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MKTG 303: Advertising and Promotion Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program November 3, 2009 Zeynep Gürhan-Canlı.

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Presentation on theme: "MKTG 303: Advertising and Promotion Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program November 3, 2009 Zeynep Gürhan-Canlı."— Presentation transcript:

1 MKTG 303: Advertising and Promotion Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program November 3, 2009 Zeynep Gürhan-Canlı

2 Evaluating Overall Health of a Company
Market share Level of innovation Productivity Physical and financial resources Profitability Manager performance and attitude Employee performance and attitude Social responsibility

3 Evaluation of Promotions
Message evaluations Respondent behavior evaluations

4 Message Evaluation Techniques
Concept testing Copytesting Recall tests Recognition tests Attitude and opinion tests Emotional reaction tests Physiological tests Persuasion analysis

5 Concept Testing Prior to ad development
Average cost of 30-second ad is $358,000 Focus groups Concept testing instruments Comprehension tests Reaction tests

6 Copytesting Finished or in final stages Methods Portfolio test
Theater test Focus groups Mall intercept

7 Recall Tests Day-after-recall (DAR) Unaided recall Aided recall
Incorrect answers Used primarily after ads launched

8 Items Tested for Recall
Product name or brand Firm name Company location Theme music Spokesperson Tagline Incentive being offered Product attributes Marketing/advertising selling point

9 Recognition Tests Respondents shown piece Good for measuring
Reaction Comprehension Likeability Often used with recall tests

10 Recognition Tests Expression of person’s interest
Ad liked  75% Ad interesting  50% Brand used  50% Affected by ad size, color, length Scores do not decline over time

11 Attitude and Opinion Tests
Closed-ended questions Open-ended questions

12 Emotional Reaction Tests
Affective advertisements. Used for material designed to impact emotions. Difficult to measure emotions with questions. Warmth monitor Emotional reaction tests are self-reported instruments.

13 Physiological Arousal Tests
Fluctuations in a person’s body. Psychogalvonmenter – sweat Pupillometric test – pupils of eyes Psychophysiology – brain waves Cannot be faked easily

14 Persuasion Analysis Appraise persuasiveness of a marketing item.
Requires a pre- and post-test.

15 Behavioral Measures Sales Response rates Redemption rates Test markets
Purchase simulation tests

16 Sales and Response Rates
UPC codes Scanner data Retailers Manufacturers Changes in sales

17 Evaluating Public Relations
Number of clippings Number of impressions Advertising equivalence Comparison to PR objectives

18 Difficulties in Evaluating Advertising
Influence of other factors. Delayed impact. Consumers change their minds at the store. Evoked set of consumers. Goal of ad may not be to increase sales or solicit a specific behavior.

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