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ARON DENSUŞIANU SCHOOL HAŢEG-ROMANIA ,,ROLLING STONE– traveler in the environment with geomythology viewing sustainability,, November.

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Presentation on theme: "ARON DENSUŞIANU SCHOOL HAŢEG-ROMANIA ,,ROLLING STONE– traveler in the environment with geomythology viewing sustainability,, November."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARON DENSUŞIANU SCHOOL HAŢEG-ROMANIA ,,ROLLING STONE– traveler in the environment with geomythology viewing sustainability,, November , 2016

2 …our country is part of Europe.
On the Globe... …our country is part of Europe.

3 So, people know us as ...Europeans

4 And here we are on the map of Romania…
...the Hunedoara County

5 A lot of places to see in our county:
Old Castles…

6 …holy monasteries

7 ...interesting archeological sites

8 …and many natural beauties

9 The town of Haţeg is almost in the middle of the county

10 Our part of the county is known as Haţeg Country.

11 In a great location, between the mountains, the town enchants you in any season

12 The main local attractions:
Dinosaurs’ Geopark

13 The bisons

14 The popular art

15 The Fortified Densuş Church

16 Our school…

17 A page of history Our school was named after a well-known scholar Aron Densusianu who was born and lived here more than 200 years ago. The pupils learn in a new school built 35 years ago.

18 First day of a new school year !
We are a school for all the children, a modern institution where all the children have equal chances to assert themselves.

19 Primary school

20 Secondary school

21 We learn together… ...for a better future.

22 We work together… ...for a healthy body.

23 We play together… ...for a joyful life.

24 We travel together… … to know new places.

25 We enjoy life together !


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