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ITU-T Study Group Chairmen and Vice-chairmen Training

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Presentation on theme: "ITU-T Study Group Chairmen and Vice-chairmen Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 ITU-T Study Group Chairmen and Vice-chairmen Training
Tatiana Kurakova Counsellor, TSB Study Groups Department ITU Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

2 Outline Governance and structure What Question is?
Role of chairmen, Rapporteurs, Editors Variety of groups Types of meeting document and their usage Focus Groups Final thoughts and good luck for 4 years! Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

3 Governance and structure
ITU Plenipotentiary Assemblies (PP) (every 4 years) WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION ASSEMBLY Workshops, Seminars, Symposia, … TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION ADVISORY GROUP JCA IPR ad hoc WORKING PARTY Q STUDY GROUP Focus Groups Consensus Q = Questions  Develop Recommendations JCA: Joint Coordination Activity TSB: Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (= ITU-T Secretariat) Note: Experts progressing the work of a Question are frequently referred to as “Rapporteur Group” (RG) Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

4 SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Question - Definition Question: Description of an area of work to be studied, normally leading to the production of one or more new or revised Recommendations Clause 1bis.4.1 of Resolution 1 (Hammamet, 2016) Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

5 Questions - establishment
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Questions - establishment Proposed Questions for all SGs are prepared by SGs and submitted to WTSA for consideration and approval Contribution 1 of each SG contains the text of Questions allocated to that SG New/revised Question can be proposed any time by contribution to SG meeting Approval normally considered at next SG meeting Procedures for Question approval and deletion, at or between WTSAs, are found in Res 1, clause 7 Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

6 Range of official roles - 1
Chairmen: SG, WP Variations: WP co-chairs Vice-chairmen: SG, WP Rapporteurs Variations: co-Rapporteurs, Associate Rapporteurs Liaison Rapporteur: one- or two-way Representatives of the SG elsewhere Representatives of other groups into the SG Not necessarily the same person (in particular for ISO/IEC) Editors (not codified) Other: EWM coodinator; Promotion officer; WS coordinator Vocabulary Rapporteur (Res.67/SCV) Vice versus Co-* choice between hierarchic or equal-footing Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

7 Range of official roles - 2
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Range of official roles - 2 Chairman and VC: Appointed by WTSA Proposed by Heads of Delegation with agreement of WTSA Term is 4-years until next WTSA or until TSAG changes the SG structure WP Chairman: Appointed by SG Chairman Advice, and in practice, agreement from SG SG VCs considered first but proven technical and managerial competence is key deciding factor Role is of equal importance to that of a VC Some WPs have co-chairs or vice chairs Term is normally until the next WTSA Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

8 Range of official roles - 3
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Range of official roles - 3 Rapporteur: Appointed by WP Chair, or SG Chair if Question reports to SG Agreed by WP (or SG) Technical expertise in the subject to be studied Term is normally for the 4-year study period until the next WTSA Can also have: Associate Rapporteur, Co-Rapporteur, Vocabulary Rapporteur, Liaison Rapporteur (also called liaison representative, liaison officer, etc.) Endorsed by WP (or SG) Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

9 Study group management
Res.1 clause 3 Normally understood as SG chair & VCs, WP chairs & VCs, plus SG Counsellor/Engineer + Assistant SG Officials: add Rapporteurs (and variants), liaison Rapporteurs Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

10 SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Role of SG chairman Plan and manage meetings Consult/Prepare agendas/Watch the time Ensure appropriate rules are applied and order is maintained Ensure everyone has a fair chance to express their views Manage list of speakers Keep discussion on point Closing the list Make proposals to progress the work Postpone or adjourn sessions (e.g., coffee break) Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

11 WP chairs and their responsibilites
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices WP chairs and their responsibilites Provide technical and administrative leadership Recognized as having a role of equal importance to that of a study group vice-chairman Organizes the WP meetings when it meets beyond SG meeting Prepares the reports for above meetings Prepares the WP reports for SG closing plenary Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

12 Rapporteur groups and Responsibilities of Rapporteur
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Rapporteur groups and Responsibilities of Rapporteur A Rapporteur is responsible for a Question, a part of a Question or multiple Questions Rapporteur Groups are open to the ITU-T membership, Associates, Academia Additionally: Rec ITU-T A.1, clause says that Chairmen of meetings can invite non-member experts to participate Most drafting of Recommendations takes place in RGs Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

