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NEO Hospital Pediatric TTX

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1 NEO Hospital Pediatric TTX


3 During a mass casualty event all hospitals, regardless or services they provide, might receive critically ill or injured pediatric patients


5 Disaster preparedness drills have not consistently included or addressed the pediatric population


7 Most disaster and emergency response plans have taken into account needs of adults.


9 This TTX was developed as an initial step to assist hospitals in preparing for needs of this special population.



12 Children have unique needs and vulnerabilities on every level
Physical Medical Psychological Emotional Social

13 To be properly prepared to respond, facilities should take these needs and vulnerabilities into account

14 Children are not simply small adults


16 Kids have unique characteristics
Developmental and cognitive levels of children may impede their ability to escape danger

17 Kids have unique charactoristics
Triage guidelines differ for children

18 Children require Appropriately sized equipment/supplies
Age & weight appropriate medications-including antibiotics and antidotes

19 Kids have unique characteristics
Higher respiratory rates per minute puts children at risk for greater exposure to aerosolized agents

20 Kids have unique characteristics
More permeable skin and larger skin surface to mass ratio increases children’s exposure risk to some agents


22 Kids have unique characteristics
Children have special susceptibilities to dehydration and shock

23 Kids have unique characteristics
Children have an increased vulnerability to the effects of radiation exposure, requiring a more vigorous medical response than adults

24 Kids have unique characteristics
Adult DECON units are not ideal for children More susceptible to hypothermia during the DECON process


26 Kids have unique characteristcs
Children with special health-care needs are particularly at risk if their survival depends upon medications or technology such as respirators


28 Kids have unique characteristics
May not be capable of giving a medical history, depending on age and cognitive development


30 Kids have unique characteristics
Limited coping and psychological resources

31 Kids have unique characteristics
Typically do not carry identification and may become separated from parents/caregivers

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