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Influence of learning resources on University education

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1 Influence of learning resources on University education
Innovative and Creative Education and Teaching International Conference (ICETIC 2017) Influence of learning resources on University education R. Maceiras, V. Alfonsin, C. Casqueiro, A. Suarez Escuela Naval Militar, Plaza de España 2, Marín, Spain OBJECTIVES The teachers’ efforts search to improve the students’ learning retention according to the Edgar Dale's Cone of Learning. This pyramid includes three stage: receiving, participating, learning by doing with different retention rates from 0 to 100%. The pyramid is based on learners retain more information on what they are doing if they themselves can “do” it compared to if they just hear it or see it. According to one of the principles in the selection and use of teaching strategies, the more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better the learning will be. In this work, four activities (knowledge pills, webquest, students’ response systems and e-learning platform) have been implemented in a subject of Engineering Degree at Spanish Naval Academy. The chosen subject was Science of Materials, and these resources were used during three academic courses. Furthermore, the comparison of the results with the academic course previous to the implementation of all these new technologies of learning is shown in this paper.

2 Influence of learning resources on University education
Innovative and Creative Education and Teaching International Conference (ICETIC 2017) Influence of learning resources on University education R. Maceiras, V. Alfonsin, C. Casqueiro, A. Suarez Escuela Naval Militar, Plaza de España 2, Marín, Spain EXPERIMENTAL In order to improve the learning of students in the subject, four kind of e-learning resources were experimented: webquest, knowledge pills, students’ response systems, and on-line questionnaire on an e-learning platform Webquest Students’ response system E-Learning platform Knowledge pills LEARNING

3 Influence of learning resources on University education
Innovative and Creative Education and Teaching International Conference (ICETIC 2017) Influence of learning resources on University education R. Maceiras, V. Alfonsin, C. Casqueiro, A. Suarez Escuela Naval Militar, Plaza de España 2, Marín, Spain RESULTS The influence of the activities on students’ learning process was determined and compared with the previous course where the learning activities were not implemented Image shows the percentage of approved students obtained by them in four different courses. The use of this type of activities improves the students’ retention, increasing the percentage of approved students. Also, it can be observed that the number of marks in the exams higher than 5 increased with the use of learning resources Comparing the last three courses where activities were carried out with the first course, it can be said that the percentage of approved increased slightly in the last years and the number of marks higher than 7 raised when the learning sources were applied

4 Influence of learning resources on University education
Innovative and Creative Education and Teaching International Conference (ICETIC 2017) Influence of learning resources on University education R. Maceiras, V. Alfonsin, C. Casqueiro, A. Suarez Escuela Naval Militar, Plaza de España 2, Marín, Spain CONCLUSIONS The obtained results in this research allow to conclude that the use of learning resources is suitable to improve the learning process at Universities. Using this type of activities, the lecturer can motive the students and it has been demonstrated that they improve the students’ retention, resulting in better qualifications. Many students do not use effective learning techniques but could use the more effective techniques without much effort, so teachers should be encouraged to more consistently (and explicitly) train students to use learning techniques as they are engaged in pursuing various instructional and learning goals.

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