13 Editors and their responsibilities
Appointed by Rapporteur with the agreement of the Rapporteurs Group Fine line to walk: editors while editors are not contributors – separation of roles Record the consensus points, maintain issues lists, etc Do not introduce your own ideas! Just edit per meeting decisions Res.1: 3.1 The study group chairmen perform the duties required of them within their study groups or within joint coordination activities. 3.3 The mandate of a vice‑chairman shall be to assist the chairman in matters relating to the management of the study group including substitution for the chairman at official ITU‑T meetings or replacement of the chairman should he or she be unable to continue with study group duties. Each working party chairman provides technical and administrative leadership and should be recognized as having a role of equal importance to that of the study group vice‑chairman. Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

14 Variety of groups Study Groups: WTSA, TSAG
Res.1 §2 Study Groups: WTSA, TSAG Working parties, Rapporteur groups: SG Regional groups: SG Focus Groups: SG, TSAG JCAs: SG, TSAG JRG groups: SGs concerned CT (specific to ISO/ITU collaboration) Other groups 2.1 Classification of study groups and their relevant groups 2.1.1 WTSA establishes study groups in order for each of them: a) to pursue the goals laid down in a set of Questions related to a particular area of study in a task-oriented fashion; b) to review and, as necessary, to recommend amendment or deletion of existing Recommendations and definitions within its general area of responsibility (as defined by WTSA), in collaboration with their relevant groups as appropriate. 2.1.2 To facilitate their work, study groups may set up working parties, joint working parties and rapporteur groups to deal with the tasks assigned to them. 2.1.3 A joint working party shall submit draft Recommendations to its lead study group. 2.1.4 A regional group may be established within a study group to deal with Questions and studies of particular interest to a group of Member States and Sector Members in an ITU region . 2.1.5 A study group may be set up by WTSA in order to carry out joint studies with the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) and prepare draft Recommendations on questions of common interest. ITU-T shall be responsible for the management of this study group and approval of its Recommendations. WTSA shall appoint the chairman and vice‑chairman of the study group[1], in consultation with the Radiocommunication Assembly as appropriate, and receive the formal report of the work of the study group. A report for information may also be prepared for the Radiocommunication Assembly. 2.1.6 A study group may be designated by WTSA or TSAG as the lead study group for ITU‑T studies forming a defined programme of work involving a number of study groups. This lead study group is responsible for the study of the appropriate core Questions. In addition, in consultation with the relevant study groups and in collaboration, where appropriate, with other standards bodies, the lead study group has the responsibility to define and maintain the overall framework and to coordinate, assign (recognizing the mandates of the study groups) and prioritize the studies to be done by the study groups, and to ensure the preparation of consistent, complete and timely Recommendations. The lead study group shall inform TSAG on the progress of the work as defined in the scope of the lead study group activity. Issues which cannot be resolved by the study group should be raised for TSAG to offer advice and proposals for the direction of the work. [1] In special cases, WTSA may appoint the chairman and request the Radiocommunication Assembly to appoint a vice‑chairman. Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

15 SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Input Documents Contributions are submitted by: MS, SM, Associate, Academia (membership and participants only) Numbered sequentially throughout the study period in a SG series All other inputs are TDs From SG officials, secretariat, incoming liaison statements Numbered sequentially throughout the study period Can be in multiple series within a SG, e.g., by WP Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

16 SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Other Documents Documents generated during a meeting may be TDs Reports Numbered sequentially in a SG series Prepared by TSB, usually in conjunction with SG leadership and group chairmen Working documents No life outside of meeting; not archived Rapporteur group documents Can be numbered as decided by RG Archived after each RG meeting Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

17 Focus Groups (Rec. ITU-T A.7)
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Focus Groups (Rec. ITU-T A.7) Created to study a well-focused topic, under clear Terms of Reference (ToR), and report findings to its parent group Can be created by TSAG or by a SG if the topic is within the mandate of that one SG Non-members can participate (except on ITU-T strategic, structural or operational matters) if from an ITU Member State For topics not clearly within the mandate of a single SG, TSAG and cross-SG management consultation is required to establish a FG Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

18 SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices
Final thoughts Power of the Chair: Creation of the right environment to enable agreements Goal of good chairmen Everyone goes home claiming victory Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

19 Thank you! Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams
Hammamet, 4 November 2016

20 Acronyms CT Collaborative Team FG Focus Group IFA Informal FTP Area
IPR Intellectual Property Rights JCA Joint Coordination Activity MS Member State RG Rapporteur Group Res Resolution SG Study Group SM Sector Member WP Working Party Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

