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Ruptured ectopic pregnancy

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1 Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Dr. Megha Jain University College of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, Delhi

2 Ectopic Pregnancy Definition: fertilized ovum is implanted and developes outside the normal uterine cavity. Incidence: 20 in 1000 pregnancies Responsible for 7% of all pregnancy related maternal deaths. Most common cause of death: hemorrhage(92%) Infection(3%) Embolism(3%) Anesthetic complication(1%) > 30% patients with ectopic suffer from infertility and 5-20% develop recurrent ectopic.

3 Etiology Factors preventing or delaying migration of fertilized ovum: PID Contraceptive failure - Tubal reconstructive surgery - ART(ovulation induction drugs) - Previous ectopic Prior induced abortion - Developmental defects of the tube

4 Types of Ectopic Implantation site Extrauterine Uterine
- tubal cervical - ovarian angular - abdominal cornual

5 Tubal Ectopic 1. Ampulla(64%) 2. Isthmus(25%) 3. Infudibulum(9%)
4. Interstitial(2%)

6 Clinical Presentation
Depends on gestational age, site of implantation and occurrence of hemorrhage Classical features of ruptured ectopic: - Short period of amenorrhea - Acute abdominal pain - Vaginal bleeding O/E - severe pallor - features of shock - tense and tender abdomen - uterus smaller than expected for dates - tender adnexal mass.

7 How to diagnose? Positive pregnancy test with absence of intrauterine gestational sac on USG Serum progesterone <5 ng/ml Serial beta HCG - ↓, plateau, show a subnormal rise Culdocentesis- aspiration of non clotting bloody fluid

8 Differential Diagnosis
Threatened, inevitable or incomplete abortion Acute appendicitis Perforated peptic ulcer Ruptured ovarian cyst Ovarian torsion Ruptured endometrial cyst

9 Management Laproscopy Resuscitation and laprotomy
Unruptured tubal ectopic Ruptured ectopic Expectant Medical/ Surgical mgmt Salpingectomy Pt. hemodynamically stable Patient in shock

10 Anesthetic management of ruptured ectopic
Two large gauge i/v cannula with RL Arrange blood and blood products Routine noninvasive monitoring, consideration of invasive hemodynamic monitoring(arterial line,CV line) Foleys catheterisation General anesthesia RSI with cricoid pressure

11 GA (contd….) Ketamine for induction(thiopentone or propofol if intravascular volume is restored) Succinylcholine for endotracheal intubation Maintenance with O2, N2O, volatile halogenated agent as tolerate Reversal of muscle relaxant and extubation when the patient is awake and responds to verbal commands.

12 References Obstetric Anesthesia- Principles and practice David H. Chestnut 3rd edition Anesthesia for Obstetrics- Shnider and Levinson’s 4th edition Miller’s Anesthesia- Ronald D. Miller 6th edition Textbook of obstetric anesthesia- Colli’s 5th edition Principles and practice of critical care in obstetrics – A.Bhattacharya,S.Ahuja,A.K.Saxena. International anesthesiology clinics-2005,vol.43,no.4. Textbook of obstetrics- D.C.Dutta 6th edition

13 Thank You

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