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TENER & HACER To express “TO BE”.

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Presentation on theme: "TENER & HACER To express “TO BE”."— Presentation transcript:

1 TENER & HACER To express “TO BE”

2 Fill-in-the-blank When “to be” means “to feel” and the subject is a person or an animal, “to be warm, cold,” etc., is expressed by using the verb tener.

3 Tener calor  to be warm or hot
Tener frío  to be cold

4 Tener hambre  to be hungry
Tener sed  to be thirsty

5 Tener sueño  to be sleepy

6 Tener pena  to be embarrassed
Tener vergüenza  to be ashamed or embarrassed

7 Tener miedo  to be afraid

8 There are other idioms that use the verb tener that you should know:
Tener ganas de  to feel like (doing something); to want to (do something ¿Qué tienes?  What’s the matter with you? Tener que + verb  to have to do something

9 Tener cuidado  to be careful

10 Tener prisa  to be in a hurry

11 . Tener … años  to be … years old. Tengo _____ años.

12 (No) Tener razón  to be right (wrong)

13 ¿Qué tiempo hace?  How’s the weather?
When “to be” describes the weather, most expressions use the verb hacer: ¿Qué tiempo hace?  How’s the weather? Hace buen (mal) tiempo.  the weather is nice (bad).

14 Hace (mucho) frío.  It’s (very) cold.
Hace (mucho) calor.  It’s (very) hot/warm. Hace fresco.  It’s cool (weather). Hace viento/sol.  It’s windy/sunny.

15 The weather is not described with the verb estar
*The weather is not described with the verb estar. This verb describes the condition of objects or people: El café está frío.  The coffee is cold. El niño está caliente. Tiene fiebre.  The child is hot. He has a fever.

16 REMINDER: “There is/are” is expressed with the verb Hay. The question “Is/Are there?” is expressed ¿Hay?.

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