21 Chairman’s powers* (GR11, 17)
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Chairman’s powers* (GR11, 17) Open and close the meetings Direct the deliberations Ensure that the rules of procedure are applied Give the floor to speakers “Put questions to the vote” and announce the decisions adopted Responsible for the general direction of all the work of the meeting Ensure that order is maintained at meetings Rule on motions of order and points of order Empowered to close the lists of speakers and to propose that discussion on a question be postponed or closed, or that a meeting be suspended or adjourned Postpone the convening of a plenary meeting Protect the right of each delegation to express its opinion freely and fully on the point at issue Ensure that discussion is limited to the point at issue, and may interrupt any speaker who departs therefrom request such speakers to confine their remarks to the subject under discussion Submit proposals likely to accelerate the debates Decide whether proposals during discussions be presented orally or in writing * Extensible as appropriate to chairs of other groups under the SG Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

22 Other responsibilities of Study Group Chairman
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Other responsibilities of Study Group Chairman Attend SG Chairmen’s meetings that precede TSAG meetings Attend TSAG Participate in the SG Chairmen’s conference calls (every 2-3 months) Preparation and chairing rotates amongst the TSAG/SG chairmen Represent SG and/or ITU at events Joint meetings of ITU & other SDOs (GSC, IETF, ISO/IEC JTC1, etc) Workshops, other meetings Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

23 Coordination within ITU
SG and TSAG Leadership Tutorial Work Methods & Best Practices Coordination within ITU Coordination among ITU-T SGs JCA, GSI Collocated meetings, e.g., SG11 & SG13 Liaison statements Liaison representatives Joint Rapporteur Groups (rare) Joint Working Parties (rare) ITU-R/ITU-T/ITU-D cooperation, joint groups, collaboration (Resolution 18) New possibility of Inter-Sector Rapporteur Groups approved by WTSA-12 Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016 10-11 Jan 2013, Geneva

