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M5 Reading & Vocabulary.

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1 M5 Reading & Vocabulary

2 Metals Periodic Table of the Elements noble gases halogen non-metals

3 Metals around us Al (aluminium)+C… W Fe (ferrum/ iron)

4 K (potassium) Na (sodium) Ca (calcium)

5 Cu (copper) Mg (magnesium) Zn (zinc)

6 The best title The relationship: Uses & Reaction
Different metals have different uses, for example, steel is used in cars, and iron is used in electrical equipment. The best title The Different Uses of Metals The Reaction of Metals The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen The relationship: Uses & Reaction

7 Quick quiz: Mg、Al、Zn K、Ca、Na No, only partially. No, it doesn't.
1. Which metals react with the steam? 2. Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water? 3. Does iron react completely with water? 4. Does copper react with water? 5. What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen? Mg、Al、Zn K、Ca、Na No, only partially. No, it doesn't. It burns to form an oxide called CaO.

8 oxide Metal Heated in oxygen an oxide= another substance+oxygen
Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Copper K 普通:4K+O2=2K2O 充足空气:K+O2=KO2 Na 普通:2Na+O2=Na2O 充足空气:2Na+O2=Na2O2 2Ca+O2==2CaO Ca 2Mg+O MgO ―――― 点燃 Mg Al 4Al+3O2=2Al2O3 oxide Zn 2Zn+O ZnO ―――― 点燃 3Fe+2O Fe3O4(reacts slowly) ―――― 点燃 Fe 2Cu+O2==2CuO(partial reaction) Cu an oxide= another substance+oxygen

9 Reaction with water or steam
Metal Reaction with water or steam Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Copper K 2K+2H2O=2KOH+H2↑ Na 2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2↑ Ca Ca+2H2O=Ca(OH)2+H2↑ Mg Mg+H2O==MgO+H2↑ Al 2Al+3H2O==Al2O3+3H2↑ Zn Zn+H2O==ZnO+H2↑ 3Fe+4H2O==Fe3O4+4H2↑ Fe No reaction Cu

10 Describe the reaction Example: K Na Ca Mg Al Zn Fe Cu
1. When Potassium is heated in oxygen, it burns to form an oxide called K2O or KO2. 2. When Zinc reacts with steam, it forms ZnO and gives off H2. 普通:4K+O2=2K2O 充足空气:K+O2=KO2 Zn+H2O==ZnO+H2↑ K Na Ca Mg Al Zn Fe Cu

11 Stages of a Scientific Experiment
raise the question and the hypothesis have an aim use proper methods do the experiment observe the results draw the conclusion write experiment report

12 rust 3Fe+4H2O=Fe3O4+4H2↑ Step one: Set an Aim
To find out if iron rusts (a)in dry air; (b) in air-free water; (c) in ordinary water. rust What do we need to do this experiment?

13 Prepare the Apparatus Step two: iron nails test tube holder test tubes
Bunsen burner oil cotton wool

14 (Starting experiment)
Step three: Do the Experiment Iron in dry air Iron in air-free water Iron in ordinary water Stage A (Starting experiment) Stage B (1 week later) Stage C (Result) 1. oil layer 2. _______ 3. nails 1. ________ 2. nails cotton wool 1. _______ 2. nails water water 1. cotton wool 2. _______ 1. oil layer 2. water 3. nails 1. water 2. _______ water nails __________________ Iron doesn't rust. __________________ Iron doesn't rust. __________________ Iron rusts.

15 Draw a conclusion Describe the process Step four:
Iron rusts in ordinary water (with oxygen in it). Experiment 1: in dry air test tube, iron nails, cotton wool Experiment 2: in air-free water test tube, water, bunsen burner, iron nails, oil Experiment 3: in ordinary water test tube, iron nails, water Describe the process

16 Read the passage again and think about the following Qs:
1. Why should we leave the tube for one week? 2. What is the Bunsen burner used for? 3. Why could the oil float? 4. What is oil used for and why? Because iron rusts very slowly. It is used to boil the water, which makes sure there is no air in the water. Because oil is lighter than water. (lower density) It is used to keep air out of water. (It doesn't dissolve.)

17 Brainstorm What is the key point of this experiment?

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