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Nutrient Abatement Erosion and sediment control and urban stormwater program and Flexible options for nutrient management – point source. Sandra Avendano,

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrient Abatement Erosion and sediment control and urban stormwater program and Flexible options for nutrient management – point source. Sandra Avendano,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrient Abatement Erosion and sediment control and urban stormwater program and Flexible options for nutrient management – point source. Sandra Avendano, Principal Policy Officer, Environmental Policy and Planning

2 ESC / USW Project Scope Environmental Protection Act 1994
Construction phase - erosion and sediment control Review technical guidelines Online tools and compliance material Engagement and Capacity Building – across QLD Strategy State Planning Policy 2014 Construction phase Review SPP Code: WQ Table A Post construction phase Develop additional guidance for flexible stormwater management – onsite & offsite Erosion and sediment control and stormwater management (EHP - Healthy Waterways and Catchments) Review/ renew Technical guidelines - HES Basin Guideline (with IECA) - Review EHP Procedural Guideline - Compliance Tools ESC Support material - Update techincal Fact Sheets

3 State Planning Policy 2014 (SPP): State Interests and Planning Making Policies
16 State Interests -including Water Quality

4 Our framework Applying and implementing the SPP…
“It encourages flexible and locally appropriate approaches to planning that reflect the state’s interests while meeting the needs and priorities of local government and their communities”. Page 6, State Planning Policy

5 Our focus: To provide additional guidance for State Interest – Water Quality policies: (4) adopting the applicable stormwater management design objectives relevant to the climatic region, outlined in Tables A and B (Appendix 3), or demonstrate current best practice environmental management for development that is for an urban purpose, and (5) facilitating innovative and locally appropriate solutions for urban stormwater management that achieve the relevant urban stormwater management design objectives.

6 Our approach Provide guidance on a suite of options for flexible stormwater management, for example: Onsite Offsite Mix of onsite and offsite Living Waterways Case studies Provide guidance on flexible stormwater management solutions (post-construction phase): reduce development infrastructure costs by promoting cost-effective and innovative infrastructure solutions Meet State Government’s interests that protect water – environmental values and the resource. Flexible Options Policy 4 Some concerns have been raised about what is meant by 'current best practice environmental management'. One example of a best practice environmental management approach is 'Living Waterways' which is an innovative approach designed to reduce costs and encourage outcomes that are socially, economically and environmentally sound. The Living Waterways framework could be adopted and piloted by councils as a locally appropriate approach which provides flexibility within a semi-structured framework. Policy 5 Examples will be provided of opportunities for achieving compliance with stormwater design objectives using a combination of on-site and off-site solutions. Key messages will include using a balance of on and off-site measures to achieve stormwater outcomes that are integrated and cost-effective. The examples will be drawn from Healthy Waterways Flexible Stormwater Management project (2015) and from Melbourne Water. The document will discuss considerations for local governments looking to develop an off-site solution scheme. This section will draw on information from other schemes as well as the discussion papers by Healthy Waterways. Key principles will be highlighted as well as the need for minimum on-site measures. Emphasis will be placed on the need for council-specific frameworks, adequate planning, piloting schemes, and monitoring and re-evaluation. Several case studies will be presented from Queensland and Victoria, highlighting other off-site solution schemes that are currently in use or being developed. The document will present an option whereby local governments could transfer the in-lieu fees to a 'Trust Fund', such as the Reef Bank, rather than developing a council-specific off-site solution scheme. There are currently discussions about creating a Trust in South East Queensland (SEQ) to improve the resilience of SEQ rivers, and their floodplains and catchments.

7 Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Sites
Capacity building Workshops along Qld Coast (+140 attendees) Compliance procedural guides ESC Factsheets Field days (180+ trained) Community of practice

8 Erosion and Sediment Control – New online tools
EHP Draft Compliance Procedural Guidelines available on the EHP’s website [ Online factsheets – Healthy Waterways Ltd

9 ESC Online Tool Kit Launch April 2016






15 Policy - Flexible options for managing point source water emissions: A voluntary market-based mechanism for nutrient management (2014) Applies to point source discharges – total nitrogen and phosphorous Outcome-based approach for water quality improvement within the same catchment/sub-catchment Possible actions: Under a ‘bubble license’ or agreement between two point sources reduction via diffuse source actions e.g. Riparian restoration, constructed wetlands, WSUD, fertilser and land management Projects to improve scientific evidence and inform future policy review

16 Questions? Thank you EHP Contacts - Environmental Policy and Planning
Sandra Avendano- Thank you

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