24 Joint Coordination Activities
Rec.A.1, clause 2.2 Multi-purpose Need to address a broad subject covering the area of competence of more than one study group Does not perform technical work Representatives from within and outside ITU-T (as needed) Proposed by SG or TSAG Approved by SG: subject under its mandate Approved by TSAG: various SGs are concerned 2.2 Joint coordination activities (JCAs) 2.2.1 A joint coordination activity (JCA) is a tool for management of the work programme of ITU-T when there is a need to address a broad subject covering the area of competence of more than one study group. A JCA may help to coordinate the planned work effort in terms of subject matter, time-frames for meetings, collocated meetings where necessary and publication goals including, where appropriate, release planning of the resulting Recommendations. The establishment of a JCA aims mainly at improving coordination and planning. The work itself will continue to be conducted by the relevant study groups and the results are subject to the normal approval processes within each study group. A JCA may identify technical and strategic issues within the scope of its coordination role, but will not perform technical studies nor write Recommendations. A JCA may also address coordination of activities with recognized standards development organizations (SDOs) and forums, including periodic discussion of work plans and schedules of deliverables. The study groups take JCA suggestions into consideration as they carry out their work. 2.2.2 Any group (study group or TSAG) may propose that a JCA be established. The proposal to establish a JCA should first be discussed within the proposing group's management team, then among the relevant study group chairmen and the TSAG chairman. Discussions may be held with external SDOs and forum leaders. If the study group proposing the establishment of the JCA has been designated as the lead study group by WTSA or TSAG according to Section 2 of WTSA Resolution 1, and if the subject is under their responsibility and mandate as described in WTSA Resolution 2, then a study group may establish a JCA on its own authority. If a study group meeting is pending within the next eight weeks, then an electronic notification[1]proposing the JCA, including the terms of reference (including scope, objectives and anticipated lifetime) and the chairman, is published four weeks prior to the study group meeting, giving opportunity for the membership to give their position at the meeting. If this is done at least four weeks prior to the study group meeting, following the resolution of any comments, the JCA may be established by the study group by consensus at its meeting. If a study group meeting is not pending within the next eight weeks, then an electronic notification as above is sent for the membership to give their position by electronic response. If the notification is sent less than four weeks before the study group meeting, no decision is taken at the study group meeting; the decision may be taken four weeks after the notification, excluding the meeting time. If necessary, the proposal is adjusted taking into consideration comments received and made available to the study group electronically for decision with a further four-week interval. If there are no substantive comments, the JCA is considered approved. TSAG will be informed for review, possible comment, and endorsement. TSAG may consider the terms of reference of the JCA in the context of the overall work programme of ITU-T and may provide comments to modify the terms of reference. Where the lead study group has not yet been designated by WTSA or TSAG for the subject, or where the subject for the JCA is a broad subject potentially falling under the responsibility and mandate of a number of study groups as described in WTSA Resolution 2, then the proposal has to be made available to the membership for consideration. If a TSAG meeting is pending within the next eight weeks, then an electronic notification[2]proposing the JCA, including the terms of reference (including scope, objectives and anticipated lifetime) and the chairman, is published four weeks prior to the TSAG meeting, giving opportunity for the membership to give their position at the meeting. If this is done at least four weeks prior to the TSAG meeting, following the resolution of any comments, the JCA may be established by TSAG by consensus at its meeting. If a TSAG meeting is not pending within the next eight weeks, then an electronic notification as above is sent for the membership to give their position by electronic response. If the notification is sent less than four weeks before the TSAG meeting, no decision is taken at the TSAG meeting; the decision may be taken four weeks after the notification, excluding the meeting time. If necessary, the proposal is adjusted taking into consideration comments received and made available to the membership electronically for decision with a further four-week interval. If there are no substantive comments, the JCA is considered approved. The decision includes the designation of the group responsible (a study group or TSAG), the terms of reference (including scope, objectives and anticipated lifetime) and the chairman. Figure 2-1 provides a schematic of the alternatives in proposing and approving the creation of a JCA. Figure 2-1  Alternatives in proposing and approving the creation of a JCA 2.2.3 JCAs are open, but (to restrict their size) should primarily be limited to official representatives from the relevant study groups which are responsible for work covered by the scope of the JCA. A JCA may also include invited experts and invited representatives of other SDOs and forums as appropriate. All participants should confine inputs to a JCA to the purpose of the JCA. 2.2.4 The establishment of a JCA is to be announced in a TSB circular, which should include the terms of reference of the JCA, the chairman of the JCA, and the study group responsible for the JCA. 2.2.5 JCAs should work primarily by correspondence and electronic meetings. Any physical meeting considered necessary should be convened by the chairman of the JCA. Physical meetings should be supported by conferencing capabilities where possible, and both physical and electronic meetings should be scheduled as far as practicable at times that will provide maximum opportunity for broad participation. It is anticipated that physical meetings will be in conjunction with the involved study group meetings (in which case it is reflected in the collective letter for that study group) as far as practicable, but if a separate meeting is to be held, it is to be announced at least 4 weeks in advance by an (electronic) collective invitation letter. 2.2.6 Inputs to the work of a JCA should be sent to the JCA chairman and to the concerned TSB counsellor, who will make these available to the members of the JCA. 2.2.7 JCAs may submit proposals to the relevant study groups to achieve alignment in the development of related Recommendations and other deliverables by the respective study groups. A JCA may also issue liaison statements. 2.2.8 JCA input and output documents and reports are made available to the ITU-T membership. Reports are issued after each JCA meeting. TSAG may monitor JCA activities through these reports. 2.2.9 TSB will provide support for a JCA, within available resource limits. A JCA may be terminated at any time if the involved study groups agree that the JCA is no longer required. A proposal to do so, including justification, may be submitted by any study group involved or by TSAG, and examined for decision by the study group responsible for the JCA, after consulting the involved study groups and TSAG (via electronic means if a TSAG meeting is not pending in the near future). A JCA may continue across a WTSA but will automatically be reviewed at the first TSAG meeting following the WTSA. A specific decision must be taken on the continuation of the JCA, potentially with adjusted terms of reference. [1] This electronic notification should be sent to the general reflector for the proposing study group and should also be a temporary document to the next meeting of the study group. [2] This electronic notification should be sent to the general reflector for the potentially involved study groups and TSAG and should also be a temporary document to the next meeting of TSAG. Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

25 Other Responsibilities of Rapporteurs
Responsible for the quality of their texts Delegation to editors does not relinquish the responsibility Progress on the basis of written contributions Establish and update the Question’s work programme A.1: Rapporteurs are responsible for the quality of their texts, submitted by the study group for publication. They shall be involved in the final review of that text prior to it being submitted to the publication process. This responsibility extends only to text in the original language and should take into account applicable time constraints. (See Recommendation ITU-T A.11 on publication of ITU‑T Recommendations.) Rapporteurs should normally base any draft new or substantially revised Recommendations on written contribution(s) from ITU‑T members. Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Hammamet, 4 November 2016

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