business, psychology, and non-math based sciences such as biology. Based on a 4.5 weighted GPA
Continuation of Pre - IB Math Standard Level
Back to flow chart IB Math Standard Level Grade: 12 MA4S2A / MA4S2B Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Standard Level 1 This course is a continuation of IB Math Standard Level 1. The topics of study in year two are: matrices, trigonometry, differential and integral calculus. The students will complete their internal assessments and prepare for the IB exam given in May. The student must abide by AHS registration and drop policies. Students are expected to take the IB exam in May. Continuation of Pre - IB Math Standard Level Students will take the IB exam during this course Based on a 5.0 weighted GPA
Students must take BOTH courses
Back to flow chart College Algebra / Plane Trigonometry Grade: 12 MA5CAA / MA5CAB (Collin College – Dual Credit) See Collin College Admissions Policy Both courses must be taken (.5 credit each) College Algebra: Relations and functions: linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and inverse functions, composition of functions, absolute value, theory and systems of equations, complex numbers, matrices, sequences and the binomial theorem. Graphing calculator required. Plane Trigonometry: Angular measure, functions of angles, identities, solution of triangles, equations, inverse trigonometric functions, complex numbers and polar coordinates. Graphing calculator required. Students must take BOTH courses Students must meet Collin College admission standards If successful, students will earn 6 hours of college math credit while earning one year of high school math credit Please visit Melissa Blank in the College and Career Center for more information
Main focus of course will be on statistics
Back to flow chart Quantitative Reasoning (Statistics) Grade: 12 MA1QRA / MA1QRB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra I , Geometry, and Algebra ll In Quantitative Reasoning (AQR), students continue to build upon their Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II foundations as they expand their understanding through further mathematical experiences. AQR includes the analysis of information using statistical methods and probability, modeling change and mathematical relationships, and spatial and geometric modeling for mathematical reasoning. Students learn to become critical consumers of real-world quantitative data, developing critical skills for success in college and future careers. Main focus of course will be on statistics Project and experiment based Great alternative for students looking for a 4th year of math that is not based solely on algebra
One year math course based on a 5.0 GPA
IB Math Studies Grade: 11-12 MA4MSA / MA4MSB Credit: 1 Prerequisite: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II The math Studies SL course gives a sampling of several math topics that are offered in college. These include, but are not limited to, the history of mathematics, trigonometry, statistics, number theory, and calculus,. The course is offered to students with varied backgrounds and abilities. It is designed to build confidence and encourage an appreciation of mathematics in students, some of whom do not anticipate a need for mathematics in their future studies. The key objective of this course is to introduce students to mathematical concepts and principles through the development of various techniques, allowing for the possibilities of the practical and real-world application of the subject. Assessments will include the following items: class work exercises, homework assignments, quizzes, exams, class projects, midterm and final exams. A key component of the mathematics studies course will be the IB project, in which the student will produce a piece of written work based on personal research that is guided and supervised by the teacher and cumulative written exam. Back to flow chart One year math course based on a 5.0 GPA Will fulfill the math component needed for IB diploma; however, the course is open to all seniors that have completed Algebra II. (Juniors must be full IB diploma candidates.) Full IB candidates must complete the IB project and 2 external cumulative assessments The workload and commitment for this course will be the same as other IB courses
Allen High School offers a much wider variety of math classes than most high schools. You owe it to yourself to spend some time finding the math class that matches your skill level and interests. Good luck making your course selections. If you have more questions or are uncertain what class to take, speak to your counselor, math teacher, or a teacher who teaches the course to find out more information ! Click here to go to the beginning of the presentation
Problems I should be able to complete with very little review
Back to PAP Algebra 2 slide Back to Flow Chart Problems I should be able to complete with very little review Write an equation using three linear forms with a slope of 3 that intersects (2,5) : A. Slope-intercept B. Standard C. Point-slope Solve the system:
Geometry/Math Models Concurrent Enrollment
Due to current STAAR/EOC testing standards, students wishing to graduate on the recommended diploma plan will no longer be able to follow the path: Geometry Math Models Algebra II (sophomore year) (junior year) (senior year) Instead students will need to take Algebra II their junior year. To help students prepare for the jump from Geometry to Algebra II we are offering Math Models concurrently (to be taken at the same time) with Geometry during 10th grade. The intent of geometry/math models concurrent enrollment is to strengthen students’ math skills so they will have the best chance at success in Algebra II and beyond. Math Models taken concurrently with geometry will still count as a math credit. It is NOT a remediation class. Back to flow chart Back to Math Models slide
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