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Communicate your project

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1 Communicate your project
Lead Partner Seminar, 25 March 2011

2 Communication Strategy Reporting and EU publicity requirements
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 Communication Strategy Reporting and EU publicity requirements 3. Conclusion

3 1. Communication Strategy
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 1. Communication Strategy Time / budget / staff Objectives Target groups Messages

4 Objectives: What is it that you want
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 Objectives: What is it that you want communication to do for your project? Change people’s behaviour or opinions? Raise awareness? Get decision makers support your project and change a policy? → communicate clearly with obj. in mind

5 Target Groups: who do you want to know about your project?
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 Target Groups: who do you want to know about your project? Who ? General public, local/reg./Nat. Authorities, Decision-makers, experts, etc. Prioritisation → communicate to clearly defined target groups

6 Communicate your project
Lille, 25 March 2011 Messages: a simple and clear idea that acts as a guiding principle for all kinds of communication What does your audience need to know to support you? 2-3 messages clear, concise & consistent → communicate few tailor-made key messages

7 1. Communication Strategy: Implementation
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 1. Communication Strategy: Implementation Activities: what for whom? When? What are the milestones? Tools: adapted to your target groups

8 2. Reporting & EU Publicity Requirements 2.1 Reporting to the JTS
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 2. Reporting & EU Publicity Requirements 2.1 Reporting to the JTS Progress reports every 6 months Feedback for improvement

9 2. Reporting & EU Publicity Requirements
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 2. Reporting & EU Publicity Requirements 2.2 Evaluation: Indicators in Progress Reports

10 Communicate your project
Lille, 25 March 2011 III. Monitoring of Qualitative Indicators Please fill in all values on the basis of joint evaluation within the partnership You will find further guidance in Guidance Note 14 GENERAL QUALITATIVE INDICATORS Qualitative indicators Score estimated in a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) Comments/Justification Level of cooperation and partnership building (experience/ knowledge transfer, trust, confidence, learning) 5 High level of trust and cooperation developed between the partners, between the partners and observers and with the JTS Project clustering activities (synergies with other projects, networks development, institutional linkages) 4 Networks are being developed with other projects focused on 50+ in both the private and public sector. The Lead partner through the project director is playing a strong ambassadorial role at European level while each partner and observer is promoting the networks at national level. New ways of doing, thinking, working / new technologies Senior Enterprise is being perceived as highly innovative in its holistic approach to raising awareness of the opportunities for those aged 50+ to engage with enterprise Involvement of civil society, community, ethnic, rural/urban groups 3 This will further develop over the life of the project Involvement of privatesector This has started well with role model profiles are being developed and published on the website. The Senior Enterprise Association will provide a vehicle for those from the private sector to become involved to a greater extent in Senior Enterprise. Building on results of previous projects As outlined in Transnational Learning (Section 2.5) this has already started and will further develop over the life of the project.

11 2. Reporting & EU Publicity Requirements 2.3 Publicity requirements
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 2. Reporting & EU Publicity Requirements 2.3 Publicity requirements

12 EU Regulations in short
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 EU Regulations in short Beneficiary = all partners Inform the public about EU & INTERREG All partners informed about kind of funding (ERDF)

13 The Joint Signature Publications (booklets, leaflets, newsletters)
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 The Joint Signature Publications (booklets, leaflets, newsletters) Billboards and plaques when required (see: EC Regulation 1828/2006 and EC 846/2009 of 1st September 2009)

14 Communicate your project
Lille, 25 March 2011 The Graphics

15 Remember… You can download it from:
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 Remember… You can download it from: PDF is a professional format

16 What will be checked? Communicate your project
Lille, 25 March 2011 What will be checked? Does the project comply with EU regulations? (Adequate reference to Structural Funds) To what extent does communication contribute to raising awareness of transnational cooperation? Have specific indicators been set up to measure the effectiveness of communication activities? How do these indicators compare with objectives set in the communication plan?

17 Communicate your project
Lille, 25 March 2011 To remember… Failure to comply with the minimum requirements will result in project activities deemed ineligible for EU funding

18 3. Conclusions Stay in touch The JTS is here to help
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 3. Conclusions Stay in touch The JTS is here to help

19 We need to stay in contact
Communicate your project Lille, 25 March 2011 We need to stay in contact About your communication strategy About the news of your project About changes of Communication staff About news of the Programme: Com training in June, AE, Web news, etc.

20 We are there for you! Communicate your project Eva Martínez Orosa
Lille, 25 March 2011 We are there for you! Eva Martínez Orosa T. +33 (0) Sophie Delpierre T. +33 (0)

21 THANK YOU PAULA! THANK YOU ALL! Communicate your project
Lille, 25 March 2011 THANK YOU PAULA! THANK YOU ALL!

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