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Invented bifocals, as well as swimming flippers, the rocking chair and proved that lightening was electricity. Benjamin Franklin.

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Presentation on theme: "Invented bifocals, as well as swimming flippers, the rocking chair and proved that lightening was electricity. Benjamin Franklin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invented bifocals, as well as swimming flippers, the rocking chair and proved that lightening was electricity. Benjamin Franklin

2 Invented the cotton gin, which separated the cotton fiber from the seeds. The machine did the work of 50 people. Eli Whitney John Deere

3 Invented the first American cast steel plow, which was very effective for cutting and turning the prairie soil. Invented the first incandescent lamp as well as the phonograph, & motion pictures. Thomas Edison

4 Alexander Graham Bell Invented the telephone, as well as the metal detector, hydrofoil, & even a device for detecting icebergs,

5 George Washington Carver
Scientist who developed over 300 different products from peanuts and over 100 products from sweet potatoes. Wright Brothers

6 Changed history by inventing the first propeller-driven airplane and making the first successful manned flight. Robert Fulton Invented the first American steam-driven paddle-wheel boat (steamboat) and the first steam warship.

7 Louis Pasteur This scientist developed the process called pasteurization, which killed the bacteria in milk and kept it from turning sour.

8 Henry Ford Garrett Morgan
Invented the first affordable automobiles, like the Model T, using the assembly-line method of manufacturing. Henry Ford Garrett Morgan

9 Invented the traffic signal and the first gas mask, both of which saved many lives
His invention of the first polio vaccine ended polio epidemics , saving thousands of children and adults from the crippling disease. Jonas Salk

10 Cyrus McCormick Inventor of the mechanical reaper, a labor-saving machine that harvested grain and led to increased agricultural production.

11 Joseph Glidden The inventor of the first reliable barbed wire, known as “the wire that tamed the west”.

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